SAUSD hires a CAPO reject to oversee the new bond

“The Santa Ana Unified School District Board of Education has approved the appointment of Joe Dixon to the Assistant Superintendent of Facilities and Governmental Relations post overseeing the recently updated District facilities master plan designed to improve the quality of schools and relieve critically overcrowded classrooms,” according to the SAUSD website.

This is the same guy who built that “Taj Mahal” down in the Capistrano Unified School District – and ran up all those cost overruns that broke the CAPO budget! I would hate to think that SAUSD is running around picking up everyone else’s rejects. That would however be par for the course for the SAUSD.

Here are some more excerpts from the SAUSD press release:

Dixon will also have purview over the $200 million general obligation bond the District will place on the June 3, 2008, election ballot for voter approval.

Prior to joining Santa Ana Unified, Dixon was Executive Director II – Facilities Services at Capistrano Unified School District in San Juan Capistrano, Calif., where he was employed since 1984. In this capacity he was responsible for facility planning, construction, modernization, maintenance, operations and transportation functions.

Dixon received his Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from the University of Phoenix in 1988, and a School Business Management Certificate from California State University, Fullerton in 1999.

This guy has NO education in construction! And no Master’s degree. SAUSD loves to hire and overpay undereducated managers who don’t know what they are doing (think Jane Russo). This bodes ill for the new bond…

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.