We tried to warn you back in July. Did you listen? Probably not. Conservative commentator and celebrity Stephen Colbert took up the United Farmworkers on a dare and agreed to work in the fields with them for a day. The result of that is today’s Congressional testimony:
This was Los Angeles, also as of 3:47 p.m. today, which I presume was not the final count. (But I…
Hey Vern…when’s this blog going to have something to say about Loretta Sanchez’ racist remarks about the Vietnamese in “her” District??
Apparently you just did. Thank you!
I’m not feeling good about those remarks of Loretta’s. I think it was bad Spanish. That’s all I have to say right now. Apart from the fact that she has always been great advocate for Vietnamese Americans.
Actually I’d like to get her on our show to explain herself. That could be just perfect.
Uhmm, can somebody define for me what is meant by a “vietnamese,” a “mexican,” or an african american?” Isn’t the point that we NOT use race as a discriminatory factor? But it is OK to use it when we are trying to puff up our preferred race? Funny how politics is one of the few places you can throw around this kind of language and get away with it. Colbert is making fun of the whole system of cataloguing race and country of origin.
I like your post Mr. Willis! Very smart and OMG completely laced with COMMON SENSE!
How about the TOTAL lack of coverage regarding the several thousand dollars of campaign contributions given to Santa Ana City Council members Sal Tinajero and Michele Martinez by real-estate developers and brokers who later won key roles in a major redevelopment project?
NOTHING, NADA, ZIP. Vern is too busy biting Mansoor’s ankles, and posting this drivel. I guess legitimate corruption in Santa Ana City Hall hits too close to home for the OJ.
Guess what, Vern, Lofgren’s Committee should be dealing with a very serious issue – illegal immigration, but has done NOTHING in 11 hearings and meetings. Their first witness is a comedian? How appropriate. You need to decide what role you’re going to play, Vern – court jester or serious blogger. Pick one soon, please.
Here here. I’ve been waiting on the Tinajero/Martinez story for a long time myself, but I’m not holding my breath.
It is “Hear, hear.” And writing about Santa Ana is above my pay grade.
That is because there is no story there. If you want to beat on them you will have to go to the Lib OC to do it.
Thanks for posting this. Very Colbert and very poignant!
Colbert uses humor to point out heartbreaking truth. The bigger picture eclipses individual cities (and political grubbing), and points our myopic focus towards this issue. Court jesters are the perfect foil to remind those in leadership that exploited people need a voice. Seems just bringing up the topic excites the judgmental Pharisees into attacking the messengers….
“that exploited people need a voice” Of course they need a voice and revolt against the tirany of their own country that make them to escape from there and land here in this wonderful country known as AMERICA!. or may be going back there is better,is it?.
That heart breaking truth is that they are picking tomatos in this country instead of their own!
But of course you THEOTHER like the cheap produce!
Wise up! The gig is up!
There are people in this country who have been out of work for a year or so! So really the bloody congress needs to be listening to the concerns of American citizens ABOUT American citizens and let Mexico deal with its own pickers and economy!
So today, Rep Conyers is calling Colbert’s testiony Embarrassing and innapropriate………………
This coming from a Man whose wife is serving time in FEDERAL PRISON for bribery!
The joke is on us, for continuing to blindly vote and support these yahoos.
Remember, it’s not the Law makers who legislate, it’s thier twenty year old law clerk aides.
Cruis Sacramento, Austin or DC sometimes.