Trannies gone wild on the Mexican border

The collection of YouTube videos that our blogger Claudio Gallegos stumbled upon, which I think were shot by Truong Diep, a Trannie, are priceless. In the collection are a series of videos of the Trannies and their allies as they visit the U.S./Mexican border. In the clip below you can see Andy Quach, of the Westminster City Council, as he is decked out in his “Neo” black trench coat. And look for supervisorial candidate “Ding Dong” Dina Nguyen. She flits in and out but appears to be wearing fatigues.

The main subjects are Assemblyman Van Tran and O.C. Register hack columnist Frank Mickadeit, who appears to be enthralled by Tran and his Trannies.

I find this footage to be incredibly offensive to Latinos. Who do these Trannies think they are? They were given red carpet treatment when their parents and grandparents were unable to hang on to their country. Today all of them are making ample use of government benefits. But they scorn the hard-working Mexican immigrants who are fleeing for a better life, just like the Vietnamese did back in the 1970’s. What a bunch of hypocrites. Shame on the O.C. Register for participating in this gross exercise.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.