Town Hall on Health Care
Come rally for REAL health care reform, hear from doctors, nurses, and special guests, watch the best of the Health Care for All Campaign, and tell YOUR stories. Learn why health care providers, teachers, seniors, labor and more groups support a single payer program.
- WHERE: Irvine United Congregational Church, 4915 Alton Parkway, Irvine, CA
- WHEN: Saturday October 2nd, 7pm to 9 pm (including refreshments)
- CONTACT: Jan Meslin, – or Marleen Gillespie, (949) 725-3692
FREE! Please join us and spread the word!!
The Mad As Hell Doctors road tour is a group of Oregon & Washington doctors in a motor home, expressing their indignation at public rallies, hearing peoples’ stories and pulling into Sacramento with a long caravan of cars behind them to demand that the Legislature enact a single payer plan for California.
Everybody In. Nobody Out.
Sponsoring organizations: PNHP (Physicians for a National Health Program), Health Care for All California, Orange County Chapter, PDA (Progressive Democrats of America), Health Care NW,, Single Payer Action, CNA (California Nurses Assn.), CARA (California Alliance. for Retired Americans), League of Women Voters Capistrano Bay Churches: Irvine United Congregational Church Advocates for Peace and Justice, Tapestry Unitarian Universalist Congregation Social Action, Orange Coast Unitarian Universalist Church Faith in Action Committee.
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More losers on parade!
Ah go back to yer Holy Coast. I think I hear the train coming, you’re gonna miss it!
You know what really bothers me about this video? The fact that it streams so perfectly. Why is that? Whose paying the bills or exerting the influence to make sure this video streams with no interruptions, no gaps, no hiccups whatsoever? In the real world, videos don’t work this way unless somebody is exerting a tremendous influence over the airwaves to make sure we get this entire video uninterrupted. I don’t know any poor doctors, do you? To me, this is just more shifting of the blame….more human nature.
Why did it take Obama pushing for health care reform for everyone to come up with these explanations and answers? Would any of these people be saying what they are saying now if he hadn’t pushed for reform? Doubtful. I don’t care how much smiling and soft music you put behind this, I don’t think anyone is going to give up their fistful of dollars unless they are forced to…and the death and deprivation of thousands or millions of Americans does not faze greed…it merely inconveniences it…momentarily….until it finds a way to make money on it.
Not sure what you’re saying, Anne, if we’re on the same page or not, but you should know that these doctors – and myself, as Orange County chapter leader of Health Care For All California from around 2005-8 – and many, many other activists – have been pushing for single-payer health care for years. Some of my friends for decades.
This Obamacare, well, we’re trying to see the silver lining to it. Is it halfway to the reform we want? A quarter way? Not even. It’s barely measurable. Maybe it is the best that could get through this Congress, they sure seemed to try hard. It does have some reforms in it that will save lives and improve lives, so I’m not going to trash it.