After months of wondering how Anaheim’s Mayor-for-Hire, Curt Pringle could get away with pushing through his high speed choo-choo on the folks of Buena Park, Fullerton, Anaheim, Orange County and all of California, I discovered a legal opinion from Legislative Counsel addressed to the Secretary of the State Senate that unequivocally opines that Pringle holds incompatible offices as Chairman of the California High Speed rail Authority, while simultaneously representing the City of Anaheim and the Orange County Transit Authority. He is breaking the law.
Perhaps of Interest -
Tony doesn’t know what he’s talking about. A Leg Counsel opinion is worthless and no court in the state will give it deference, nor will the Attorney General. Most of those opinions are written to be result oriented. I wonder which legislator asked for the opinion.
If Tony wants to put his money where his mouth is, once the AG rejects the quo warranto request he will file the suit at his own expense.
For what its worth, there are two types of incompatible office – statutory and common law. Tony doesn’t seem to know the difference. The statute at issue only requires giving up the office if the agencies in question have to have incompatible office policies. I wonder if Tony even knows whether the agencies have such a policy or has taken the time to read and analyze them since he likes to “play lawyer.” What Tony obviously doesn’t know is that the AG has opined that statutory incompatible office restrictions generally do not apply to elected officials.
As for the common law doctrine is a much closer call. But by the time the AG decides, the incompatability will be resolved by Pringle having left office. This is nothing but hair brained politics by a hack.
Wow, someone sure is grumpy. Wonder who?
Bushala, you just got your hash settled. Take it like a man.
A lawyer made that finding, I didn’t. The offices are incompatible. I didn’t make that up and I’m not the only one who made a complaint.
Tony. The 30 year temporary tax known as Measure M extension bucks are prioritized as going to ARTIC rather than being equally spread around the County. And while a fixed % of Measure M revenue is set aside for public transportation in the form of bussing, the only choice of those who cannot afford to own a car, that service level is decreasing due to a shortage of funding. So the little guy and girl get shafted by OCTA.
ARTIC. The future hub for the $85 billion High Speed rail that in truth should never leave the drawing board. While Curt can bombard us with “spin”, it simply does not pencil out. The proposed ridership numbers and subsidy data cannot be explained.
That said, we can’t blame Curt for being a taker in this case. He is looking out for his city and the massive revenue stream they depend on from tourism.
Since did Tony Bushala start treating the opinions of government lawyers like they were Gospel?
I’m sure there are government lawyers who hold the opposite opinion. That would cancel out your “They are incompatible” whining.
*We love Curt….he is responsible for getting a citizen vote on those loser Red Light
Cameras. For us….he can do no wrong! High Speed Rail….is coming whether Curt
is pushing it or Mario Pulido… pick! Someone is going to get it done…and Curt
is the man! Can’t wait to run over to Downtown Disney and jump on the 400KM per hour
train to Vegas…..
Or you could run over to JWA and fly to Vegas at about 700 km an hour.