Santa Ana Police found “a sophisticated marijuana-cultivation system, 45 marijuana plants and a cache of weapons at a home,” according to the O.C. Register. Here’s the ironic part – the house is in Santa Ana Councilwoman Claudia Alvarez’ ward – just a few miles from the Santa Ana Police Department!
The map above shows exactly how close this pot house was to the Santa Ana Police headquarters. The “A” on the map is the pot house and the “B” is the Police Department headquarters. Alvarez’ mom does not live too far from the pot house – and Alvarez uses that address as her residence in the city, even though her own backers admit that she spends a lot of time in Irvine, where her boyfriend allegedly resides.
The pot house was also an armory, apparently. Here is what the officers found in it, “six rifles, including one that had been reported stolen. They also found two handguns and hundreds of rounds of ammunition, including 30 high-capacity ammunition magazines.”
Didn’t Alvarez say at a City Council meeting this year that violent crime was decreasing? Yet a few miles from her alleged place of residence the police stumbled across a pot house loaded with more weapons than some small police departments! It makes you wonder if crime has actually been INCREASING while Alvarez has been spinning mentiras!
“…Clownia Alvarez will finish her 3rd term in Santa Ana and realize she has no where to go politically….. look at Nadia Davis….”
#49, Nadia married Cal. Attorney general who was at that time serious contender for the Governor. Therefore, Nadia made the biggest political move ever to become first lady of the California.
Please take note of it.
Her child was just signature on the contract.
She was not stupid it was her husband.
Dude that is a real stretch. Even by your standards, in what was described a few years ago as one of the most densly populated square miles in America, you want a City Councilwomen to nail a grow house.
Unfortunately, your post speaks volumes about how far off and how far apart the community and the council is about change in Santa Ana.
Careful buddy,you don’t want become known as a blowhard.
Brother you missed the point! Of course one would not expect Clownia to know what every neighbor is up to. The point is she LIES about crime decreasing. Now the cops stumble across a pot house chock full of guns and surprise – it is right smack in Clownia’s ward! Mere blocks from her house and from the Santa Ana Police Headquarters!
Crime is NOT going down and Clownia ought not be tossing that lie out for our consumption.
I know what you meant