Truong “Tomahawk” Diep has a post up over at Red County about the two Trannie candidates, Hoa Van Tran and Dina Nguyen. Apparently they opened their campaign offices. They are vying to see who will finish behind Supervisor Janet Nguyen in June.
Take a look at the picture below. That one is courtesy of Nguoi Viet Daily News. The one above came from Diep’s post. Interesting that he would have the same photo that was used in the Vietnamese news media. As I have said all along – both Hoa and Dina are allied with Assemblyman Van Tran.
Diep also revealed that State Senator Lou Correa’s brother in law, Edgardo Reynoso, is running Hoa’s campaign. He must have been the one who recruited the pelones you see above for the campaign. I don’t recall Correa working with pelones running around in Dallas Cowboys gear.
Diep is all torn up because Correa is refusing to endorse Hoa. Why is that a surprise? Correa is not stupid. Of course he won’t endorse Hoa. We all know Hoa won’t speak ill about Van Tran. He is an affiliate of the Trannies. No reputable Democrats are going to waste their time on him.
As for Dina, the fact that her campaign shot shows her alone in an empty office speaks volumes.
Can you say “no se puede?”
Art, I know you are still pretty young but you should not just HATE every body who doesn’t support your sister Janet becuse some people might take it personally in a wrong way!
. ie some one might say
“I have never met this Art Pedroza guy and I don’t know why he hates my guts?
Mi amigo, build the bridges not the walls.
When did Tomahawk learn Spanish?
Is it true that Troung Diep blogs from Van Tran’s office during office hours?
When did the taxpayer get stuck paying for Assemblymembers’ staff to blog?
Has Correa endorsed anyone besides Crazy Clownia? Word has it that he won’t endorse anyone so don’t bother meeting with him to discuss an endorsement. Remember people: “All for Lou and none for you”.