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It is time for an Orange Juice poll. Who will you vote for in the 47th Congressional District?
Will it be Loretta Sanchez? Cecilia Iglesias? Or Van Tran?
You decide!
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It is time for an Orange Juice poll. Who will you vote for in the 47th Congressional District?
Will it be Loretta Sanchez? Cecilia Iglesias? Or Van Tran?
You decide!
Last time my family voted for Sanchez but we need change and this time around Cece has our votes! Besotes Cece!!!
Y ahora…musica…
Where is the none of the above option? hehe
Sorry! Forgot that one. Just added it…
Gracias! I’ve got the only vote there so far! haha.
Loretta, blue dog as she may be, is the least conservative of the trio. Yikes! My opinion could change on that notion if KOCE stopped mimicking corporations and limiting debates, though. Not likely, but still, I’d like to hear ALL the candidates’ voices.
Yo Art/Sean,
I’ve heard that a very important neighborhood leader named Tim Rush is holding a fundraiser for Amezqua for S.A. Mayor and attacking Pulido in campaign mail from Amezqua. Do any of your readers have a copy of the invitation? I’d like to see it and I think it merits a post from O.J. How do you think Rush backing Amezqua for Mayor will impact the race? What political fallout do you expect after the election? Could it hurt the causes Rush supports? How does the rest of the Council feel about Rush? As a matter of fact, Who is this Tim Rush guy? He seems very to be a very powerful man politically speaking.
The only way “We the people or Our communities get control back” from the washington political system is throw a wrench in the system VOTE MORE INDEPENDENTS INTO CONGRESS self thinkers(Ceci is my wrench) STOP THE MADNESS America. We are becoming a third world county because of all the massive spending you and I will not feel it (other then the secession) but our children will. All the money printing in the world is not going to help. Think about the issues not the party.
Loretta Sanchez as been helping to pass other congressional representatives bills but, HAS NOT SUBMITTED ONE BILL THAT WOULD HELP OUR DISTRICT TO BRING JOBS HER. Now! she needs you vote.
Question? If I have never done anything for you but, MY SELF would you give me your VOTE? especially Latinos not to mention all others.
TRANtastic- She is a stalking horse. If you vote for her you are a pinche boboso
We need change!!
Loretta has done nothing for our community for the last 14 years! She is only looking out to represent herself. Wake up and smell the coffee and take your blind folds off!Loretta is afraid of Cecilia because Cecilia identifies with the community. Loretta is a copy cat; Loretta will never be our Independent Voice in Washington, Loretta was Republican and lost as a Republican. Loretta later changed her name to Sanchez and cleverly she changed parties to a Democrat!
Cecilia lives in the community and has been serving the community for the past 20 years unconditionally.
We need change; and change is CECILIA IGLESIAS! Make your Independent Vote, don’t let any Political Machines influence your vote, be proactive and Vote for Independent Candidate “CECILIA IGLESIAS”
Look at Loretta TV ad were she is driving a………….carcacha…..not impresive.
and at the very end of the ad…..take a look at the location…..look like is in Peppinos restaurant in Irvine….?… someone may recognize the location.
Another hint……..she has never done any ad with latinos …..? why Loretta…….know u need us..?
It’s time for a change…please look into ceci iglesias, she only has good intentions for our district 🙂
If you must vote your own race in, for god sake make it worth your time. All of the latinos activists, community leaders, non-profits and politicians have not done ONE thing to improve your neighborhood in Santa Ana. So vote for substance and not race!
Let that one brain cell kick in!
Yes, vote for the candidate that will represent the entire District 47 (Anglos, Latinos, Vietnamese, Laos, African American, Europeans/ poor, rich, middle class/Democrats, Republicans, Independent).
Our voice will be Cecilia Iglesias. Cecilia has been representing all of these groups for the past 20 years! She may not have a political background, but she has experience in serving her COMMUNITY!
Cecilia Iglesias, will best represent all of our needs!!!
Apparently, there is a rally for Carly Fiorina today Saturday at 3PM at Chapman and State College avenues (near the Block in Orange).
I am planning on attending – got to be more informed! My friend Reuben Franco (former Chairman of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in OC) is Carly Fiorina’s “California Business Leaders Coalition Co-Chair”, together with Dean Glitteson, CPA