Homeowners in Santa Ana are already spending a third of their property taxes to pay back the first Santa Ana Unified School District (SAUSD) construction bond and the Rancho Santiago Community College District construction bond. Now, the SAUSD is trying to pass yet another bond, Measure G. But the news gets worse, far worse.
Word has it that regardless of what happens to Measure G, the SAUSD school board is going to put yet ANOTHER school bond on the November ballot. And they aren’t the only ones going after our money. Pajaritos report that the Rancho Santiago Community College District’s Board of Education is also going to float another bond in November. And insiders at City Hall tell me that the City of Santa Ana’s City Council is planning to put a new parcel tax on the November ballot.
The net result of all these new taxes will likely be a DOUBLING of our property taxes! Santa Ana already leads Orange County in foreclosures. Imagine what will happen if we end up doubling our property taxes. Even more folks are going to lose their homes. I don’t know what retired folks are going to do. As for the working poor, it looks like they will have to work around the clock just to pay their property taxes.
These new taxes won’t just hurt homeowners. Renters can expect to see their rents skyrocket too. When you factor in the recession we are in, and the near collapse of the housing industry, it sure looks like the bad times are going to get even worse if Santa Ana’s politicians get their way. Which brings me to an important point. It is obvious what Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido, who never met a new tax he didn’t like, is up to. He is trying to gentrify Santa Ana by doubling our property taxes. That way he can get rid of the working poor.
Pulido’s ally, developer Robert Bisno, will then swoop in and buy up entire neighborhoods. The housing stock will be demolished. In its place we will get more luxury condos and townhomes. And Pulido will realize his greatest dream, to drive his people out of the city and replace them with wealthy outsiders.
Pulido is not alone in this treachery. Expect the entire Santa Ana City Council to go along with these plans. And the same goes for most of the Rancho Santiago Community College District Trustees, particularly the Democratic ones.
What makes all of this even more intolerable is that the SAUSD bungled much of the first bond’s proceeds. They even spent a fortune to build a warehouse! And they misspent the Tustin settlement money too. Not to mention all of the millions of dollars they have frittered away due to fraud, corruption and startling ineptitude.
As for the Rancho Santiago Community College District, the fact is they spent most of their first bond on the Santiago Community College campus, which is nestled in the wealthy part of Orange. And they blew millions of dollars on the unnecessary Carona Sheriff Training Facility. Now they want us to tax ourselves again, but this time they are promising to spend the money at Santa Ana College. Yes, they want us to double tax ourselves. Lovely.
The sad thing is that we can expect little political opposition to all of these greedy plans to raise our property taxes. I expect that State Senator Lou Correa, Assemblyman Jose Solorio and Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez will support every one of these outrageous tax increases. These Democrats are going to screw their people and smile as they do it.
Now is the time to start calling your politicians and letting them know that YOU don’t want YOUR property taxes to double. And vote NO on Measure G!
Mr. Pedroza,
On top of my property tax, I am paying $201.45 dollars every month for HOA assessments. By way of the law the Association can increase these assessments 20% per year without any approval from the membership.
There is about 95 Homeowner associations in Santa Ana and only HOA housing is allowed to be build in SA.
So, I can never buy new home which would not be collectively own by my neighbors.
The HOAs are riping off the citizens by non-judicial foreclosures for non payment of these outrages assessments.
Yet you have never complaint about that…. Why are you so selective in you condemnation.
I don’t know the first thing about HOAs. I don’t have to deal with those where I live.
However, I do know that we need to stop all these new taxes. On top of your HOA fees these new taxes are sure to drive you to the poor house.
Speaking of Robert Bisno, is it true that Sean Mill and Mr. Bisno were spotted talking downtown the other day exchanging checks and shaking hands? I wonder what that’s about.
Well Art, people are certainly free to move out of Santa Ana where property taxes are already much higher than they are here, but then that would be kinda silly now, wouldn’t it?
That’s interesting news. Can anyone verify that about Sean? Perhaps some of us should call down to City Hall and file a complaint.
Classic OC mentality…give us great schools, lots of libraries, lots of cops on the street, and roads as smooth as a baby’s backside, but don’t make us pay for them.
Most residents are not opposed to good schools, cops on the street, and roads as smooth as a baby’s backside, however I refuse to allocate additional tax dollars to SAUSD because of their reckless handling of Measure C funds. The promise of Measure C fell short.
The bond language did not call for the abandoning of land, purchased for a school with bond money, to house the district’s warehouse. And the district has yet to respond to the many queries about the overcrowded conditions that persist at Santa Ana HS, Century and Saddleback.
And who had the brains to construct two new high schools within 2 miles of eachother? The district spent in excess of $100 million in property for Godinez and Segerstrom when district officials could have torn down Valley HS and build a state of the art high school in an area that is desperate for such a school. You need to ask yourself why Segerstrom was built and who were the movers behind that project. Don’t be so niave.
VOTE NO ON MEASURE G .. it’s time to put a stop to making Pulido and his cronies rich!
Maybe if the Clowncil stopped wasting money on pipe dreams there would be enough money to take care of the City infrastucture. Stop raiding the General Fund for pet projects and stop giving developers millions of dollars in Redevelopment money. Use that money just to meet the basic needs of the city as a whole. Earth to Pudrido and Clowncil: All the murders, drive-by shootings, sexual assaults, car jackings, etc all speak loud and clear about SanTana.
Pat, I took your word and I called down to City Hall and filed a complaint against Sean. Since, I’ve done it, I’m encouraging more people to do the same.
“however I refuse to allocate additional tax dollars to SAUSD because of their reckless handling of Measure C funds.”
And this is always the classic excuse…it goes something like “until they start administering funds in the way I’d like to see done, I’ll never vote for new taxes.”
Problem is, you can use that excuse from now until the cows come home…these entities will NEVER administer funds up to your standards.
Your attitude should be the premier poster for the overspending habits that have this country in a heap of financial trouble.
Democracy requires diligent work and you blab about abdicating your responsibility. What a bunch of crock.
I will not vote for Measure G. What about the bonds for the District that we are already paying for? I would not be so opposed to a bond if we were turning out bright scholars, however that is not always the case. I have worked for the district in one of the intermediate schools and I have seen first hand the amount of waste that goes on in the system. They cry poor, but always seem to find the money when it was something that they wanted. The brochures that have gone out in the mail are also deceiving…they do not say anything about where the money will come from, just that Santa Ana has that money coming to them. Enough already.
Vulgar and/or Fiala comments have been removed. I banned you from my blog Stanley, thus I’m enforcing the ban against you here as well. Nobody cares that you think you understand ‘The Art of War.’ You don’t. You’ve had many warnings to be respectful in comments. Take your expletive-laden, Kung-Fu politics elsewhere.