I don’t take much time to relish the success of our blog, primarily because I have my hands full writing posts, but one of my writers reminded me this weekend that we have reached a significant milestone, as we have surpassed a million page views. Whew! (See the image above). That is simply incredible.
It has actually been a great year for us. We have been averaging 15,000 visits a month lately, and our April page views are already over 42,000. (See the image below). Our detractors like to say that the Orange Juice is fading, but the numbers simply don’t bear that out.
Our blog also performs quite well when compared to national blog readership data. Google Analytics reports that our readership is well over double that of other blogs (see image below). We have our ups and downs, as the weekend traffic is lower, but we don’t stop posting new stories on the weekends. In fact we broke several big stories just this past weekend.
And our readers spend double the time on our blog as compared to the national average (see the image below). In fact they read our blog almost four times as long, on a daily basis, as they do other blogs.
I would like to thank our readers and all of my writers for supporting this blog. There are plenty of other political blogs in Orange County, but I think the Orange Juice is the most independent of the lot. We fill a very important niche in that we are the balance, the fulcrum if you will, between the red and the blue blogs. Orange County is neither red nor blue, it is Orange, and we are proud to cover the political happenings in the O.C. I hope you will all be part of our NEXT one million page views…
So each time I go to read comments and come back to the main page, does that count as more page views?