May Day protests in Santa Ana today

Apparently Nativo Lopez is leading some sort of march today in Downtown Santa Ana. You might want to stay out of that area today. Here is the official media plan from the Santa Ana Police Department (see last year’s SAPD welcoming committee above, courtesy of Red County):

May 1, 2008 Media Plan

Public Information Office

Plaza of the Flags

Commencing at 1500 hours, Santa Ana Police Department PIO Corporal Gonzalez and assistant PIO Sergeant Carrillo (both Spanish speakers) will be assigned to cover the Immigrant Rights March/Rally, organized by Hermandad Mexicana and the Institute for Mexicans Abroad in Orange County. Participants, estimated by organizers to approach 6,000, will rally in the Plaza of the Flags where a pre-built stage will accommodate speakers. Street closures for this area are expected to commence at approximately 1000 hours.

Participants are expected to begin to assemble at approximately 1500 hours at the Plaza of the Flags, commence their march between 1500 and 1600 hours. The march will then continue along the designated route, (North on Ross Street, West on Civic Center, North on Flower, East on 17th, South on Broadway, West on Civic Center, and South on Ross into the Plaza of the Flags) which was agreed upon by the event organizers.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.