“What the hell were the Tea Party Patriots thinking?” I muttered to myself, when I heard that they had endorsed the useless incumbents on the Capistrano Unified School Board.
Maybe I still tend to idealize the Tea Party a little, who I’ve always understood to be a group of upstarts opposed to the corruption and unresponsiveness of BOTH major parties.
I would have expected them to be a little more concerned with waste of taxpayer money, with elected officials being accountable to the community and transparent, with office holders not treating their constituents as irrelevant, pesky children. I’d been hoping the Tea Party wouldn’t morph into just a useful tool of Republican Party insiders.
Then I remembered something, and then I discovered something.
1) I remembered that this wasn’t necessarily Tea Partiers per se, but just the “Tea Party Patriots,” the astroturf group funded by Dick Armey’s FreedomWorks with the aim of steering the untamed energy of this group of rebels into a pro-corporate and pro-Republican Party direction.
2) And then I came across an article (which we’ll look at below) that made sense of the Tea Party Patriots / Capo School Board connection: In short, the Tea Party Patriots group wants to abolish public education – and obviously they see the current trustees of the Capo Board as embarked on that mission. As do I.
First, a note to honest independent free-thinking Tea Partiers:
Don’t let Dick Armey’s group tell you what to think or how to vote.
Take a look at John Alpay, Gary Pritchard, Lynn Hatton, Martha McNicholas and Saam Alikhani. These are teachers, parents and students, not the career politicians and trial lawyers Dick Armey wants you to get behind. These are the folks you should want running your schools, people like you who will listen to you.
And look at Measure H. It is all about local control and expanded democracy, and making office available to folks who aren’t rich and won’t have to court the special interests. Under Measure H, YOU could win a seat on the Board.
Okay, here’s what the Tea Party Patriots are trying to do in your name.
The Tea Party “leadership” wants to abolish public schools.
David Harmer is the Tea Party Patriots’ favorite California candidate, running against Jerry McNerney up north, and doing pretty well in the polls. We’ve just unearthed a column he wrote ten years ago, in which he advocates abolishing public schools. Are we exaggerating, putting words into his mouth? No. The title of the column is “Let’s Abolish the Public Schools.” Here’s an excerpt:
To attain quantum leaps in educational quality and opportunity, however, we need to separate school and state entirely. Government should exit the business of running and funding schools. This is no utopian ideal; it’s the way things worked through the first century of American nationhood, when literacy levels among all classes, at least outside the South, matched or exceeded those prevailing now, and when public discourse and even tabloid content was pitched at what today would be considered a college-level audience….
More fundamentally, we should reconsider where ultimate responsibility for schooling anyone’s children resides. Having fathered my children, I am responsible for their welfare. Providing for their education is my duty, not anyone else’s.
First of all, he’s completely wrong about his history, as the Mother Jones article shows at length. In those “halcyon days” he harks back to (there’s always some imagined idealized past with these folks) the vast majority of Americans could not get an education at all. The public education system is one of America’s and California’s crown jewels, the only way many kids who are not born rich can work hard and pull themselves up in the world.
But still, you may agree with Harmer, I’m not going to argue too much. Others already have. I just want to say that it points to why his patrons in the Tea Party Patriots would take note of this one school district in southern Orange County and come out in favor of the incumbent so-called “reform board” : The Board is working overtime to dismantle public schools, just like many of us have always said they were. And that’s the one thing they’re doing well at. Think long and hard before supporting THAT.
And I want to ask Tea Partiers one thing:
What Would Jefferson Do?
I’ve been to Tea Parties, and the one picture you see more than anyone’s, the one guy you hear referenced more than anyone, is our third President, author of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson.
My impression is that these folks who quote him at Tea Parties have read or understood very little about him. They know that he penned lots of catchy macho quotes about perpetual revolutions, about eternal vigilance, about watering the Tree of Liberty with the blood of patriots and tyrants, and that gives them a hard-on. (I’m sorry, I’m trying to be polite, it’s just that I feel very close to Jefferson myself and I hate to see him abused.)
What you all should bear in mind was that Thomas Jefferson was the Father of American Public Education. The one and only thing he wanted on his tombstone? No, not author of the Declaration of Independence, the Virginia Constitution, and a million other things. Not the longtime Virigina governor, third President, and de-facto President for 24 years. Not the President who (unconstitutionally but wisely) doubled our territory with the Louisiana Purchase. Not the architect of Monticello, inventor, librarian, or vintner of fine wines.
All Jefferson wanted on his tombstone was a reminder that he had created the University of Virginia and kept it tuition-free – publicly funded and available to any Virginian, of whatever means.
So, what would Jefferson do? I believe he would water the tree of Public Education with the blood of a few trustees and their puppetmasters. (Metaphorically of course.)
We need to restore pride (and hope) for CUSD! The future looks bleak with the current board. We need fresh ideas, diverse voices, and the ability to lead and work together with parents, employees and students. Capo needs a POSITIVE step toward the future:
Yes on the Recall, Yes on H, Yes on candidates who will put children first: Alikhani, Alpay, Hatton, McNicholas and Pritchard.
As a CUSD grad, a member of a family of two CUSD grads, and a father of a future CUSD grad, I can tell you that what I have seen from this current board scares me. We need change and we need it fast. Outiside interests that have no regard for public education have no business in our district. Rather than focusing their energy on tearing down a once proud district (a district that allowed me to go to a prestigious university and graduate magna cum laude), why don’t they work on trying to build up what does interest them? Too often lately, our political environment focuses on destroying, rather than creating.
For those who do support public education, vote “yes” on Measure H. It will give us parents more control over who we put in office. Can you imagine if we elected our state and federal representatives using an “at large” system? Essentially, larger cities, like San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego would get to control who represented, say, Romona, California. This is exactly how it works in our district right now. The larger cities, and the big special interest groups, control who gets to represent CUSD. This simply isn’t fair and it is an outdated system for a district that has grown as large as CUSD has.
Further, we need a “yes” vote on recalling both Maddox and Winsten. They are unreceptive to the constituents and they have had their change. Let John Alpay and Gary Pritchard have a go at it. I am confident that with their diversity of backgrounds and political views, we will have a more representative board. Also, Anna Bryson has no business running our school board. As a member of S.A.G. and a recipient of at least one pension, she has hypocritically attacked unions and teacher pensions, all while gleefully reaping the benefits of these institutions. Saam Alikhani represents new ideas and a new perspective on student needs, all while still offering the experience of having sat on the CUSD board last year as a student representative.
Please help us to restore pride in CUSD and allow parents to have their district back.
Yes on Measure H.
Yes on the Recall.
Black Days.
Vote NO on Measure H
Vote NO on recall
Thought you might wish to see my ballot recommendations
Really? You thought that?
THe fact checking on this blog is very weak. First I have Larry Gilbert telling me it is my responsibility to point out factual errors reported in stories and now we have Mr. Vern failing to even quickly check the facts. The Tea Part Patriots DO NOT ENDORSE ANYONE. An unauthorized splinter group of crazy naysayer Republicans have issued a list entitled “Tea Party Patriot Endorsements,” but this should carry as much weight as Rush Limbaugh’s list of “Democratic Endorsements.” The REAL Tea Party Patriots are hopping mad over this unauthorized list. This story didn’t sound right to me and I was able to get to the truth in about ten minutes. I wish the fearless leaders of this blog would make that effort.
An honest mistake was made on the timing of the report relating to the confrontation between Joe H and Rick S. I think one sentence in that post was out of sequence and was not caught.
No, I don’t expect you to fact check our work.
However you raised the question of the MV Diablo game ending much earlier than after midnight which we can agree could not be correct unles they had multiple rain delays and overtime periods.
What TEA Party patriots are you speaking about?
Although I have attended a SOC912 meeting at the CUSD HQ I am not involved in that groups mailing.
A Mission Viejo based group that is NOT officially affiliated with the Tea Party Patriots has conducted meetings under the auspice of the Tea Party Patriots while having nothing to do with that group. The Tea Party Patriots DO NOT MAKE ENDORSEMENTS so anyone claiming to the contrary is definitionally not part of that group. A series of fliers have been handed out under the Tea Party Patriot banner and those endorsements have been repudiated by the ACTUAL members of the Tea Party Patriots. In addition, “The Mission Viejo Watchdog” also had a banner headline for “Tea Party Patriot Endorsements” which has similarly been specifically repudiated by the real group.
While I cannot speak for the TEA Party group you reference, polling across the nation confirms we are rather unhappy with incumbents in our government be it DC or SAC. This is what led to formation of local TEA Party groups. That angst also trinkles down to city council races.
I’m pleased that our founding fathers anticipated your concerns and approved the First Amendment to our Constitution to address our rights of freedom of speech.
I don’t care what label they use if I agree with their positions and recommended candidates.
I don’t see your having any issue with MV Democrat Dave Leckness’s name appearing on Republican slate mailers that we just received calledCA Voter Guide.
Dave’s name is listed below the banner which reads:
“VOTING GUIDE FOR REPUBLICANS.”Who is deceiving whom?
I appreciate the correction Mr. Geoff.
I made the mistake of visiting the “Capo Kids First” Facebook site – that’s the pro-incumbent site that tries to sound like “Capo Children First” – and they were bragging about their Tea Party Patriot endorsement.
http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000418754275&ref=name#!/posted.php?id=112723732080474&share_id=162013837160811&comments=1#s162013837160811 – (I think you gotta copy and paste that link into your browser because it didn’t all turn blue.)
I clicked on their link to the alleged Tea Party Patriot endorsement, which I linked to in my story above. As always the Board apologists are lying.
I sure had no way of knowing that there are crazy bastards out there calling themselves “Tea Party Patriots” who are not the “Tea Party Patriots.” I submit to your greater familiarity with Tea Party customs. And as always we appreciate corrections or any other criticisms from our readers.
You are sooooo correct. “capokidsfirst” and the board apologists are pathetic, pathological liars. Not a word on that facebook page is accurate.
Parents and their kids held signs at the San Clemente High School Homecoming parade on Friday to welcome Bryson. Hundreds of people let her know how “welcome” she was. This loathsome propaganda facebook page assumed it was the “unions” that organized this protest. What a crock! It was the parents and it was larger then anyone could have hoped for. They didn’t even attend or inquire with anyone but assumed it was their favorite “union thugs”. This is another example of their complete pathological idiocy.
You should have been at the issues forum in Dana Point on Friday. Winsten and Bryson were destroyed in that debate 🙂
I am curious how the contract negotiations will go if the CUSD unions money ($113,000+ and counting) gets them their dream wish, a complete takeover of CUSD, and they get to negotiate with an 18 year old fresh out of high school. Yep, the public interest will be well served once the CUSD unions get to negotiate their contracts with their endorsed and heavily supported trustee candidates. What has happen in CUSD over the last several years makes a very compelling case for vouchers and charter schools, and to think I adamantly opposed both for a long time.Thanks to the CUSD unions and their allies for opening my eyes to the truth.
Cute. If all 5 Children First candidates get in, two of whom are conservative Republicans who don’t like the current Board’s waste and other abuses but have kept their distance from unions as well, then you’ll still have a 4-3 non-union-supported board. All we need is balance anyway, which we’re sorely lacking now.
Teacher are only endorsing three of seven potential voices on the board. And they would not change the needs at the bargaining table. They MIGHT change the attitude: they might add creativity, they might be open, they might be wiling to discuss options, and they might approach collaboration with less animosity.
In your worries over some new faces on our board, you seem to acknowledge vouchers and charter schools as the alternative choice. Perhaps therein lies the problem. Single-minded mismanagement with an ulterior motive.
Capo Parent,
You obviously know nothing about Saam or his accomplishments at such a young age. But here is some food for thought before you make another disparaging comment about that “18 year old”: (post copied from another site, but makes a very good point worth repeating)
” I only joined this site because my sister is a teacher in CUSD and she has been telling me about what is going on in the district (I live in Alabama for now).
Anyway, I am a conservative Christian and officer in the US Army. My sister is also a conservative Christian and went on strike this year because she believed it was the right thing to do in the prevailing circumstances.
Anyway, my point is that is that, as a 22 year old, I led troops into battle under fire and I have corporals who are 18-19 and have led men in battle and done so admirably. What has made this possible is not their age or life experience but their passion and pride in their job, combined with their training. As far as I am concerned, Saam has spent a year in “on the job” training so, if he has pride and passion why write him off before he has even been given the chance. As a slightly older and wiser officer, one thing that never ceases to amaze me is how mature some of our young soldiers are – and I am talking 18 year olds.
The feeling I get from my sister, and from the news media and websites, is that the relationship between trustees and teachers is beyond repair. I am not laying the blame on one party – I think that as with most things in life, it is a result of the actions of both – but I think that a change in leadership is in order. America did not become great by writing somebody off because they are too young or inexperienced. If the powers of the nation believed that an 18 year old was unfit to hold a seat on a school board, then legislation would have been created to prevent it. As is has not, then why should such a young man be slated before he has even spent a day in office. Like I said, I can list you dozens of 18 year-olds with whom I would entrust everything I hold dear to me.”
Denise Krane threatened the soldier, stating that he was in violation of some code. So he deleted his very compelling facebook post.
Doesn’t that say it ALL.
Well! Lucky we’ve captured it here then. It’ll get a lot more readers. Maybe it should be its own story.
No, I think I’ll feature it in my upcoming Saam interview.
The capokidfirst facebook moderator deletes posts that he cannot successfully rebut. I was reading it today and all of a sudden rebuttals to Mr. Capokidsfirst statements started disappearing. The posts were neither obscene or off topic.
Capokidsfirst edits and censors his facebook page and does not truly condone or practice free speech on his page. If you do not agree with him he either insults you or deletes you.
Mr. Capokidsfirst also stated on his page that John Alpay probably would not be seated on the OC GOP central committee even though Mr. Alpay was elected by the Orange County Republican electorate in the June election. Mr. Capokidsfirst basically said that since Mr. Alpay went against the directives of the current OC GOP central committee members (even though he was voted in to replace some of these members) he would not be seated. Does this make sense in a democracy? So in the world of capokidsfirst if you go against an administration that you are elected to replace then you cannot be seated even though you have been elected by the people. Gee I always thought in a democracy that if A is elected over B then that usually means that people who voted want A’s opinion more than B’s? If not then what is the point in even having an election then? Talk about your vote not counting in the world of Capokidsfirst and the OC GOP central committee. I guess they will just appoint someone instead? As someone stated it sounded like totalitarianism.
Shelly. While the Juice has no connection to Facebook we do permit you to share your opinion here so long as you don’t keep playing the same tune.
I live in the CUSD and am opposing Measure H and the incumbent challengers. While some argue that the funding of the recall side did not come from unions today’s Register tells a different tale. Quoting from Scott Martindale. “Capistrano Unified Childrens First and its ally, the district’s teachers union spent a combined $173,821 through Sept 30 to back five challengers, with the lions share $120,605 coming from the union.”Let me say without that $100 K there is no way your side could engage as heavily as we see in all of the campaign related activities in Mission Viejo. Hudreds of yard signs on almost every major street to full page weekly ads and mailers.
Don’t try to tell us that the union is not backing this recall and Measure H effort.
Of course the other side will keep on telling you (read, lie to you) that the unions are not behind the recall or Measure H. Fortunately, the money does the talking and tells the real story here.
I read measure H today. I don’t care if the union, or even the taliban support it. I am not a fan of either, but Measure H makes sense and I am voting for it.