Notice 1400 – What’zupwidat?

Letters, notes or messages from the IRS are always disturbing.  Sometimes a little note might come saying that the IRS will be giving you a Government bonus of $500, like what happened back in the Bush years.  Most of the time however, letters, notes and messages from the IRS are not that pleasing.

Yesterday, we received our Notice 1400.  Without a vote of the people, without as they say: “A fair thee…well…” this little postcard, which stealthfully had to be opened from it’s non visable stickem….related the following, entitled:  Tax Package Information for Individuals

For those who are usually shaking too hard to read anything from the IRS we will interpet it, the best we can:  YOU WILL NOT GET YOUR TAX BOOK FROM THE IRS, THE FORMS YOU USUALLY USE, OR THE TAX TABLES TO FIGURE OUT YOUR TAXES AT HOME.

The reason stated it that “IRS E-File – It’s safe.  It’s easy. It’s time.  For details go to”

For those of us with small businesses, who do not utilize a simple two page tax form to file – this could be inconvenient.  According to fourth rail sources, the government will be saving just about $10 Million bucks (not Billions) by not sending out the relative information.  All are encouraged to go online to get the forms you need.  Supposedly some Libraries and Post Offices will have some things, if they participate in the federal tax products program.  You can also drop by your local IRS Taxpayer Assistance Center!  Any Forms you do need could also be found by simply Googling the Form Number(if you know it) or if you have hours to play away, you could call 1-800-TAX-FORM (1-800-829-3676) after January 10th, 2011. Nice!  Not really!

In the words and thoughts of most taxpayers: “Not very convenient.”

OK, we know the Feds have to save lots of money, especially after bailing out all those Auto Industry, Banks, Investment Banks, Government Municipalities, Recovery Cash Road and Bridge Work and the like.  You know, Billions and Billions and Trillions!  Is this all part of that “Paperwork Reduction Act” the Feds have been pushing since the Gore-Clinton days?

Just one question:  Which stupid Republican or Democrat voted for doing this?  It could easily have an effect on who the voters choose to vote for in 2010 or beyond.  We know that all those elected folks are probably too busy shipping jobs and Hedge Funds to foreign climes, are probably not that concerned about filing their 2010 taxes online without the assistance of expensive and professional CPA assistance.  What about us folks that make more that $49K a year and can’t get free help filing by the IRS?  Go Fish?  How tough would it have been to simply “Ask the Taxpayer”….rather than issuing an edit?

Oh well, we suppose this is all just part of the unintended consequences of keeping those “Middle Class Tax Cuts” (If that happens!) we have heard so much about?  Evidently, everything Middle Class will not be fixed…no matter who gets in on November 2nd!  Don’t forget to call your favorite  Congressman or Senator and remind them that in addition to all those campaign flyers we got……we wanted our TAX Forms and Tables and will not be getting them!

What’s Zup Wid Dat?  We also forgot, what happens when your IRS file gets hacked…not on your computer, but at the IRS?  How much is this going to cost the US Postal Service by not sending those Forms out to 100 million people?  Pennywise and Pound foolish?  Hey, they don’t need the money they?

About Ron & Anna Winship

Independent News Producers/Writers and Directors for Parker-Longbow Productions. Independent Programming which includes a broad variety of Political, Entertainment and Professional Personalities. Cutting Edge - a talk the flagship of over 30 URL websites developed or under development. The Winships have been blogging for the Orange Juice since back when nickels had buffalos on them, and men wore onions attached to their belts, because it was the fashion back then.