I just got a call from Mission Viejo community activist Joe Holtzman. He spoke to the lead investigator at the Mission Viejo Sheriff’s department this morning about the charges made by unhinged City Council candidate Rick Sandzimier, that Holtzman had run into him with his car.
As we related here at the Orange Juice in an earlier post, Holtzman was parked at the time, and Sandzimier ran into his car of his own crazed volition. Moreover, Sandzimier was caught trespassing on private property, by Holtzman, as he was putting up his campaign signs illegally during this incident.
Holtzman was told by the investigator that the Orange County District Attorney is rejecting Sandzimier’s allegations and the case has no merit.
Holtzman said “I will go full bore after all those who libeled and slandered me.” Those miscreants include Dan Avery, Trish Kelley, Sharon Cody and Susan Sellers. All of them have libeled Holtzman repeatedly on local blogs.
Click here to read Kelley’s ridiculous assertions.
Yiiips–I know Dan Avery has also attacked Art.
SandziLIAR should now be charged with making a false police report. The police officer knew Sandziliar’s story didn’t add up, acting like he was hurt. Trish Kelley has been telling everyone that Joe INTENTIONALLY HIT Sandziliar. She not only sent an email blast, she’s slandering Joe as well. It’s great to know that Trish will now be sued for slander / libel because the evidence against her is overwhelming. That’s her whole campaign, slander and libel, plus fraudulent claims about peformance.
How desperate is Trish Kelley anyway? Did her campaign manager poll voters and find out she’s in the toilet? Vote this creep out of office!
Do you really think the police believe Mr. Holtzman over Mr. Sandzimier? Or is it more likely that when an incident happens with no witnesses (although I have heard that Mr. Skalsky has now admitted he was there – but I know this is hearsay) the police are not likely to act when the injury was not too great and when the argument was over political candidate signs? Again, let’s leave the fire-aim-ready comments until all of the facts are in and then you can make your smarmy comments against Mr. Sandzimier and Mr. Holtzman.
Richard Sandzimier is the most malicious candidate in the history of Mission Viejo. Sue all of them. Since Trish Kelley has no money, Holtzman could own her termite-infested house.
Just to be clear, not being charged by the DA does NOT mean that your version of the facts has been accepted. From all accounts, this was a he said/she said event with only the two participants as witnesses. The DA would have to prove a criminal case “beyond a reasonable doubt” and OJ has forever shown us that “not guily” and “innocent” are two different things. As I have said before, between the “man impales himself on car” story of Mr. Holtzman and the “car lurched forward” story of Mr. Sandzimier, I find the story of Mr. Sandzimier more credible. Let’s see if Mr. Holtzman actually has the guts to move forward with his lawsuit. His burden of proof will not be beyond a reasonable doubt and that truth is a defense for those sued. From what I have read, Mr. Holtzman is more vulnerable to a libel suit than the other way around. Of course, any libel action in this clown case would be a misuse of the court’s resources.
I hope Kelley, Withrow, Avery, Cody and Sellers hire Willis as their lawyer. From his spewing on blogs, he is incompetent.
Ouch, with such an articulate response I am crushed and my professional reputation crushed.
Geoffy Boy:
Calm down–your way down the list……………………………..
I don’t think is is too much to ask of posters for just a small amount of proper English. The only folks on this blog who constantly mangle “you’re” as “your” are Hotlzman, Schlicht and some other illiterates.
So Joe, are you now hiding behind Sally G’s skirts?
Sally’s grammar issues aside (I, too, hate when “your” and “you’re” are used incorrectly and please correct me if I ever make a similar error on here) – did you catch the part about the list? It’s nice to know that residents of our fair City are on an “enemies” list. Isn’t that what brought the previous CVUSD President down?
What a pile of fabrication. It’s laughable. Now leave my country you white crazies.
Sorry Dan–eeeer– MVWatcher and Little Big Man —wrong again…………….keep trying though.
It will please all to know that the Character Word of the month is:
Kelley has also become unhinged by showing her vicious personality. She got down and rolled in the mud. I received her libelous junk emails and will forward them to Holtzman as evidence. She can join the ranks of Butterfield and Withrow as deposed queens.
In 2003 the old Trish Kelley promoted MV to become a City of Character. Somewhere along the way she changed to where we now see a shift in her attitude with regard to those dozen traits. Accusing someone of intentionally hitting Rick S with his car when there were no witnesses is but one example of where she went off the rails.
Following are the monthly character traits. Judge for yourself how she scores in 2010.
MV City of Character. Qualities Perseverance (January) Unity (February) Integrity (March) Service (April) Moral Courage (May) Citizenship (June) Fairness (July) Self-Control (August) Responsibility (Sept) Respect (Oct) Thankfullness (Nov) Caring (Dec)
Let’s see. How about her: integrity, self control, fairness and caring.
No, this is not the same Trish Kelley I knew prior to and immediately after her 2002 election.
Those of us who aren’t paranoid and delusional know that Withrow and Cody haven’t had a thing to do with this election. You turkeys are almost laughable. Now, leave my land.
I saw Joe this morning. Is he out on bail?
From your deep underground cave it’s OK to smear someone and think you can get away with it simply because Rick the magnificent has spoken. Or should I say lied.
We missed you at the drug walk this morning. When I called him on his cell our City Manager Dennis Wilberg told me it was OK for me to remove Ricks’ signs on city property at the electronic message board. Nah.
When Dennis later showed up I walked by as he told Rick those signs had to be removed as soon as the walkers had passed.
Two dozen signs for Rick Trish and Dave, each of whom were warned regarding the rules on sign placement.
It must have made Rick feel violated as he was told by the CM to remove his illegally planted signs. I didn’t see any Register reporters show up to cover the Walk or another bogus police report from Rick as I took photos of the event.
Whoa rein it in there cowboy. Your response has nothing to do with my comment or the article by Art. Do you drink Larry? Heavily? That would explain that sort of weird tangental tirade.
What deep underground cave? Where did I smear Joe? I don’t think I can get away with anything. I know exactly what I can do.
While I can’t speak for Susan Withrow’s involvement in this election you must be on Mars if you have not heard Sharon Cody’s viscious attacks against activists at the podium in our city council meetings.
If I am not mistaken she has even attacked “Gilberts gang”
Trish Kelly said she wouldn’t do any negative campaigning when she first ran. Look at her now, 100% hostility, attack and libel. She is horrible, and she should be sued for her emails and remarks. At a city function last week, people gave her blank stares when she said Holtzman purposely ran into her candidate. When she loses, she should use the money she will get (payoff for not using the city health insurance) to get psychiatric help because she is NUTS.
Larry remembers well.
We can disagree with Trish Kelley but I would not label her as being nuts. Sadly she is losing her credibility by standing by her man and I am not referring to her husband.
Unfortunately, as has become your trait, you only report half of the story (so much for being an “investigative reporter”). In this case you fail to report that when I showed up this morning and you complained about sign placement I pointed out to you that quite a few candidates had signs posted improperly including the two candidates you were supporting this morning. In fact there were two larger banners of candidates different from the ones you are complaining about here that were left unattended and blocking the sidewalk and the path of travel of the marchers.. You acknowledged these facts this morning but fail to report it here. And, while you are attempting to create the perception that only one or two candidates were spoken to you know I gave the same message to everyone…yourself included. Finally, when the marchers passed by everyone, the intersection was cleaned up by everyone that was there and life continued.
That being said, I thought all candidates (and I spoke with about 7 of them this morning), and their supporters were simply enthusiastically showing their support for their chosen candidate this morning. So perhaps you may want to compliment all of them …those you support and those you don’t…for the hard work they are putting into their campaigns instead of trying to create a story that doesn’t exist
Dennis.If you read Art’s headline this story is about the DA not filing any charges against Joe Holtzman. When Rick created this I am a victim story you asked my why I chose not to post it. My response, which is now a broken record, was that with no witnesses this was a “he said, he said” incident. You have previously questioned my “trust, but verify ” coverage saying I was playing favorites as it related to Joe. You bought into Rick’s account without questioning Joe but that’s your prerogitive.
However, let’s address this morning Walk against Drugs.
Yes, supporters of two candidates did place their banners adjacent to the sidewalk along La Paz. This was after Rick Sandzimier covered all of the La Paz corners with banners which I am told was around 6:30 this morning.
Don’t shift gears without stepping on the clutch. That was not my issue in our discussion and you know it.
My issue was Rick placing 2 dozen signs in the area in front of the community bulletin board in city property. Furthermore he had a large sign for Trish Kelley blocking the sidewalk in front of the ARCO station. I might share that photo with you. You told me it was OK for me to remove them which I will not do. I have not touched any of his precious 2,000 signs.
If we had not discussed this concern, and you had not spoken to Rick, I seriously doubt that he would have removed every one of those signs and placed them in his SUV. That photo is readily available so that he doesn’t accuse any of use for stealing them.
I did ask you if code enforcement was off today. For that I thank you for getting him to remove the signs after the walkers passed Marguerite. You gave the same instructions to the Reardon and Skalsky supporters and they complied. I did watch you take photos of the Reardon and Skalsky banner and heard you tell the MVTV crew that you were taking pictures of all the signs and banners in case one side complained about the others.
There is a major difference in standing by or holding a self standing banner along a sidewalk for an hour rather then hammering signs into city property. As I came home a few minutes ago I see that Rick has again shown his disregard for your candidate instructions by installing his sign at the end of La Paz Road in city property. This is the third time that I have driven by only to be greeted at that location with his signs.
I must also question you as to how Roger Faubel for SMWD signs are permitted to remain by our ballfields and other unauthorized locations in Mission Viejo. Does former councilman Rodger the Dodger get a free pass?
Commend Dave and Trish? It was Rick who removed all their signs from city property. You want me to thank them for following the instructions they were given by our city clerk when filing for this office? are you serious?
Thank you for acknowledging all candidates were treated the same and for acknowledging the other points I made with regard to the placement of signs by all candidates this morning.
Again, focusing on the positive, I applaud the hard work put in by those involved in this years campaign and certainly all those County/City/SVUSD/CVUSD/Sheriff’s Department/OCFA staff who worked so hard to put on another terrific WaIk Against Drugs and Emergency Preparedness Expo. .
Dennis. Having personally participated in the Walk Against Drugs for several years as a member of the Rotary club of Mission Viejo I support this annual event.
To repeat. This post is about Rick S and Joe H. Sadly it has gone off the thread.
I’m assuming this is Dennis Wilberg, and I’d like to address a ridiculous comment by Dale Tyler on the Mission Viejo watchdogs site (he doesn’t allow comments) who opines that Dennis should be “taking care of business” instead of responding on blogs here. Well Mr. Tyler, look at the date and postings from Dennis – on a weekend, not on company time. And the last time I checked, we had something called the First Amendment which gives our City Manager, Councilmembers, anyone for that matter, the right to say what they want on here. It’s so sickening that the hatred of some so-called Republicans in Mission Viejo compromises their conservative values. We saw it on Measure D where a group of purported conservatives wanted to infringe on private property rights because of a grudge against the sitting Council majority and now Mr. Tyler is questioning Mr. Wilberg’s constitutional right to post his personal opinion on the Juice. Campaign for whichever candidate(s) you want, but leave the ridiculous hatred on the sidelines and let’s talk about real issues.
Good morning Newbie.
The response you reference was from Dennis.
I find it interesting that he has yet to respond to my comment about seeing former councilman Roger Faubel’s SMWD signs on city property at Curtis Park and elsewhere without being removed by code enforcement.
Another fact relating to our First Amendment rights. You know that I am a strong advocate of said rights. However, every candidate for office was given specific guidelines on placement of signs. They were not to install any signs on city property. And while Dennis told the candidates and incumbents to remove their signs after the walk passed Marguerite Parkway he failed to address my concern and phone call to his cell before the marchers arrived. As he was in the area, and if he took immediate action, the walkers would not have seen the two dozen Leckness, Kelley and Sandzimier signs in front of, and blocking, the electronic message board.
So he was giving the incumbent favorites the OK to violate that policy until everyone saw their multiple illegally placed signs. Cute.
Note: There were no other candidate signs at that city location. Perhaps Dennis should commend them, for obeying the rules.
And while I watched him take photos of one Skalsky and one Reardon banner on a 45 degree angle along a sidewalk those were temporary for less than one hour.
Your raising Measure D during this campaign is not the issue for Nov 2nd.
And lastly. Newbie. Neither the Juice nor myself have any control of the internal policies of the two independent Mission Viejo blogs. Nor do we have any control of what Dan Avery writes on his yellow journalism blog. Have you added any comments on his trash site?
Let me not call to your attention that everyone does not have the right to say what they want here. While not referring to any abuses by you, as you follow our rules, we do have guidelines on content that may be blocked.
There will always be media outlets with different points of view. That’s your original First Amendment issue which applies to all parties.
I agree 100% about the comments on the Juice Larry, and it’s what sets this site apart from many. I’m free to disagree with Art, Vern, you or anyone else and as long as I am respectful, it will be posted. I know you don’t have any control over the Watchdogs and I only raised it here because Mr. Tyler was singling out Mr. Wilberg’s posts on here.
As for the signs, I agree that rules are rules and they should be followed. I admit that during the Measure D campaign (my first real foray into politics) that I wasn’t entirely clear on the rules and may have placed signs in improper areas, so I have no problem with the City clearing them, as long as the policy is applied uniformly. However, if Councilmembers have been given clear direction I would hope they would abide by that direction. Of course, we all know of some overzealous supporters on all sides that may not be so diligent about the rules. As I understand it, many if not most of the candidates with signs have violated the rules at some point. Again, as long as the City is enforcing its rules uniformly, I have no problem.
Thank you newbie.
When you have a few minutes I will invite you to a ride along. Now, not in a black and white but to see where Roger Faubel and Rick Sandzimier signs remain on city property while other candidate signs have been removed.
It’s what we call the silly season. While it has been gloomy and raining over the past two weeks we at least have some colorful signs in the city predating Christmas.
Yes, I can be politically incorrect and use the word Christmas, rather than Holiday greeting.
Larry, I really wish you would follow the rules that you set out. Whenever you or your point of view are attacked instead of addressing the attack, you side step the issue and attack something else. I find it hilarious that you bemoan that “this post is about Rick S and Joe H. Sadly it has gone off the thread.” Please note that just 9 posts above you will find the following posted by YOU:
“In 2003 the old Trish Kelley promoted MV to become a City of Character. Somewhere along the way she changed to where we now see a shift in her attitude with regard to those dozen traits. Accusing someone of intentionally hitting Rick S with his car when there were no witnesses is but one example of where she went off the rails.
Following are the monthly character traits. Judge for yourself how she scores in 2010.
MV City of Character. Qualities Perseverance (January) Unity (February) Integrity (March) Service (April) Moral Courage (May) Citizenship (June) Fairness (July) Self-Control (August) Responsibility (Sept) Respect (Oct) Thankfullness (Nov) Caring (Dec)
Let’s see. How about her: integrity, self control, fairness and caring.
No, this is not the same Trish Kelley I knew prior to and immediately after her 2002 election.”
Not a single letter, word or sentence in the whole post about Mr. Holtzman or Mr. Sandzimier – pretty far off the thread wouldn’t you say? Well, maybe not – if your point is to try and throw dirt at Trish Kelly and through her association with Mr. Sandzimier I guess it makes some sense. But you would never indirectly attack anyone in such an underhanded and sleazy way . . . would you Larry?
The original post here is really hilarious – celebrating that the DA has simply refused to prosecute some idiot accused of ramming his car into someone using the old “man impales self on car: defense.” Sad that local politics has devolved to the point where ridiculous side stories dominate an election so bereft of a real discussion of important city issues.
Geoff. We missed you on the Walk Against Drugs.
How many times do I have to repeat myself before Art and Vern accuse me of SPAM?
How can I write about the episode between Joe and Rick when there were no witnesses and the OCSD did not arrive on scene until after being contacted by BOTH parties, so I was told.
If I quote Joe you will accuse me of standing up for him due to our friendship.
Recognizing that possibility Joe contacted the founder of the Orange Juice blog to give his side of events. Art wrote both posts covering this incident not me.
I am not sidestepping any issue. What will be interesting is to see the police report.
Dan Avery has published an alleged quote from the DA containing obscene language that Tony R would never use. I received a copy of that post and sent it to Tony. Hopefully he might contact Mr. Avery.
And you accept the story account written by Dan as gospel?
As a successful professional I am surprised that your eyes are closed to Trish’s email accusing Joe as stated in earlier remarks. You have yet to share your opinion on her abuse of the Character Words created by her program. She no longer walks the talk.
Wow, this is interesting. Again, nice to hear from Dennis. Its more than he did when he worked for me. Of course, he did say that I was wasting too much of his time compared to the other council members. Maybe that is because I was cutting into his web surfing time.
He seems to have plenty of time to write on e-mail blogs. Fairness on campaign signs has always been a battle. There were however, a few years during my watch when campaign signs were retrieved and returned to the candidate. .No more in that department. Yes, what ARE the code enforcement people doing? I have driven past many RS signs for the past week along Marguerite. They are all alone and so the city doesn’t touch them. Now Faubel signs are showing up and no one touches them.
Lets see on Monday. Now that other candidate signs are showing up next to these CHOSEN ones (incumbents), there should be a whole lot of sign clean up by the city and their contractors. If you want to have one of Their signs removed… just put one of yours next to it. Amazing how quick they come down. Judging by some of the dirt on Dave’s signs, it looks like he has been allowed to retrieve his signs….
Hey where was Cathy during the March on Drugs? She was the only city council member not there. In fact, she was the only city leader, not that she is one mind, not there.
Good to know you read Avery, Larry. But you got it wrong. He said he was “quoting the DA.” Read that carefully Larry. Which DA was that he was quoting?
You guys are great with threats of law suits, as in this article’s lead, but they never seem to appear because once you’re away from the pack you turn into thumb-sucking cry babies who scream for protection from the very deputies you’ve been stalking.
You might want to tell Holtzman that if he removes both hands to take a photo of a cop they’ll give him a ticket for speeding when he’s only doing 12 miles an hour.
Oh wait…he found that out the hard way didn’t he? Did I mention he was turning right at the time? The man seems to have a track record of reckless endangerment with his vehicle.
Good argument…? If you are so sure that the DA’s final word as in “quoting the DA”, try this one on:
Judge’s ruling against one council member refererring to the other two council members’ “PRIVILEGE”.
Council “privilege covers communications that are FRAUDULENT, PERJURIOUS, UNETHICAL and ILLEGAL”. This was the argument that the city’s attorneys made to the judge, and he upheld their arguments that these (select) council members can do just about anything, and then go run and hide behind their attorneys…
little man.
In Orange County we have only one DA. He did not say Assistant DA.
As Mission Viejo is in Orange County was he quoting the DA of LA County?
As someone who follows elections rather closely perhaps you need to acknowledge the following OC DA election facts. You know facts that can be verified.
“He was unopposed in his June 2006 and 2010 bid for a third and fourth consecutive term, winning 100% of the vote.” The he being current DA Tony R.
Another lame attempt of damage control by the little man of Mission Viejo. Can someone please call pest control for me?