As a change of pace and for those who live in that portion of Fullerton that is included in the 47th Congressional District, I present ruminations on the pathetic choice presented to you in the 2010 election.
First, let us speak about the unspeakably stupid, insipid, and yes, truly trashy Loretta Sanchez, the Democrat, who from her home in Palos Verdes has been our representative in Congress for 14 years. Her lame squeaking about things she evidently knows nothing about remind you of the proverbial fingernails on the chalkboard. Her suggestive Christmas cards used to inspire salacious merriment but even those are now useless.
“stupid, insipid, and yes, truly trashy Loretta Sanchez, the Democrat”……. Hmmm
She is Latina you hater and racist Bushala.
Latina cannot be “stupid, insipid, and yes, truly trashy” no, no, no ask Pedroza or comrade Vern.
Tony get it right. Loretta does not live in Palos Verdes. She is hard working Congresswoman.
Your criticism reflects poorly on you. Orange County is changing and retrograde right wing non sense, will soon be a part of the past.
What’s that house in PV for, occasional pajama/pillow fight parties with the Playmates?
I think she works hard propping up her weird image, and that’s about it. Snorkeling on the Great Barrier Reef on our dime ain’t working hard.
My criticism reflects poorly on her.
But follow the link and read the post by one of my fine stable of writers. Van Tran is just as bad.