Caprio:Obama can “take his endorsement and…shove it”

Frank Caprio 4 governor

Frank Caprio 4 governor

Photo  by Andrew Dickerman

As we approach the Republican Party takeover of the House of Representatives president Obama has launched a full scale effort to save a few supporter seats.

Mr. President. It’s too late. You have done enough damage in the past two years that is driving Democrats to distance themselves from your coattails.

Case in point is today’s story in the Providence Journal where Rhode Island gubernatorial candidate Frank Caprio expressed his anger to the president for not being endorsed. I wonder how many other candidates for elected office are distancing themselves from Obamacare, the failed Stimulus effort, and other national disasters.

Full story link follows excerpts.
PROVIDENCE, R.I. — Rhode Island gubernatorial candidate Frank Caprio, in a radio interview Monday morning, reacted angrily to President Obama’s decision not to endorse him during a visit to the Ocean State Monday.

“He (President Obama) can take his endorsement and really shove it as far as I’m concerned,” Caprio told talk-show host John DePetro during an interview on WPRO-AM.

Caprio went on to criticize Mr. Obama for not visiting Rhode Island during this spring’s record floods.

Caprio said Rhode Islanders “are hurting,” that the state has one of the highest unemployment rates in the country and “now he’s coming into Rhode Island treating us like an ATM machine.”

Misc. article comments:

 “Can you imagine an endorsed Democratic candidate who can’t get an endorsement from his party’s President?

The face that President Obama did not endorse Mr. Caprio actually helps Mr. Caprio because President Obama is a liability. As to the question if Mr. Caprio’s angry reaction helps or hurts, that is a different matter.

Obama is a liability to democrats this year.

Like Obama or not, he’s the President and deserves respect.”

LG. Republicans should not be celebrating yet. We should not take anything for granted including the polls and those prophets we see on FOX News painting a rosey picture after Nov 2nd. President Obama is rallying their base to offset some possible close seats.

 Don’t stay home thinking your vote doesn’t matter.

Gilbert sidebar. We recently received a slate mailer whose headline reads “Attention: Republicans.” It is from CALIFORNIA VOTER GUIDE. Contained inside is a paid ad promoting David “Dave” Leckness who is a candidate for the Mission Viejo city council. Dave is a registered Democrat.

While several Republicans have told me that service on city councils are non partisan offices I remind them that this is a stepping stone to higher office such as our State Assembly and Senate. Three south county examples being the  honorable Pat Bates, Diane Harkey and Mimi Walters.

Being the minority party in Sacramento Republicans do not need to give a leg up to Democats who may follow that career path.  Based on their support of Dave Leckness  Frank Ury and Trish Kelley have now become RINO’s.


About Larry Gilbert