Which of the following Orange County politicians would you follow unquestioningly into battle? Whom would you entrust your last farthing to, your youngest daughter or son? Which one seems the most unimpeachably selfless guardian of the public weal, someone you would lay down your life for without second thought? Whose latest e-blast would you believe most uncritically, without questioning what errors or hidden agendas might lie buried in it? This is a serious Orange Juice question…
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“Which of the following Orange County politicians would you follow unquestioningly into battle?”….. Janet Nguyen, assuming that she would reward me as did Cleopatra heir heroic fighters.
This is a serious Orange Juice question……. sure, the most stupid question is the one you never ask comrade Vern.
I voted for Rocco. Sure, he’s nuts, but I was tryin’ to find somebody on your list who’s not a rat bastard. (I admit I don’t quite know everybody on your list. Maybe there’s a good person on there someplace. But sheesh.)
They would all get deferrments…….
Oh wait……….Dana Rohrbacher because he was trained by Bin Laden.
Well, since he DOES also represent the OC, I’ll go off the tote board and nominate President Barack Obama, the most liberal, far left, Socialistic President we’ve ever had. I just LOVE far left decisions like this one…
Ah yes, perpetual war. I guess we were foolish to expect anything different.
Your list is too short, and you left off Fiala.
I was so looking forward to the can-can dances by the female council members at the start of each council meeting.
I will add on Fiala now, and HB’s Dave Garofalo.
cook, If you promise to be my campaign manager and the committee president to elect Fiala for the Santa Ana Mayor 2012, I may reconsider my political aspirations and, I promise that I will open the meeting with Martinez doing the fat belly dance!
Might I add Art’s nemesis–Dan Avery–The Mission Viejo “Psyco “.
Yeah, God, at first I liked him. I could tell he was a liberal and a creative and funny writer, and I almost invited him to blog here, then he gradually showed himself to be an utter psycho. These days he’s telling anyone who will listen that me and Larry Gilbert are gay lovers because we call each other “Juice Brother.”
What??? No Miguel Pulido on the list? OUTRAGEOUS!
Solorio? Foley? Hannah? Debbie Cook? Jill Hardy? Where are the Dems VERN?
I know you’ve figured out by now, that this is sarcastic. I mean, look at the list I’ve assembled. I was making fun of Sean’s similar post from earlier in the evening.
I think, as me and Gabriel San Roman both pointed out elsewhere, that nobody should deify their politicians. Or as Brother Larry loves to say quoting St. Ron, TRUST BUT VERIFY!
Allan Mansoor for sure ! He is so kind and is character as a man is unbeatable. He treats woman like gold and his “pro life” stand is to be admired. Doesn’t he have twins? He should get the most votes. He is to be admired by all.
TWINS? Mansoor has twins? Twin hatreds perhaps.
The choices are sooo appealing. Mansoor, Wagner, Agran, Miller and Calvert…can I choose more than one?
Where are Orly Taitz, Steven Choi and Christina Shea?
I also have another Irvine resident to add to the list as well but he might sue you because his feelings might get hurt. He claims to be a “liberal,” is the biggest apologist for Boss Agran and his initials are D.C. (not the comic book company). While you are at it, throw Jerbal into the mix.
Good idea. I hereby change the poll so’s you can pick more than one.
Dan C and Matt C don’t count as politicos.
Dan C thinks he is since he is at most of the black tie events for the Irvine Public Schools Foundation. Which is nothing more than a front for the Irvine Company and Agran’s cronies to exchange kick backs with one another.
Another glaring omission…you forgot my distinguished Congressman: Rep. John “Join the Resistance” Campbell. Constituent services is job #1 with his office…as long as you own a car dealership.
I heard Mansoor had twins too !! Is this a kept secret????
Never heard any such thing. I’ve heard people say he has nine kids, some with Down’s Syndrome, and that he runs a bar. Obviously some folks get him mixed up with Monahan. Still I don’t know I may be wrong. He is so weirdly secretive.