Yesterday afternoon, a new breath of life was breathed into an independent grassroots arts institution in Santa Ana. The Breath of Fire Latina Theater Ensemble enjoyed another successful end of the year fundraiser! Bistro 400 on 4th street were our humble hosts. We were graced by the artistic talents of Xicana comedy troupe Las Ramonas and the wonderful music of Nancy Sanchez and Aparato! Thanks to money collected at the door, silent auctions, raffles and a generous matching fund pledge, the theater company did quite well for itself despite the scaled down size and scope of the event.*
In the lead up to the event, Sara Guerrero, the visionary and artistic director of Breath of Fire, attended a Santa Ana city council meeting and cordially invited all those in attendance to come to the event. I’ve been a board member for many years, and I recall Councilwoman Michele Martinez attending our first “Noche de Milagros” fundraiser. With a bit of intrigue in between sips of mojitos, I wondered if any of the city’s elected representatives would even find the time enough to make an appearance so as to be seen. Well, I was there throughout the whole event and sadly report no such visitation. (This despite the “Arts & Culture” blog roll links the new website for Mayor Pulido and Councilwoman Martinez display.)
Back in the FDR days of Liberalism, there were interesting ideas that were actualized such as the Federal Theater Project. As part of the New Deal, this also included “Negro Theater Projects” in a number of cities across the United States. It was a big boost for minority artists in difficult times. It would be wonderful if there was city leadership that harked back to those days and supported true artistic endeavors that promoted progressive culture and reflected the community. Imagine a municipal theater project in the city of Santa Ana! But before we can even go that far, we have to imagine a city council member showing up to a fundraiser for award winning theater company like Breath of Fire! Now that, had it happened, would have been the true milagro of the event!
They can’t say they weren’t invited!
NOTE: This blog solely represents the opinion of Gabriel San Roman and not explicitly that of Breath of Fire Latina Theater*
Not surprised.
They’re all tools. And watch the excuse birds come out…
The excuse birds don’t comment here anymore.
We shall have to make an exception. This is a ridiculous post. The fact that the Council Members were otherwise occupied does NOT mean they are not supportive of this effort. In fact I am pretty sure that Councilwoman Michele Martinez included this item in her most recent email newsletter.
The Council Members, like all of us, are busy people. They cannot be at every event. I would have liked to attend this fundraiser, but I too was busy. I did however blog about it on my New Santa Ana blog. So, since I did not attend, does that mean I am not a supporter of Breath of Fire? Even though I try to post about their events (whenever I find out about them)?
What this post constitutes is just another silly slam on the Council. That is too bad. Breath of Fire is indeed a worthy organization. I am saddened to see them dragged into one of your endless vendettas against the all-Latino Santa Ana City Council.
Ladies and gentelmen here ONE OF THE EXCUSE BIRDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Art – you said you would stop posting and commenting. Every time I post about Santa Ana, will you breach?
It was a sincere invitation to city leaders that was extended by the Artistic Director (not me) So I am not dragging anyone into anything. Yes people are busy indeed. This I understand as I myself am not able to attend everything every time.
“So, since I did not attend, does that mean I am not a supporter of Breath of Fire?”
No. But if you’d like to be, or if any of the council members would like to be, we will gladly take your donations. Shoestring budgets are only so fun.
Message us here: breathoffirelatinatheater@gmail.com. We will reply with an address where checks can be mailed to.
No, I made this one exception. Post what you want – I won’t be back. I know now that no matter what I say you will continue to hate the Council.
One more thing, everyone on the Council has kids, except for Claudia Alvarez and Michele Martinez. Do you have kids? I know Gustavo doesn’t. You should not hold the Council Members responsible to attend every meeting you have an interest in without accounting for the fact that they have families and have a lot to do in their private lives as well.
I don’t “hate” the council. I have political disagreements. (Imagine that) Hate is a useless emotion. I don’t have a vendetta. I never have mused about the Mayor’s possible fate in Mexico in terms of a political appointment. I don’t roll that way. Never have, never will.
You note that the non-child having members of the council are the two Latinas…perfect candidates to support Breath of Fire Latina Theater! Our artistic director is also a mother and manages to do her best. Others involved are mothers too. What is El Centro Cultural’s history in this regard as well?
Ok, so no city leaders didn’t go. Fine. The company sent a sincere invitation. Busy schedules are busy schedules (if that was the case) Another sincere invitation is now being offered by way of fiscal support. The email is there for all interested parties. Or with an upcoming season, attendance is another possible way. Again, if busy schedules impede, there’s that email.
We all know how important teatro is to our movement, to our people. Anyone who has studied the UFW knows that. BOF has come close to becoming nomadic…and by that, less visible. It is a great resource that manages to survive, somehow. I personally look to Harlem as well in the early part of the twentieth century to see the true meaning of renaissance (with its merits, faults, and lessons) – a term that is thrown around a lot these days.
Theater was there too.
With that, I send my regards Mr. Pedroza.
If it is so useless, why the heck do you keep using it to promote your agenda?
“Our artistic director is also a mother and manages to do her best.
MQ Says:
Ripping people off, with her feel good, no results Non-profit! How Capalistic with a socialist twist off her!
So the questions is are the mothers in you’re Not for profit scam hole care about the 52,000 kids coming out of SAUSD??? Oh, but the expression of the latino culture is sooooooo important!
You are just pi#$ed off your city council is not as corrupt as you wish they were! You are not in Mexico! Americans are not so complacent!
Your hate spewing might get to others, but it doesn’t get to me. It’s too full of ignorance to provoke any kind of that mess.
It would if I granted your word a power they are not due,
Come on, Gabriel, I told Art and Sean they were welcome to comment here whenever they want. And whenever we put up a story, I want to hear arguments against it, just on principle.
“We shall have to make an exception.”
Ps, who is “we?”
I knew some place some where you made money off illegal immigration: We gave the Breathofbullshit.. Of course in Santa Ana EMPOWERING the Latino with crap like this:
Friday, February 26th
In partnership with the United We Dream Network, a national volunteer-led network of undocumented youth and their allies, The Orange County DREAM Team is organizing a presentation of “DREAM Monologues.” The monologues are written by DREAM students and will be recited by community leaders and allies with an effort to explore the aspirations and challenges undocumented students face when seeking higher education and living everyday life. The Monologues are intended to promote the DREAM Act and are based on true testimonials from students affected by their legal status. The DREAM Monologues, hopes to create a dialogue by presenting a wealth of useful information as well as to provide a mirror to the rest of our community, that in fact anyone, could be a DREAM student.
Let me give the Dream Students a few pointers on what to talk about:
1. Talk about the fact that they cannot go back to their country because it is a shit hole full of corruption and decay!
2. Talk about the fact that We apologize to the American people, but ASK to become part instead of DEMANDING it: You get more from honey than vinegar!!!
3. Talk about the fact that their neighborhoods have become so much like Mexico and it would be part of the DREAM TEAM to give something back to the people THAT have allow them an education in their country! Help clean up the neighborhoods!
Then of course there is this socialist bullshit that goes against everything this country wants! Labor Organizer! Also known as a Marxist!
Sept 4-19 in Santa Ana
“A Crushing Love”
by Sylvia Morales
“A Crushing Love” by Sylvia Morales
interviews and honors the achievements of five activist Latinas-labor organizer/UFW co-founder Dolores Huerta, educator Elizabeth-Betita Martinez, writer/playwright Cherrie Moraga, civil rights advocate Alicia Escalante, and historian Martha Cotera-and considers how these single mothers managed to be parents and effect broad-based social change at the same time.
OMG:::: I do not know what the hell is going to be done with Mexicans, you are a completely screwed up population! You can’t even get together here, when you have been practically given the opportunity to do well!
This country is about the individual not about the individual races! This country does not need a group of people dividing it! The reason why latino’s feel powerless is because they have been allowed to go further and further down the road to dependence!
There is no truer words said: Together we stand divided we fall!
When a Latino is fighting on the battle fields of Afghanistan he is not looking out of the other Latinos, but his comrades in arms!
Divide a people by race and culture and you have a lonely, lost population!
Script that one!
MQ: I don’t make money off of “illegal immigration.” That practice belongs to the neoliberal corporate world. Again, you commit the sin of misguided foolishness.
And your tirades is exactly why an all-Latino city council should have the back of art institutions and other important non-profits like Breath of Fire. The company counters negative portrayals of Latinas in theater and the media. It encourages homegrown talent to tell their own stories and is an important outlet for their creativity.
This is the seventh year of its existence and the fifth year of the landmark Mexican OC production! There is much to celebrate and support in 2011!
So much to celebrate in the Mexican community??? What one do you want to celebrate first:
1. Highest growing single parent rate!
2. 52,000 kids more than half not proficient in either Math or English!
3. Rapes and petty crime though the roof!
4. Kids having kids mirroring a third world country
5. Welfare through the roof???????
Oh, yeah, the big plus in all of this: Latino’s can act!!!!!!!!
Behold, why Santa Scama is a disaster!
Art Pedroza and Sean Mill have become disgraces.
It’s just like you to take a swipe at someone who has left the Juice as you hide behind the curtain of secrecy. If you are going to personally attack the founders, who for years provided you this free and open forum, at least be a man and let them know who you are.
I think I might call you brave heart, the imposter.
And your tirades is exactly why an all-Latino city council should have the back of art institutions and other important non-profits like Breath of Fire. The company counters negative portrayals of Latinas in theater and the media. It encourages homegrown talent to tell their own stories and is an important outlet for their creativity.
MQ says:
The fact that an ALL LATINO Council, if they are Americans should just be shaking there heads and saying, “What a waste of space in Santa Ana” . It could be a park or a library where LATINO”S could learn about the world around them instead of the socialist’s around them!
The negatives are upfront and in our faces, especially in the latino community! They don’t need actors they need leader’s!
And Yes just an another waste of time Non-profit in Santa Ana! Build a flippin Private school and fund it!
“They don’t need actors they need leader’s!”
This is where the historical examples of Lena Horne and Ruby Dee just fly WAAAAAYY over your head!
Yeah, way over; like it was 60yrs ago!
This is today and today is nothing like yesterday when BLACK Women did something unique!
I see latino’s on stage, TV, at raves all the time! The experience of the blacks in this country is unique! It is not the same as illegal immigrants entering the country illegally having children and then asking for liaisons at the local school because they could not be bothered to learn the language of the host country! I wonder if Ruby or Lena would have shown up for their children PT meetings???? What you think??
All these Myths and untruths that I spout!!!!!!
Ruby did not start at the local Non-Profit funded by elites and she sure as hell did not have the opportunities latino’s /illegal immigrants and their children have today!
So fly with that one Gab! You guys really know how to milk the system! Capitalists with a socialistic twist!
Ha, Ha Ha!
To him I sing:
Turn on the TV NOWWWWWWWW, for god sake get off your CHAIRRRRRRR you maybe old, but you still have a brainnnnnnnnnn. I see them all the timmmmmme. Latino stations should be a crimeEEEEEEEE! Their show’s are nothing but crapppppp and thats maybe why they do get a job hereeeeeeee (a wee bit off key)
So lovely dear old mannnnnnnn, white families are kinda cuteeeeeeeeee! Maybe we are better actorsSSSSSSSSS or maybe we are not full of shiteeeeeeeeee!
Thank you! I did that without the nice music in the background!
Man, I want some of what Michelle is smoking– NOT.
I am smoking the reality pipe, try it you might like it!
Instead of focusing on old men singing victim songs, how about focusing on drop outs!
So much Drama……..Phew! Actors…..
Give me a nice buzz fueled, Artwalk anyday……..
Oh, for god sake you big wimp, get off the hate soap box! I am not the one having a orgasm over the fact you have an “ALL LATINO COUNCIL” like your peeps are in control! Could you imagine if I was to say goody, goody we have an “ALL WHITE COUNCIL”. You are a transparent as water!
If I wanted to get to you, we would just have a wee conversation about your scam propaganda den! Whats it call “stupidinthefire”
Another victim hole in Santa Scama to hoard in the cash!
Behold, why the cop’s are so corrupt in Mexico!
Quinn, you get FIVE COMMENTS A DAY now okay? Otherwise people complain to me that it’s all Quinn all the time. So take your time, put everything you want to say into five big comments, not fifteen sloppy ones.
Oh, Please!!!
Ok, then you are only allowed to have Five idiots comments to comment back too!
That fact that people are complaining to you about me makes my day! After all it is a racist, irrational, liberal blog and I am a rational, realist! OF course they are going to complain!!! Tell them to get real!!!
I respectfully yield my comment time (10) comments to MQ:
Doesn’t work that way Stan. Your comments are more entertaining and unpredictable, plus you don’t usually churn out one every ten minutes all day.
If you do not restore here comments immediately then you are not subcomandante as you would like to be but a North Korean moron mongoloid.
MQ has more intelligence then you do!….. you are just stupid communist with lot of power at this blog. Outside you are homeless sexless honky tong man.
The fact that you do not understand MQ is your problem.
So until you reverse yourself you will have to do without me.
Unlike Pedroza, I will not ask for exemption.
I take no sides on this Santa Ana stuff, but want readers to know that Art has posted an article in response to this at his New Santa Ana Blog:
NOTE: *This blog and any comments I make solely represents the opinion of myself as OJ Blogger and not that of Breath of Fire Latina Theater — the organization*
I will not dignify Pedroza’s distortions on NSA with comments there.
All I can say is that A) A sincere invitation was put out. B) None of the city leaders made an appearance. C) If they had, it would have been truly been appreciated. D) If busy schedules are to blame, I provided an email where the company would be contacted for purposes of donation for anyone interested E) Notions of “vendettas” and “hatred” towards the CC are the exaggerations of an apologist and not true representations of my original post. F) I expressed an idea – solely mine – that harked back to a program under FDR’s new deal. Again, with utmost sincerity. I think it would be something progressive and positive for the city. Forgive me for reminding people of the art history of this nation. G) People like Michelle Quinn should know that the organization is not a business, it is a non-profit and runs by the way of many unpaid volunteer hours. The shoestring budget goes into rent, productions, and sustaining other aspects of the operation, not into anyone’s pocket books.
And with that, I’m done.
Post 1…
Non-profit’s do not technically make a profit because they funnel the money to the executives and employee’s
Example: CHOC…going under in 1998 until CALOPTIMA popped up! Kim Cripe CFO makes over a Million dollars a year! She also sits on the board of Healthy Families Commission so she can funnel more money to her little pet projects! The Non-Profits in Orange Country…Example: Legal Aid Society (my favorite scam) is funded by IRS??? Orange County Superior Court???? etc…. Not supposed to be giving aid to Illegal immigrants but of course they do and of course because they are a Non-profit you cannot ask for public information!
It is all a hugh scam especially here in California because of the illegal immigrant population!
There is more Non-profits in Santa Ana than successful public schools!
It’s all volunteer so do yourself a favor and cease to speak on things you don’t know about.
That’s taken care of. She’ll be speaking on things she doesn’t know about again tomorrow.
As if I would leave you with the last word!
Gabriel, You are not a volunteer..YOU do get paid! Like most Non-Profits in Santa Ana they are scams: MOM’s, Stepping UP, Latina Access …, etc..
And like most things in Santa Ana, the only thing that is working is the corruption!
Now ban me Vern and waste no flipping time! I need to get back to actually working and being productive; instead of wasting my time with idiots, racists and the corrupt!
If you don’t ban me; do not threaten me again with the Stalin crap!
That’s six. See you tomorrow lassie.
MQ: You’re silly. I’ve never made a penny off of anything BOF related. Just because you say so, doesn’t make it so. In fact, I’ve given money over the years, something I once again sincerely invite the council members and Mr. Pedroza to do.
Please e-mail me at artldent1@sbcglobal.net. I want to share some relative blog thread information privately with you.
I don’t comment on the members of Santa Ana City Council since I don’t live there.
I will say this. If this event were held in Irvine, NO ONE from the Irvine City Council/Board Members of the Great Park of Weeds would have attended this. Unless it was a huge photo op to show us the “progress” made on the Great Park. And per the terms of their City Council contracts, Boss Agran must be at the center of all photo ops.
Hey Guy Fawkes, where is my Irvine post from you? We’ll need one per week.
Boss Agran has been hiding. I will do a post with pics showing the lush shrubs and landscaping that is the Great Park. If they can do it on a TV commercial on cable, why not do one online?
I have worked with 3 other so cal cities and this council has the worst record for supporting community events. They also consistantly start meetings late. 6:20 pm still no meeting. SAUSD meetings are the same. It is rude and in considerate but says a lot about the folks running these organizations. And never an apology.
Not as bad as Irvine when it comes to supporting community events. Every spring, we have a ceremony for the Irvine Girl Scout service unit of the Orange County Council that honor Girl Scouts who sold more than 200 boxes worth of Girl Scout cookies. For two years in a row, the daughter of yours truly has been a consistent honoree (510 boxes this year for the record). You would think that one of the members of the Irvine City Council/Executive Board Members of the Great Park would show up and give some sort of praise to these aspiring female junior entrepenuers/venture capitalists that learn about self sufficiency, fiscal responsibility and managing budgets while peddling boxes of Thin Mints and Carmel De-Lites. Not even the self proclaimed bastions of “fiscal responsibility” and “conservatism” Steven Choi and Christina Shea, bothered to show up. Or maybe the City Council is afraid that they would be shown up by a bunch of Brownies, Diasies and Junior Girl Scouts when it comes to making sound financial decisions. I expect this kind of behavior from the leader of “The Resisitance” John Campbell, but the entire city council?
I’m sure Chmielewski, the faux liberal/nanny state fascist of Irvine, would write a blog post on his “award winning” site condemning the city council for promoting obesity if they did show up to this annual event lading praise on these girls. Remember, this is the same guy who blasted Shawn Nelson for sending cigars to our overseas troops (how about redirecting that outrage for our narrow minded foreign policy decisions and the erosion of our civil liberties due to the “War on Terror”, Dan?) and opted to take a shortcut for his own obesity problem rather than make some changes to his lifestyle. Or some apologetic clap trap explaining that Larry is way too busy trying to come up with some no bid contract for the Great Park for his political cronies.
You will get your Irvine post soon, Vern. I will call later today to get the info….