What if you could borrow $100 Billion dollars interest and tax free for 22 years? What if eventually, you had to repay $7.2 to $20 Billion dollars of that money and act as if you had done nothing wrong whatsoever? What if many people you borrowed that money from – killed themselves, went bankrupt or went to jail for not paying their income tax? What if you created the domino that instigated the biggest banking crisis in world history? What if you paid off members of Congress, Government Agencies and Bureaucrats and seemingly got away with a wonderful life of privilege and pleasure?
Bernie Madoff is busy spending time at his Federal Country Club detention facility, holding court for his fellow inmates – explaining the ways that he stole more money than the Federal Government can in a week. The Madoff stonewalling to official Treasury Agents and how that wound up costing his youngest son his life. The younger Madoff of the two sons was found “self hanging”….just ahead of investigators trying to get him to turn State’s evidence. That secret list of Dirty Laundry that Bernie and Sons and Friends generated and infiltrated into the World Banking System is truly amazing. We won’t list the names of these dirty institutions or the list that names all of those that co-conspired to rip Billions from the small investor to give to the largest Institutional Investors in the world. European Institutions, Asian Institutions, South American Institutions, Carribean Banks……U.S. Banking and Investment Banks, U.S. Lending Institutions. Bernie had his fingers into all of their business. The list reads long and is full of the most prestigious folks around. Al Pacino in “Scarface” probably could grasp the complexities and understand the mechanics of it.
The reports say, that finally – some of those investors into the Madoff 22nd Floor Investment Group…..may be going to get some of their money back. After several of Bernie’s Buddies committed suicide…..others driven into Bankruptcy….there are some that have actually decided to “give back…a little”. Since all their Country Club Memberships have expired….they are now getting lonely enough to let the Federal Government pry loose some of those tight fisted funds that Bernie had dispensed so carefully over the years….to his few “chosen few”. “Feeder Groups”….he called them. “Investment Pimps”…we call them. Religious, Government or Celebrity Personal Relationships – that allowed outright theft….without trepidation.
Our question is simply this:
If you got between 10 and 22% interest on $100 Billion dollars for 22 years…..how much was that? And where is that money now?
Bernie and Sons and Friends…..just plain folks!
So what did they do so bad? It’s was just business….never personal. Sure Bernie…..we will buy that!
One last suggestion: Rot Bernie rot…….but be kind to your victims and do it quicker!
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