Saturday night, Jan 22 @ 11PM PT on KRLA on Immigration, prosperity and liberty

Saturday Nights at 11PM Pacific Time
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This Saturday night, January 22, 2011:

Sr. Reynaldo Robledo Sr. came to California from Mexico as a teenager and a Bracero, a guest worker, in 1968.  He discovered a passion for growing grapes, and learned how to grow them exceptionally well.  His story is a great American story.

Today in addition to his thriving vineyard management business managing hundreds of acres and his family’s own over three hundred acres, the Robledo Family also is a fine wine maker.

His values are the values shared by all free spirited lovers of liberty and freedom, family and entrepreneurship.

He believes in the possibility of individuals like him, who start with nothing, but given the opportunity, can rise to create wealth, fulfilling jobs, and beautiful products for edifying pleasure and celebration.

I am also delighted to welcome a new friend, Jacob Hornberger, President and founder of Future of Freedom Foundation   Love the name!   Mr. Hornberger is a native of Laredo Texas and he grew up in a bilingual bi-cultural community.  He notes in an essay “The city, whose street names include many Spanish and Mexican historical figures, has the biggest celebration in the nation honoring George Washington’s birthday.”  His example as does Reynaldo Robledo’s, shatters the myth that multi-lingual, multi-cultural communities undermine American Exceptionalism!

In Spanish we would say ¡Eso! ¡Eso! in English, Here! Here!

The truth, the words of freedom and liberty ring true and are the same principles in any language. Like the Bible is the Word, in any language, the principles of Liberty are the principles of liberty in any language. If we speak them and practice them, we are united.

The Future of Freedom Foundation’s mission statement rings true, loud and clear: The mission of The Future of Freedom Foundation is to advance freedom by providing an uncompromising moral and economic case for individual liberty, free markets, private property, and limited government.
Click here to read more.

About Martha Montelongo

Martha Montelongo, Host of Gadfly Radio with Cal Watch Dog on, Tuesday nights at 8 PM PT. Spends her time between Santa Cruz and So California.