[UPDATE from Vern, Tuesday the 8th: George Collins, who shot some of the footage used in the above video, had it taken down yesterday from YouTube for copyright infringement. See below for TWO videos – 1) ICNA has now put up the same video againThe CAIR-produced video’s been uploaded A THIRD TIME in a game of cat-and-mouse; and 2) Collins’ original unedited one-hour video of the “rally” that preceded the melee – complete with the politicians’ unedited speeches. Back to your regularly scheduled blogger…]
This is a pockmark on the ass of Orange County. As the above video shows, people filed into a women’s shelter fundraiser hosted by the Islamic Circle of North America last month only to have protesters in Yorba Linda sound a chorus of bigotry. “Go Back Home!” they chanted. Insults were then hurled at the Muslim faith. Worse yet, elected officials participated in the fray. Republican Congressmen Ed Royce and Gary Miller joined Villa Park Councilwoman Deborah Pauly in the stupidities. Royce defended the fray the very next day releasing a statement saying in part:
The other side has its right to free speech. But so do we. We have a right, indeed an obligation, to challenge voices that seek to bring down our very system of liberty. That’s what we did yesterday. Kudos to Karen Lugo and Deborah Pauly and the other protest organizers.
Two imams present at the event were singled out for criticism, but when you watch the video collage released by our local chapter of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), rants about the Prophet Muhammad being a child molester points to a more generalized Islamophobia. And then there were those wonderful signs saying “No Sharia Law in Yorba Linda!” — who knew the ‘threat’ was looming!
It’s interesting to note the players in the game and how Islamophobia intersects with xenophobia. As memory recalls, Pauly was the whack job…err councilwoman who wanted to pass a resolution in support of Arizona’s anti-immigrant SB1070 legislation. Yorba Linda was the first city in OC to successfully do so! Now when Muslims came together for a fundraiser they got the Yorba Linda/Pauly welcome. The “Go Back Home” chant is something Latino immigrant rights advocates hear all the time from minutemen pendejos.
My sole objection to the YouTube video is its title “Hate Comes to Orange County.” Nah, hate never left.
The CAIR-produced video of the protest and rally:
Collins’ unedited video of the speeches at the 4PM rally
Ed Royce at 20:15
Gary Miller at 30:50
Deborah Pauly at 42:30
If you have an actual comment to this story, e-mail it to chezvern@aol.com]
looks like the public union wrokers showed up in ybl . cair.. a real great orginization =anti american .
hate never left your right all the illegals that come here and hate this country . but glad to live off the tax payers the illegals the real pendejos .
The last sentence of this post expresses my sentiments exactly.
What does he mean by “our very system of liberty”? Seriously, I’m stumped.
Isn’t this coming from the same ass who wanted to renew the Patriot Act?
Umm… I’ll give that a shot? I think he would say that these couple hundred devout, peaceful people aim to put the rest of Orange County under the dread Shar’ia Law.
Isn’t that what you would say Ed? Even though you know perfectly well it’s crazy false. You shameless demagogue weenie DWARF.
“You shameless demagogue weenie DWARF.”
Ed pretends to be some sort of foreign policy expert. Really its just lame neocon Islam-bashing. But the blu-hair yokels in his constituency eat it up.
These are the same people who keep electing repuglican idiots to the Fullerton City Council.
Thank you, Gabriel. One more story I can check off of the eight or so that I’ve been dying to write.
We need to keep track of when these haters are planning to congregate, so we can plan counter-demonstrations of nice people. That’s what happened in Temecula not long ago when some haters were coming out to protest a planned mosque there; they were totally outnumbered by a crowd of tolerant patriotic non-Muslims, and slunk off home. The Muslims were visibly touched and moved by the counterdemonstrators and everyone flashed peace signs (except the haters.)
One of the Temecula haters brought a dog, under the goofy notion that would scare or offend the Muslims. I understand there was a dog at this thing too, dressed up in red white and blue. Where is the SPCA?
Pauly eh? She’s not just the pro-Arizona whack job, she also managed to beat both dirtbag Jon Fleischman and nice libertarian dude Alan Bartlett for vice-chair in the OC GOP. Much as I can’t stand Fleischman, STILL NOT a step forward for the OC GOP.
Tame compared to the union crowd that threatened ,my wife and baby when they had to enter an Orange County grocery store during the last big grocery strike. She explained that she had to buy baby formula and the cussed her out.
Don’t these crowds realize that Muslim hate is SO last Fall, and Mexican hate SO last summer? Get with the program, it’s UNION HATE this month! Thanks for the reminder, “LookFor.” Not that I believe your story.
LOL. Always gotta have an enemy! Can’t be a fear monger without one. Two is even better.
Yeah, sure, right. Pull the other one.
Hopefully with new congressional redistricting Miller or Royce will end up having to fight for their political lives. I only voted for Miller once in 1998, but in 2000 I voted Democratic because I realized he was anti-gay and was not deserving of my vote.
Its unfortunate that we need a big wedge or an enemy to motivate people. The red scare vanished, so the wingnuts on the right went after the gays, so after gay people become more mainstreamed, then they will go after the muslims.
Maybe the Muslims should make friends with the gays, the progressives and the Latinos and maybe the far right would be scared next time they counter demonstrate.
I do not like Sharia or any of the non mainstream traditions/customs that many Islamic people value, but Christian Dominionism is just as scary. And all Islamic people do not deserve to be tarred and feathered.
I posted this on an Egyptian friends facebook page and the exchange was really mixed…….
********* I am sorry , but I agree with most of what was said on the video. CAIR and ICANA are terrorist fronts. Take it from someone who fought them for 4 years in CSUF, and who can hear what they are saying in Arabic.
20 hours ago · Like
********** how did you know that cair and icana is terrorist front. icant believe that you support the hate to any one muslims christian jews or even for non believers.I dont understand why you hate muslims that much.any way god bless you hany
19 hours ago · Like
********* Doha, I do not support hate, but CAIR is definitely has links to the brotherhood, and they are extremists. They supported Wagdy Ghoinem when he was here, and continue to support alot of other extremist.
14 hours ago · Like
That being said………People shouldn’t act like the KKK against an ethnic group. The only thing this “protest” was missing was a burning cross.
Yeah, well those crowds were there because they hate and fear Muslims, not one particular Muslim organization. Maybe someone from CAIR can come on this thread and address your Egyptian friend’s charges. That would be interesting, but still slightly beside the point of the rabid Islamophobia here.
I am wondering where Geoff, junior and Newbie are, after all Deborah Pauley Republican Councilwoman Villa Park said;
“Let me tell you what’s going on over there right now… make no bones about it, that is pure unadulterated evil, I don’t even care.. I don’t even care if you think I’m crazy any more .. because I have…..I have a beautiful daughter ….I have a wonderful nineteen year old son that is a United States Marine… as a matter of fact I know quite a few marines who will be very happy to help these terrorists to an early meeting in paradise”
What were these thugs and goons protesting anyway? A women’s shelter, oooh, how nefarious.
I think that at least merits a letter to Tony Rackauckus.
Yeah, that’s right, a woman’s shelter, and yet one of the protesting hags kept yelling, “Go home and beat your wife like you do every day!”
I think the T-Rack investigation of Pauly’s death threat is a great idea. I mean the Irvine Eleven certainly said or did nothing that threatening to that Israeli politician. Let’s make it happen!
For anyone interested in asking for an investigation, I believe it must be in writing.
Tony Rackauckus
Office of the District Attorney.
Main Office: 401 Civic Center Drive
Santa Ana, California 92701
First and foremost, I believe strongly in the First Amendment and the right of anyone, regardless of what they are saying, to say it. I have been watching and waiting with great interest for the Supreme Court to rule on the Westboro case which the Supreme Court just ruled that the even the offensive and vile remarks made by those folks at military funerals warranted First Amendment Protection.
I did watch the tape with great interest and watched those attending the event working their way through the crowd peacefully, ducking under the yellow tape and entering the event without any physical scuffle. If only those same courtesies were paid to those in support of Governor Walker in Wisconsin. I have no problem with these folks protesting this event especially since it appeared to stay “words only” and did not prevent the event from going forward.
As a Christian, I do find it funny that this protest was viewed as “hate.” Non Christians are constantly critical of Christianity, there are frequently cartoons mocking Christians and there are frequently protests against Christian events. The cartoonists and protestors don’t have to fear for their lives like folks taking identical stands against Islam.
Sure it was legal, but it’s just embarrassing to me as an American. And I wish I had been there with a few hundred like-minded Americans to let the Muslims know they’re welcome – like happened in Temecula.
If I were one of those Muslims I would have joined in on the “USA! USA!” chant with my fist up. I always do that, it really confuses the right-tards.
Oh geez, not the poor put upon Christian again. You folks sure can whine, and you have like how much representation in government? 90% or so, and most of the Supreme Court? “Constantly critical”? If you keep up your theocratic desires, yes, we’re critical. But your theocracy is better than others, apparently.
And let’s also bow our heads for the poor put upon supporters of Walker, another fine Christian I’m sure who really cares about the poor. Yes sirree.
Thanks for making my point so quickly Rapscallion.
GW: What does yelling “Go Back Home” really mean here? How about that nice comment “eat sand!” because, as we all know, Muslims only come from desert lands.
*rolls eyes*
As a Christian, do not be blind to hate when it is palpable. What is displayed here is sure not love – not in the Christian sense nor any other meaning of the word.
My point was not to say that all of the actions of the protestors were christian acts. My point is that when terrible things are said about Christians many of the same people up in arms here don’t seem to find offense with those anti-christian acts and words.
I just don’t remember anything like that ever happening to Christians in America. Ever. I think self-pity and paranoia are unbecoming to a religion that’s the majority religion, and like Rapscallion says, enjoys unmatched political power here. And of course I say that as a Christian. In fact Jesus’ example is what makes me sensitive to the oppression of minorities. Like American Muslims.
Here are just a few of my favorites:
“What happens when we’re dead? The irony is that all our questions wil be answered after we die. We spend our whole life trying to figure out the truth and the only way we’ll find out what it is, is to get hit by a bus. And the only comfort that religion offers is that God is driving that bus.” – John Ryman, When Galaxies Collide
“We would be 1,500 years ahead if it hadn’t been for the church dragging science back by its coattails and burning our best minds at the stake.” – Catherine Fahringer
“If we are going to teach ‘creation science’ as an alternative to evolution, then we should also teach the stork theory as an alternative to biological reproduction.” – Judith Hayes
“A believer is not a thinker and a thinker is not a believer.” – Marian Noel Sherman, M.D.
“If god doesn’t like the way I live, let him tell me, not you.”
“Philosophy is questions that may never be answered. Religion is answers that may never be questioned.” – Author Unknown
“Give a man a fish, and you’ll feed him for a day; give him a religion, and he’ll starve to death while praying for a fish.” – Author Unknown
“It may be that our role on this planet is not to worship God, but to create him.” – Arthur C. Clarke
“I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect, had intended for us to forgo their use.” – Galileo Galilei
“One might be asked “How can you prove that a god does not exist?” One can only reply that it is scarcely necessary to disprove what has never been proved.” – David A. Spitz
“Atheism is a requirement for a complete human being. Religion is a crutch that is shackled to you, one you never really needed in the first place, but were convinced by others that you couldn’t live without. Once you discover it’s only an illusion, that it’s not even a real crutch, you discard it gladly.” – Brent Yaciw
“I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other gods you will understand why I dismiss yours.” – Stephen F. Roberts
“It is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.” – Carl Sagan
“God made me an atheist. Who are you to question his wisdom?”
“Our ignorance is God; what we know is science.” – Robert Ingersoll
“There once was a time when all people believed in God and the church ruled. This time was called the Dark Ages.” – Richard Lederer, Anguished English
“Why be born again, when you can just grow up?”
“Power corrupts; Absolute power corrupts absolutely; God is all-powerful. Draw your own conclusions.”
“Organized religion is responsible for the brainwashing of millions of young children too young to know the difference between reality and the fantasies of millions. Save Yourself. Drop Christianity.”
“Out of convicted rapists, 57% admitted to reading pornography. 95% admitted to reading the Bible.”
“Man created God in his own image.”
How about an entire site dedicated to anti-christian humor:
Vern, it is chic right now to bash Christians and it is done constantly. In fact I tell my friends that the three groups the “politically correct” allow to be bashed with impunity are Christians, Southerners and fat people and I am the trifecta.
Who ARE most of those people? To you, that’s similar to an angry mob surrounding a small peaceful group?
If you are outraged or offended by VP Councilwoman Deborah Pauly’s hateful little speech, you can e-mail her and tell her so.
Courtesy of Dissent the blog;
Villa Park Councilwoman Deborah Pauly: dpauly@villapark.org
(hat tip http://dissenttheblog.blogspot.com/2011/03/shades-of-south-hatred-comes-to-orange.html )
The Koch Brothers funded the Tea Party, and I’ve little doubt the ACT! America classes given at the Laguna Woods Village Tea Party (and other OC) meetings where “how to identify stealth Jihad”
Christopher Ricci from Tea Party Central OC is admanant: TEA PARTY CLUB:
First a look at candidates & propositions on the November ballot, with our recommendations; followed by a presentation on “Stealth Jihad in America” by the leading anti-Jihad organization, ACT! for America, which will expose Islamist infiltration into:
– Our industry (A member of Al Queda was discovered working at a NJ Nuclear Power Plant for 6 years)
– Our military (The Ft. Hood killer)
– Our medical profession (The American Academy of Pediatrics endorsed genital mutilation for girls)
– Our schools (Muslim students at UC/Irvine wouldn’t allow the Israeli Ambassador to speak)
– Our courts (Attempts to introduce Sharia Law into the US).
Learn about this danger to our internal security and how you can fight it.
Doors open: 6:00 PM Mix & Mingle
Program starts: 7:00 PM
Clubhouse 7, Laguna Woods:
I don’t like to tar the whole Tea Party with racism or Islamophobia, they’re a pretty decentralized buncha people, and that doesn’t seem to be their main thing.
BUT. The Tea Party I went to in San Juan Cap last summer DID have these ACT creeps, and an anti-immigrant emphasis. That’s because THAT particular Tea Party was put together by “SJC Americans.”
Still, I think it’s good to keep a clear-eyed, nuanced view of our … opponents … and I don’t think Islamophobia is one of the tea-party’s main themes, nationally. I could be wrong…
“I don’t like to tar the whole Tea Party with racism or Islamophobia, they’re a pretty decentralized buncha people, and that doesn’t seem to be their main thing.”
There you go again being reasonable Vern. I’m starting to worry about you (I hope you haven’t been watching Fox News) … at least I have the “conservative women stink” thing to hold against you.
No, have not been watching FOX. Except when I visit my …grrr… parents.
Vern. I was at that same Tea Party if it was the one in July. Those ACT people were pretty “special.” I gave a couple joints to one of their guys who happily accepted my gift. Didn’t get to smoke with him. They were not as amusing as the Chelene Nightingale supporters which comprised of some “9/11 truthers” and anti-vaccine people.
I had to take a huge bong hit out back after talking to the anti-vaccine conspiracy theorists. My only regret was not getting Jenny McCarthy’s phone number.
Other than that, my experience with most Tea Partiers has been pretty good.
As I remember there was a lot of confusion when I wrote that post, because SJC had TWO Tea Parties that weekend – I went to July 3 & YOU went to July 4. So the Muslim-haters were at both? And what’s Jenny got to do with it?
Jenny was the one that was peddling the anti-vaccine snakeoil and she still is telling parents not to get their children vaccinated. Something about a link between vaccines and autism. Do a Google search on her and read all about her campaign to ban vaccines. You will see why Jim Carrey ran away from her.
The vaccines cause autism people are much more entertaining than the anti-Muslim crowd. There were a few of them that were part of the Chelene Nightingale campaign. Did you know that flu shots cause erectile dysfunction? I didn’t until I spent 15 minutes listening to someone explain to me that it was some sort of Soylent Green plot to take over the world. But like you said, you can find real kooks at any event and it would be unfair to paint all Tea Partiers with that broad of a brush.
Seriously, you can’t write comedy this good.
This is hilarious. I especially like the 20-something yr old girl yelling toward the end of the video, she is obviously not very bright…
I especially like the comments about Marines. I am a Muslim Marine and current police officer. Don’t forget, someday you’ll have a need to call 911 for someone to come save you. That someone may be a Muslim and unlike you, his Islamic duty will be to protect you and your loved ones regardless of the B.S. you said at the rally Ms. Pauly…
Pauly’s twitter account profile ends with a “servant of the Lord” self-description. Based on her speech on tape she somehow must me able to square “praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!” with “Thou shalt not kill!”
But hey, she said she doesn’t care if people call her crazy anymore.
Bat shit loca I tells ya! Way to go OC GOP. You’ve got some real doozies in the mix.
I do think the comments made about Mohammed during the tape were WAY, WAY out of line. Not even the Union Thugs I have encountered at local civic meetings are that mean spirited.
So maybe you made your first comment before you saw the video? Props for coming back at least. I also doubt that a hundred grocery union folks were yelling at your poor wife, “Go home, go home!” nor was a local elected official calling her “pure evil” and offering to have their Marine son send her off to “paradise,” but you’ve said enough.
I also had grocery workers at the Ralph’s in Woodbury yell “go home, go home” at me. All of a sudden I found out that there weren’t saying really saying “go home, go home” but “Moron! Moron!” As I looked around, I saw him perusing the dairy aisle. It was the self anointed leader of “The Resistance” Rep. John Campbell (R-Newport Beach).
(Not really. But it could happen)
Wow, more nonsense from GF, perhaps Vern could do us all a favor and limit his incoherent ramblings to 5 per day like MQ.
Why aren’t you at the casino or the liquor store? Spend all of your taxpayer subsidized money/income on the 3rd of the month?
the appalling thing is that people elected bigots like deborah pauly into office. i would never want someone filled with so much hate making decisions for me. these people are clearly mistaken in thinking that all of america shares their skewed beliefs as to who is a “real” american and who isn’t. deborah pauly is not a true american! she stands for everything our nation doesn’t believe in, especially hatred of innocent people. SHAME on deborah pauly and all the other people who organized this hate rally!
Deborah Pauly no longer cares if we think she’s crazy.
Well, that will make things convenient.
It sure does! In fact, here’s a retweet from the pendeja’s account:
“# handgunsafety @LessaT ~ our boys are fighting terrorists over there, we need to do our part here…No Sharia! about 10 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone in reply to LessaT”
Reminds me of every time five of my friends and I would go to the Brea mall on a day off from school. GANGS!
Now anytime five or more Muslims congregate…SHARIA!
Journalist Max Blumenthal weighs in on the hate:
This site has become nothing but liberal nonsense. Vern, you have censored me for one reason and one reason only…YOU can’t take the truth.
As muslim women walked into that building without a care in the world. Thousands die each year from abuse and honor killings!
Take your money and send it to muslim countries that might help some poor abused muslim woman leave her abusive and statistic muslim man… I don’t like the muslim ideology, I don’t think it is a religion, I think it is a political ideology and I am not afraid to say so….BECAUSE IT IS THE TRUTH!
Deborah Pauly is not crazy, she is a brave woman who like me is disgusted at an ideology who routinely kills, abuses and murders its female population!
An ideology that kills and murders all over this world!
Yeah, surprise, surprise, Quinn has found a soulmate. Just stick to no more than 5 hate-filled comments a day now, OK?
Haha! Michelle Quinn…OJB’s own Deborah Pauly. Did you attend the Yorba Linda fiasco?
No, I would not waste my breath. Though I commend and respect the people who took the time. It is a waste of time though, if the muslim women could not care less about their own lives and dignity and the dignity of their own kind!
Sorry, I have no time for them!
MQ: All talk and no rock!
You run on blanket assumptions, assumptions, assumptions…
I wish that you would do as you say, Nelson.
If socialists and communists like you would comment only five times per day we would have much better place to live in.
I only need one comment a day to debunk your entire article and an another one to make liberals look like the morons that they are!
So two a day is fine with me! 🙂
Has somebody check if this is not an EDITED video taken out of the contxt?
Has anybody with principles and obeying the Law asking for permission to Mr.Collins to publish this video in this Blog?
Has somebody investigate and watched the un-edited video and order to make and have an opinion over Facts and no on Bias?
Looking foward to read your answers.
probably not…They have an agenda of course! Gab is supports these people, because they feel the same as he does….America and WHITE americans are the devil! By now he is not liking the Irish too much either!
The say nothing about the fact that some of the men who organized this event have made not only Anti-American statements but also have been heard stating that they support specific terrorist groups!
But, of course they say nothing about the fact that the above is a fact and it is a fact that muslim women all over this world are treated like animals!
So not only is it stupid for muslims to be giving money to shelters that protect women, when their own women are routinely abused and MURDERED, but the fact that terrorist sympathizers would care for any human life!
CAIR is nothing but a terrorist supporting group, that advocates and supports the terrorizing of other religions and women all over this world. That is a fact!
“As the hand book spells out, the organization’s ultimate goal is “the Establishment of Islam” as the sole basis of global society and governance. It also encourages members to deceive people in its proselytizing campaign to help fulfill this goal. This aim is one that ICNA has been actively pursuing as the group has set its sights on America’s constitutional separation of religion and state.”
Here is the ICNA handbook, decide for yourself:
Sounds like a lot of American Christians. If it’s true. And of course that would be a nutty goal that has no danger of happening in America.
Anyway the point isn’t to defend ICNA per se. The crowd’s and the politicians’ hate speech was directed against all the OC Muslims there.
I believe that the demonstration at the muslim building itself did more harm than good. I would support a counter rally across the street which supports American values and the principles of the US Constitution.
I think that yelling at women and children is obscene and is uncalled for. It garners sympathy and plays right in the hands of ICNA.
And I believe that the CAIR video is edited and biased and construed to present a false impression that the legislators supported the yelling and screaming – which they did not do.
And I think that multi-culturalism sucks – it is Balkinization. Be proud of your heitage – but be prouder to be an American,
It would be interesting to see the three politicians’ speeches in full; do you know where we can find those or get them from Mr. Collins?
It’s hard to see how any context would make Deborah Pauly’s ravings better; and Ed Royce went out of his way to compliment her AFTER the rally.
It seems to me that the rally was separate from the protest at the muslim building. The protest probably was not included with the permit for the rally.
The protest probably did not have a permit – but was not objected to by ICNA – again because they knew that it would play right into their hands.
So NOW, perennial right-wing Republican Santa Ana Mayoral candidate and prolific videographer George Collins doesn’t want us to see what Pauly, Royce and Miller had to say? Why is that, Mr. Collins? Can we see your unedited version instead, would that be more fair?
Most of us here have already seen this video over the last couple weeks. One high point was the crazed Deborah Pauly (Villa Park Councilwoman) shrieking:
“Let me tell you what’s going on over there right now… make no bones about it, that is pure unadulterated evil, I don’t even care.. I don’t even care if you think I’m crazy any more .. because I have…..I have a beautiful daughter ….I have a wonderful nineteen year old son that is a United States Marine… as a matter of fact I know quite a few marines who will be very happy to help these terrorists to an early meeting in paradise”
Ed Royce decried tolerance and multi-culturalism (and later put out a statement praising and thanking Pauly) and all we saw of Gary Miller was a stupid comment that we need to continue to protect America from “those who disagree with us.”
And we’ll never forget the screaming drooling harridans and scumbags in the crowd and the poisonous insults, taunts and threats they shouted at the peaceful Muslim men, women and children.
I think Collins’ footage was of the politicians. He should allow us to see their unedited speeches, unless he finds them shameful AND also wants to cover for them.
Oh for criminy sakes Vern – come down off the ceiling.
No. 1 – I would not categorize George as a rightwinger, .. hardly. And I don’t think that he would appreciate that very much.
No. 2 – The whole damn video is on George’s website – sheesh! Relax man – don’t blow a gasket.
Oh, good. I didn’t know about his website. So we’ll just be looking for a statement from him as to why he wanted that other video taken down.
Because it was being used without his permission – duh!
You are the one being silly – going ballistic for no reason.
PS Vern: I am pretty sure that George is going to be pretty pissed off that you would insinuate that he would censor, edit or hold back anything. George is all about open government and open everything else. I think that you owe him an apology.
I’ve been in touch with him, he’s at a Council meeting, he says he’s gonna get back to me, stop being silly.
Maybe this will help you understand Vern – from George’s Facebook:
George Collins Important:
Do not upload any TV shows, music videos, music concerts, or commercials without permission unless they consist entirely of content you created yourself.
I gave no one permission to upload my video to their site.
Apparently CAIR pirated George’s video off of his website – nice people.
Here is some more clarification for you Vern:
Deborah Pauly:
“Go to 41:30 minutes to see the full content of my speech and not the 10 second blurbs the “editors” wanted you to see in that highly misleading 5 minute clip sent out. They are manipulating the minds of our young people by controlling the i…nformation they can or cannot see. You will also note that our stage is NO WHERE near the actual community center while the attendees are entering. Our event started at 4 p.m. Theirs started at 5:30 p.m. We allow you to see the full hour UNEDITED, if you want. We believe in COMPLETE freedom of speech and YOUR right to see ALL of what happened and decide for yourself what is the truth.”
too late, damage is done. creating a dichotomy between the speakers and the mob is a false and flimsy one.
Junior thanks for have the decency to make clear to Nelson about the discrepancy and legalities reagarding the Yorba linda Muslim foundraising and also the protest to that.
What are you guys all talking about? “Right wing” was not an insult. My asking if he was covering for the politicians was just a question, I’m glad he’s not. I talked to him on the phone (he was on his way to a council meeting, I was on my way to a gig.) All he wants to say is there was the copyright issue, he implied that there are other legal issues afoot that he doesn’t want to discuss.
Of course on his website he says it was all edited and taken out of context. So one of us has to watch this whole thing and see if the whole context makes it any better or worse.
So Deborah says if we see her whole thing at
41:30it all looks better, huh? That’s hard to believe. Let’s check it out……Make that more like 42:30 – she goes until 51:40. It’s just as crazy as anything, the context doesn’t change the insane bits CAIR highlighted. Maybe she thought it would look better if we heard all her Bible talk about God protecting us, and her story from 30 years ago in the Air Force fighting Muslim insurgents in Mindanao. She says they would occasionally come into camp and kill one of them out there, and now they’re doing the SAME THING right in Yorba Linda!
Tomorrow I’ll look for the Royce speech and the Miller speech unless one of you guys can, I sure can’t sit thru the whole hour of this.
Vern said:
“So NOW, perennial right-wing Republican Santa Ana Mayoral candidate and prolific videographer George Collins doesn’t want us to see what Pauly, Royce and Miller had to say? Why is that, Mr. Collins? Can we see your unedited version instead, would that be more fair?”
It is quite apparent that you are using “right-wing” in a perjorative sense in order to “label” Mr. Collins.
You are accusing him of editting his video to hide something – that is obvious Vern.
I would recommend that you “fess up” to jumping to a conclusion before all of the facts were in. It is an easy thing to do – admit what you did was wrong and get past it. That is the Achilles Heel of AP and SM – they could not admit when they were wrong.
I never accused him of editing anything, I realized even then that CAIR had taken HIS video work and edited it in a way he didn’t like. And I wasn’t sure whether or not it was possible to see his original unedited work; a couple hours later I learned that it is, and that’s good. If I jumped to any conclusion, it wasn’t even a conclusion – I was just beginning to suspect he MIGHT have realized, or heard from the politicians, that these speeches were causing them embarrassment. It was probably premature for me to voice those suspicions without looking & asking around more first, I’ll go that far. But look at all the QUESTION MARKS in that quote. This doesn’t rise to the level of me needing to apologize, just maybe being a little overly suspicious of someone I don’t know.
He has every right (I assume) to prevent his copyrighted video from being edited (by CAIR) in a way he doesn’t like. But having suffered through the unedited, complete, Pauly rant, there’s nothing deceptive about how CAIR edited that. Of course you take the high points or low points – the points you think are most illustrative or offensive from your point of view when you’re making a montage. (The classic case of deceptive video editing was what Breitbart did to Shirley Sherrod, making it sound like she was saying the opposite of what she was saying – CAIR was not even in that ballpark.)
And I’ve got no idea where you get “right-wing” is pejorative. I am left-wing and proud. Aren’t you and Collins “right-wing” and proud? I’d always heard him described that way, including by people on this blog who admire him. “Right-wing” doesn’t necessarily mean anti-Muslim, I wish it didn’t. But it COULD mean being reluctant to embarrass right-wing politicians like Pauly, Royce and Miller, which is why I was thinking that was possible.
“Can we see your unedited version instead, would that be more fair?” The answer proved to be yes. You’re the one blowing a gasket.
Vern said:
“Can we see your unedited version instead, would that be more fair?”
As an official member of “thinkpol” – I know what you meant by your above statement, that it would be more fair of Collins to show the entire video in order for you to be able to provide more incriminating evidence against the legislators at the rally.
I never figured you for a bullshit artist Vern.
Now you’re just being crazy. I don’t even understand what you’re saying.
Yeah, the little bit I heard of Pauly and Royce made me want to hear more. What if – right before the excerpted parts – Deborah had just said something like, “And let me make it clear, I am referring to such and such a speaker and his extremist group, not the nice innocent Orange County Muslims who may be attending this event” – that would have changed things a lot. And I would have pointed that out. Wasn’t the case.
Your last comment is really crazy! Of COURSE I wanted to see the whole unedited thing. You can even go up this comment thread, and see me saying that BEFORE Collins had the CAIR video taken down. Now YOU’RE the one suggesting the whole speeches should be hidden so there’s no “incriminating evidence” against the legislators. I’m glad George Collins doesn’t think like you!
Can we stop this now? I still wanna hear Royce’s and Miller’s full speeches but I need some coffee.
Okay, watched Royce’s (20:15) and Miller’s (30:50) speeches, and they were not quite as bad as I thought. They both said things I agreed and disagreed with. They both made a point of giving props to moderate, democratic Muslims – as did the emcee. They both offered reprehensible quotes from one or two of the speakers who were gonna be at the event (out of context? from how long ago? don’t know, but they didn’t sound good.) And they both went on about horrible things that are happening in Pakistan etc. Overall though they went right along with the general jist of the event, that there’s a great danger of SHAR’IA LAW taking over in America, which is totally crazy. And as reasonable as they managed to sound, they’re just part of the old old American tradition of demonizing the latest group of outsiders. (One of the biggest applause lines earlier in the rally, which had nothing to do with Islam, was “And America needs to start ENFORCING ITS OWN LAWS!!!” which was code for immigration – remember Pauly’s earlier claim to fame last year)
Deborah Pauly’s speech had no such nuance, was completely hatred-of-muslims (just like the little excerpt CAIR gave us) and was one of the last speeches the mob heard before they flocked over to the event to yell at the attendees. Yeah, she’s got a future with today’s brownshirts.
I watched all of Pauly’s speech. CAIR did her a favor editing all of her stupidity.
Save for the spliced snippet.
“Islamophobia”=Muslims getting their FEELINGS hurt
“Infidelphobia”=NON-Muslims & FORMER Muslims getting KILLED
I thank our officials who spoke! Thank you for defending our country and its citizens!
I cannot believe the liberal posts here and the hateful words spewed from them on their fellow Americans. My question to the liberals here are have you ever bothered to find out what the Quran actually says? What does it really teach? Do you know who and the history of Mohammed? After all, the founder of any organization is revealing. You criticize ACT! For America but you have ever bothered to truly investigate what Islam stands for, preaches or calls for? You shouldn’t just suppose or assume and here is why . . .
When much of the world’s terrorism and great brutal acts are committed by Islamists you have to start wondering and asking yourself these questions. Wise men will pursue this knowledge, not only for truth, but also for prevention and elimination of the destructive acts.
When societies and countries of the world that has as its foundation Islam and are not prospering, are highly restrictive of its citizens, are regressive, besides producing terrorists around the world including the seas, you have to start wondering and asking yourself these questions. Wise men will pursue this knowledge, not only for an answer, but also for solutions.
If a toy, product or drug, etc. that has the possibility of a devastating reaction or outcome, reasonable people would not purchase or use such a product. As parents, you would keep your child far away from a potential hazard. Never mind that most of the product is safe; you wouldn’t care. And, if the product did result in damage, death or destruction, the entire manufacturer would have to pay dearly, not just with money, but also with reputation.
You liberals out there are playing into the hands of the leaders of Islam. While deceiving you, you fervently go to their aid basically protecting their right to continue on with their destructive and backward nature. Unfortunately, the truth is, most of the leaders of Islam are the terrorists and/or tyrants. Even if there were moderate or peaceful Islamists, they are not the ones our attention should be focused on. They are not the ones that will create history. They are not the ones that will prevent disaster.
So, I challenge you liberals out there, find out exactly what Islam is and what it stands for. Hear from ex-Muslims. Hear from common people who escaped their chains. Go to an ACT! For America meeting and go with an open mind desiring truth and knowledge.
One thing you will discover is that Islam is not just a religion, but it is also a government, a political system, that goes directly against our Republic form of government. It cannot exist side by side with freedom and liberty. They know that, but we obviously won’t even look at that possibility. To tolerate them is to eventually be under them because that is what they call for.
Keep this in mind. Great countries throughout history failed not from foreign invasion but from within. If you do go to explore, you just might change your mind. I suspect this is why you probably won’t explore this any further but will continue to fervently criticize . . . fellow Americans, Christianity, etc. You’ll go to the ends of the earth to be clever.
“A fool finds no pleasure in understanding, but delights in airing his own opinions.” – Proverbs 18:2
“A discerning man keeps wisdom in view, but a fool’s eyes wander to the ends of the earth.” – Proverbs 17:24.
“By their fruits shall ye know them,” and the vast majority of US Muslims, and OC Muslims, are good peaceful patriotic Americans who ring up the FBI the minute they hear some extremist prick spewing dangerous shit in their midst. I stand with them.
So just ignore the rest of my questions. Will you gain some real knowledge of the teaching or continue to blind your eyes and hold your ears. Aren’t you in the least curious as to why most of the terrorists in the world have a basis in Islam?
By the way, Islam’s fruits unfortunately include terror, hate, prejudice, death, destruction and chaos. Their fruits keeping women in slavery. Their fruits are lying and deceiving, even to their own people. Their fruits are Sharia Law. Their fruits of honor killings.
Aren’t you in the least concerned that Sharia Law cannot exist along side our Constitution?
“By their fruits shall ye know them,” and the vast majority of US Muslims, and OC Muslims, are good peaceful patriotic Americans who ring up the FBI the minute they hear some extremist prick spewing dangerous shit in their midst.