The other day some sick individual left this hideous comment attached to a blog post regarding Fullerton police officers:

That’s messed up! Our initial analysis led us to the almost certain conclusion that this rather obvious death threat against Fullerton’s Finest was actually left by a member of Fullerton’s own police union, the FPOA, in an effort to stir up trouble for us bloggers and draw much needed sympathy for their own members. Agent provocateurs is what I believe they call police officers who pretend to join in an otherwise peaceful rally and then incite violence, usually in order to facilitate a brutal police beatdown against pesky protestors.
Read the rest of “The Cop Death Threat: Agent Provocateur or Just Some Nutjob?”
Very typical Travis!
In 2006, in cahoots with SAPD13, Gordon, Mill and Pedroza troika tried to do same to me, to derail my mayoral candidacy.
Travis, the fun part comes when the Fullerton Finest will make fraudulent call from the public phone and identify your address as crime house. Then they storm your house kick down your door and gun down you and everyone in the house.
Then they issue apology saying that they make a mistake.
Here, in Santa Ana the police Chief Walters and Mayor Pulido have to yet issue such public apology re Susie Young Kim murder by cop execution stile in front of her 18 month old daughter.
Vote no on tax increase!!!!!
You are feeding bad cops!….. they are all bad.
It was probably a member of the West Side Improver Gang from Costa Mesa.