[This is an issue we’ll be looking into soon: The question of, is the motivation of billions of dollars of federal money (by differing accounts, $104,000 to $200,000 per child per year) added to the money to be had putting up kids for adoption, perversely incentivizing CPS to unnecessarily take children from their parents? It’s looking more and more like there’s something here. At least, I will be attending this event, put on by my OCCASIONAL ally, rightwing homophobe pastor Wiley Drake! – Ed.]
OC CPS Corruption Family Law Seminar and Exhibit
Saturday March 12th, 2011 at 11:00 am
Sponsored by
…………… First Southern Baptist Church
6801 Western Ave.
Buena Park,California 90620
11:00 Lunch and Exhibits
12:00 Noon to Finish (Approx 4:00 pm)
RSVP for FREE lunch tickets
RSVP for Exhibit table ( $10.00 donation to Family Ministry)
Speakers, both professional and amateur, invited to share any ministry to the family,
especially dealing with CPS Reform.
RSVP to wileywiley@att.net or call pastor Wiley Drake 1-714-865-8132
pastor/activist WILEY DRAKE and activist/mother SARAH SANDY:
Murdered Georgia legislator Nancy Schaefer, circa 2007
"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.
Vern, is this your post on the CPS corruption? There’s probably some real truth to it, maybe a lot of truth. That’s based on years of previous research and reporting into that issue.
Too bad it takes a nut like Wiley Drake to say something about it. There’s something strangely likable about him though. I once told him I thought he was one of the most entertaining preachers around, full of shit but always in top form. He laughed.
Yeah, listen to these people. Remember, a lot of people can’t express themselves very well due to lack of education or whatever. They may have their flaws too, but that doesn’t mean that what they’re saying isn’t true. Their cases may be mixture of facts or they may be totally right.
Either way, Social Services are way too powerful. Give these people a chance and be very skeptical of the SS. They are fucking crazy and power hungry in general. They have too much power, too few checks and balances, they BS a lot and people are scared shitless of them.
That doesn’t mean that everything they do is wrong, but also consider this: whose kids get take most of the time? It’s the poor, with minority poor at the top of the list. Looking at the broader picture, that provides a nice industry of power and job security for the ruling class and their minions while they pretend to help people instead of looking at the most important, broader, issue: class, poverty, corporate fascism, etc.
You know, let’s put their children into institutions where they can get beat up by other kids, maybe raped, go though emotional trauma from being separated from families and not having real family love, etc. instead of giving them and their parents jobs, etc. Yeah: comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable!
Prediction – parents who believe CPS has ruined their families by intervening in alleged child abuse or neglect situaitons that “just were not true” will speak to deride the CPS system and claim that it is driven by government money which grows with each new case. Those parents who make such accusations will be unwilling to sign a release allowing the media or anyone else to review their case file, which will include information about any previous allegations and more details than will be shared at this event (such as what the CPS worker who investigated the allegation found in their home, their background, etc.). No one who represents the juvenile justice system will be present to listen or to address those accusations.
The fact that the CPS system is a state system mandated upon the counties to operate will not be explained. It is an old, not new, story. Just for fun, ask any such parents if they or anyone in their home has a domestic violence or drug history to which their kids have been/are exposed, especially during any part of their pregnancy, and whether that played into the handling of their case.
This event is being staged on Saturday, known as a slow news day, in hopes of capturing some media attention – and it probably will.
And, consider becoming a foster parent yourself, or a CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate – http://www.casaoc.org) so you can improve the qualitiy of care for kids in foster care. Have a nice day.
Here is a case where the mom can’t sign, due to judge’s put gag orders on them! but if you are on facebook and friend request me, I know of others who only wish someone would report of these goings on and aren’t subjected to gag orders.
Also, I like to commend you on informing us of how to become a foster caregiver-it’s important we too start our part in the care of them. I would like to add that is a bit hard though when they have your own kids, they sure won’t be letting them care for anyone elses. I’m grateful to not be in that position and can partake in helping them by becoming a fostercare giver, to insure of their safety and care. thanx for the info.
We have learned over the years that some vulnerable children can be better served by remaining safe at home while their parents receive the community services and support they need to raise a family successfully
Heard iT Before. It takes NO BRAINS or effort to not listen or have an open mind. Humans want things to be so simple. I WILL SIGN a release for you to get my CPS records and see that I reported my ex for what my children were both saying about inapp. contact betweeen them and their father. CPS retaliates against me and gtives the children to him – and places a 500 ft restraining order on me. AND I have NO COntacT with my children. I spent $250,000 on fighting 2 cases based on the same absurd accusation. THAT I AM DELUSIONAL. ?! NO abuse or neglect at all. Look up alexandra SHIPula in TEXAS.
CPS is definitely a multi-billion dollar industry and is NOT protecting kids. I work with families involved with CPS daily and its a disgrace to our country that AMERICANS can allow the government to torture children they way they do.
CPS in most cases does need to be INVOLVED, but in MOST cases the children DO NOT need to be removed!!! These children go to sleep scared, alone, afraid, and miss their parents; this causes traumatic results and ongoing problems in development, starting from attachment disorder to God knows what anger issues they develop!
These parents in MOST cases will jump any hoops placed before them to have their children returned, and after all the tax dollars it cost.. these children are sold to highest bidders to adoption!!!
These parents sign over constitutional rights when entering a CPS case plan, YES there is truth to every story CPS creates but the truth is MINOR!!! These parents BEG for media involvement, though courts place gag orders on ANY parent speaking out..
WAKE UP Orange County!!! These children are being taken out of homes by the thousands every month and THESE children are the future and play with YOUR children. NO CHILD SHOULD HAVE TO GO THROUGH THIS! If you have any questions… call me!! YOU WANT TO SEE FACTS, CALL ME!! I have nothing to hide – it’s a disgrace what CPS does to children and families, all for the greed of money!!! ~ Sarah Sandy, 714-868-1492
this was to be named a 7 act…it was worth doing due to the lies and corruption in each state….orange county wake up and to the other states wake up and realize you are wrong as well for legally kidnapping our children…i am from wilson county texas and my kids were legally kidnapped as well because of my birth mother who wants my kids and has manipulated my oldest in to her games…so on the word of my youngest daughter and about 20 more witnesses i have never hurt my kids and will never hurt my kids the way i am being accused of…so until cps dfps legal kidnappers or whatever they wanna call themselves our kids and families are at danger from being destroyed…thought this was a free country and parents have rights and we have the bible to back us up as parents…
Obviously, if Santa Ana Police Chief Walters and Mayor Pulido condone gunning down mother Susie Young Kim in front of her 18 month old daughter execution stile by SAPD13, without us impeaching both pigs, then we are all child haters.
Clearly, the cat is out of the bag on this issue of Government, State and County financially incentivized CPS orchestrated “legal kidnappings”. OC’s corrupt practices are protocol in every county of every state. I was blessed to have had the opportunity to listen to Paster Wiley Drake’s and Pastor Mark Rafter’s show aired live on Saturday, March 11, 2011 in Orange County. I did not find Wiley Drake to be “nuts”, I found him to be “well informed, fearless and sincere”.
We are confronting a multi trillion-dollar beast when we talk about defunding Title IV-D and Title V. We are beginning to address our politicians and we are making headway in our efforts to expose CPS corruption. We will hold corrupt elected officials accountable and we will name them if they are complicit with the status quo corrupt operating practices of CPS. The American people have tolerated CPS Abuse and Family Law Corruption for far too long and we as a people are outraged.
I urge any elected official, politician, law enforcement officer, attorney or county supervisor reading this comment to step in and help us achieve reform. Please follow Assemblyman Mike Feuer’s lead and advocate for open public hearings in our juvenile dependency courts. http://www.latimes.com/…/la-me-open-court-20110302,0,1718918.story –
Time to come clean Orange County. The cat is out of the bag.
Whether you are a politician, attorney, elected official, county supervisor, law enforcement officer, parent advocacy group, non profit parental rights organization or a victim of CPS/Family Court corruption, please feel free to add me as a Facebook Friend http://www.facebook.com/people/Janette-M-Isaacs/697100244
KENTUCKY JUDGE CATHERINE RICE-HOLDERFIELD Jails MOTHER Kimberly Harris for NO REASON – ILLEGAL – deprivation of HUMAN Rights..You can Not Shut us all up!!!!
Someone wrote a blog which gained attention. A page was started by complete strangers to the case. Many read the story and became outraged. Supporters from across the world support this mother and young man who has spoken out on his FB page. The comment below is from Christian Coffey’s FB page.
These are posts taken from Christian Coffey’s FB page. You be the judge. Christian is 16 years old.
Christian says his counselor Fane makes him sit in a certain chair
facehis father Steve and Christian can’t say the word ABUSE, BEAT,or FEAR, he has to call his beating with a belt a SPANKING GONE WRONG! Also Fane made another rule, that Chrsitian can not mention his girlfriends name in his counseling sessions because his father Steve Coffey loses control and gets very angry.
Christian said, “My own counselor does not believe my Father abused me! He won’t let me speak of it, on my terms!”
Christian said, “I don’t know how much more of this I can take…I have to sit there and answer their stupid questions…until I say what they want me to say…”or I sit there and don’t say anything and my Father say’s well until you want to tell the truth about what is really going on I guess you will rot in Foster Care!
Christian said, ” I have asked the Foster Mom, Edin, and Mike Pierce, and Fane if I can contact my lawyer…they all act like I can’t know anything about the court stuff but, I want to talk to her to tell her what they are doing!”
Christian said, ” I snuck and e-mailed her a couple of times but, since I don’t have that anymore I don’t know if she tried to contact me …also if she calls I am sure no-one will tell me”
Christian said, ” Last Wednesday when my Father visited me at the Cabinet…Edin was not supervising but some girl was..and my Father started calling me a liar and he was so angry and I was afraid the girl started crying who was suppose to be watching us, while my Father became angrier and calling me names saying he would make sure I stayed in Foster Care and not go to my Mom’s ever again…the girl left and that was terrible because I did not know what he would do! Another worker showed up and talked to my Father in private, then she came back to talk to me…to make sure I was okay….she really cared…she made my Father leave!
Christian said,
“I went to see the new Doctor about my Kidneys…and the Foster Mom lied to my Mom and said the Doctor said everything was fine…He dd not say that and she was not even there…he said he would review the tests from the other doctor and wait on blood work…and he made me another appointment…
Read the affidavit from Kimberly Harris Christians mom who is trying to protect him.
Case Number 10-D 00184-001
Place: Warren Circuit Court: CIR DIV IV FC TWO County : Warren KY
Judge Catherine Rice Holderfild
CASE NO. 01-CI-00407
In the Interest of Christian Coffey, a minor child:
COMES NOW the Petitioner, Kimberly Harris, through counsel, and after being duly sworn, states that the following information is true and accurate to the best of her knowledge and belief:
__MCE_ITEM__(1) My name is Kimberly Harris and I am the mother of Christian Coffey. I share joint custody of Christian with his father, Steven Coffey.
__MCE_ITEM__(2) On April 23, 2004, I agreed to modify custody to permit Steven Coffey to serve as the primary residential custodian of Christian. Since that Order was entered, a change has occurred in the circumstances of Steven Coffey and our son, Christian Coffey, such that a modification of custody is necessary to serve the best interests of our child.
__MCE_ITEM__(3) Specifically the changes include but are not limited to the following:
__MCE_ITEM__a) A finding by this Court that domestic violence occurred between Steven and Christian and the entry of a Domestic Violence Order that against Steven Coffey for the protection of Christian.
__MCE_ITEM__b) The Warren County Attorney’s Office has filed charges against Steven Coffey based upon the abuse perpetrated upon Christian. Specifically, the charge is Criminal Assault 4th Degree – Child Abuse and can be found in Warren District Court Case No. 10-M-02048.
__MCE_ITEM__c) In order to deal with the abuse and the after-effects, Christian has being seeing a therapist at Centerstone in Nashville, Tennessee. Christian has been diagnosed with Adjustment Disorder with Mixed Anxiety and Depressed Mood and possible Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms. The psychosocial/environmental problem cited as the root of this diagnosis is the physical abuse from the Christian’s father.
__MCE_ITEM__d) Christian’s therapist has noted some improvement in Christian’s levels of fear and anxiety since staying with me and limiting contact with his father. However, Christian is having problems sleeping, eating and dealing with feelings of depression and he is regressing due to the thought of returning home to live with his father.
__MCE_ITEM__e) Christian has told me that he lives in fear of his father because his father hits him and spanks him excessively. Christian has informed me that his father has hit him in the face and left bruises. On October 30, 2009, Christian reported to Tracie Downing at Drakes Middle School, that he had been hit in the face by his father. Tracie noted the swelling and bruising in Christian’s face and reported the incident to the Department of Protection and Permanency.
__MCE_ITEM__f) On May 14, 2010, Christian reported to Tracie Downing that he felt hopeless that he would never get out of his situation; that he feared his father; that he was not sleeping or eating because his stomach was upset; that he was having difficulty going to the bathroom; and that he was considering running away because he was living in such fear of his father. Again this incident was reported to the Department of Permanency and Protection.
__MCE_ITEM__g) On May 22, 2010, Christian was beaten with a belt during a time which Christian had urinary tract infection. The belting resulted in extremely firm contact to Christian’s lower back, buttocks and back of his legs. Since that time, Christian has reported pain in his lower back and pain during urination. This is complicated by a birth defect in Christian’s kidneys that could be impacted by a severe trauma to these areas. Christian is currently receiving medical treatment as a result of this incident.
__MCE_ITEM__h) Christian has informed me and that his father calls him an idiot, tells and tells him that he is worthless and stupid.
__MCE_ITEM__i) Christian’s father claims to have a problem with Christian and Christian’s girlfriend in that he has unsuccessfully tried to prevent them from seeing each other and talking. The basis for Steven trying to prevent contact between Christian and his girlfriend is that he claims he is trying to prevent them from engaging in sexual activities. Steven’s admitted method for dealing with this situation is belting Christian. I can handle Christian and address these issues appropriately.
__MCE_ITEM__j) During the time that Christian has been in my custody, he has consistently had panic attacks after speaking with his father on the phone.
__MCE_ITEM__(4) Christian’s response to Steven’s methods of discipline is highly unpredictable. Christian could react violently toward Steven, which could result in serious physical injury to Christian and/or Steven. Christian could also be overwhelmed by his feelings of depression and helplessness and he could cause harm to himself.
__MCE_ITEM__(5) The present environment at Steven’s home endangers seriously Christian’s physical, mental, moral, and emotional health and I firmly believe that if my son is forced to return to or remain at Steven’s home, he, Christian, may be severely injured, physically and emotionally.
__MCE_ITEM__(6) I do not believe Steven should be allowed visitation until anger management classes are completed and at that time the
visitation should begin with supervised sessions.
FURTHER the Affiant sayeth not
The Warren County Attorney’s Office has filed charges against Steven Coffey based upon the abuse perpetrated upon Christian. Specifically, the charge is Criminal Assault 4th Degree – Child Abuse and can be found in Warren District Court Case No. 10-M-02048.
Case Number
10-D 00184-001Warren Circuit Court: CIR DIV IV FC TWO County : Warren KY
Judge Catherine Rice Holderfild
Not only Children are Kidnapped in this neo-socialistic country.
Where are you socialists to help your Comrade Nativo?
FYI, I do agree with Nativo on common law defense since I am familiar with it.
March 14, 2011
Last week you received an urgent appeal alert about the arrest of Nativo Lopez, National President of the Mexican American Political Association and the Hermandad Mexicana Latinoamericana. Well, Nativo was taken into custody by Los Angeles Superior Court Judge George G. Lomeli due to his insistence that Nativo comply with a court-ordered psychiatric evaluation without any reservations or conditions. In the face of repeated threats by the judge to have him remanded into prolonged custody to the Patton State Mental Hospital (up to three years) as an involuntary detainee, Nativo declared that he was prepared to comply with the order of the court, but would do so only under threat, duress, and coercion by the court. He reiterated to the judge that he had already complied with six other such evaluations under threat, duress, and coercion over the past twenty-two months, since the case began in June, 2009, and intended on doing the same with his order. Judge Lomeli immediately ordered Nativo arrested, and he was taken into custody by two court marshals. This is the third time Nativo has been arrested by a judge in the case. Two other judges similarly denied him his freedom when they claimed that they did not understand the legal terminology he was using and qualified it as nonsense.
After Nativo’s arrest Judge Lomeli continued to make comments about the case, made additional court orders regarding the custody; that Nativo would be returned to the court after 15 days, and then again on June 8, 2011; that Nativo would be an involuntary detainee and involuntarily medicated by the hospital – “for his own good.” The assigned public defender objected to these orders, and repeatedly stated that Nativo was not a threat to himself or to another; that he was always polite and cordial to the court, never demonstrated or advocated violence or aggressive behavior that would warrant such detention and forced medication. Judge Lomeli ignored the pleas of the public defender, and proceeded to make more comments. Lopez sympathizers and supporters present were completely stunned by the arrogance of Lomeli.
Four hours later, Judge Lomeli returned Nativo to his courtroom from incarceration and apologized to him for the abrupt custody ordered and exclaimed that he had not seen a subsequent psychiatric report disclaiming a previous report to the court questioning Nativo’s mental competency, and asked him to return for another psychiatric evaluation and return to the court on April 14th; to which Nativo again affirmed his intention to resereve ALL HIS RIGHTS under the United States Constitution of America, the Uniform Commercial Code, and the corresponding rights and authority under Estate Law in reference to his personal estate – NATIVO LOPEZ, Estate. Judge Lomeli immediately acknowledged this point for the record, and Nativo bid him a good day after the handcuffs were removed.
The case of Nativo Lopez stems from allegations of voter fraud in 2006 and 2008, when it is alleged that he registered to vote and voted using his office address as a domicile for the purpose of registering to vote and voting in the corresponding election cycles in Los Angeles. For this the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office, Steve Cooley, filed eight felony charges against him and has ruthlessly pursued the prosecution of the case since June 2009. Nativo has refused all offers presented to him by the D.A.’s office to plead guilty to a lesser offense in exchange for dropping more serious charges. His position is that he is not guilty of the charges lodged at him, and therefore, there is no reason why he should fall on a one felony sword to prevent a full-blown trial.
Nativo was originally represented by reputable legal counsel, but decided after the initial months of the court process to address the criminal charges in an unorthodox manner not commonly attempted in the California judicial system. And, this is what has unnerved the judges, court marshals, court-appointed psychiatrists, county jail sheriffs, and other court officials, and even surprised many of his friends, colleagues, and political activists.
Nativo has decided to not accept an attorney to represent him in the case because by their oath of office and their affiliation with the Bar Association, attorneys are for all intents and purposes officers of the court, and ultimately, loyal first and foremost to the court before their client; and today’s attorneys are not taught about Common Law. In fact, under Common Law attorneys are not permitted. The assumption is that the common citizen can defend himself and does not require legal intervenors who are trained by the court and the legal profession.
Nativo has decided to not represent himself in the case because he declares that he is not the legal fiction – ALL CAPS NAME – created by the government and charged by the government in the court documents – THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA VS. NATIVO LOPEZ. He is a real living man, not a legal fiction. Under common law a legal fiction cannot prosecute a real living man. He has decided to use the common law, which precedes the United States Constitution, and actually precedes the establishment of the republic of the united States of America; contract law; and estate law; to have this case, being prosecuted by a public official representing the legal fiction of the Office of the District Attorney of Los Angeles County, dismissed.
Under Common Law for a crime to actually exist two things are required: one, a living man or woman complainant who has suffered damages to his/her person or property; and two, actual damages to property or person. In the case brought against Nativo Lopez, neither of these criteria exists. And, this is the case of literally millions of other men and women incarcerated for victimless crimes, and less than victimless crimes based on man-instituted statutes, ordinances, regulations, rules, and discretionary authority used and abused by the myriad of public officials who live off the sweat of the brow of the masses of working people of this state and country.
The next court hearing in the case of Nativo Lopez will be April 14, 2011 at the Los Angeles Superior Court, located at 210 W. Temple Street, Dept. 123, Los Angeles, CA 90012 at 9:00 a.m.
The JUSTICE FOR NATIVO COMMITTEE ask that you consider the following:
1. 1. Attend the next court hearing to show your support and demand that the case be dismissed;
2. 2. Send a letter to Judge George G. Lomeli and to Steve Cooley, Los Angeles District Attorney – see attached form letters;
3. 3. Ask Nativo to speak to your group, organization, church, union, or community about the case and the use of Common Law remedies in criminal prosecutions and other civil cases;
4. 4. Make a donation to the JUSTICE FOR NATIVO COMMITTEE and send to 900 N. Broadway, Suite 604, Santa Ana, CA 92701
5. 5. Send your requests and suggestions to xelha.lopez@gmail.com or call
-letters to support Nativo will be post it in the http://www.mapa.org starting Wed night-
or call 714-541-0250 to fax you a copy of mail them to you. thank you!
Join us in this prolonged campaign for driver’s licenses and visas for our families. The first step in making change is to join an organization that pursues the change we desire. We welcome you to our ranks.
Other organizations leading this movement include: Hermandad Mexicana Latinoamericana, Mexican American Political Association (MAPA), MAPA Youth Leadership, Southern California Immigration Coalition, Liberty and Justice for Immigrants Movement, National Alliance for Immigrant’s Rights, and immigrant’s rights coalitions throughout the U.S..
Nativo V. Lopez, National President of MAPA (323) 269-1575
Join the Mexican American Political Association mailing list
Unfortunately your computation re common law is insufficient.
Do not be ignorant and inform yourself on what he is doing re common law from which we all can benefit because it was fraudulently taken away from us.
Do you know that the Bar Association is a private organization yet is acting as a government.
Do you know that your attorney is the officer of the court and not your attorney?
Do you know that Judicial immunity is unlawful?
There is ample of judicial grave irregularities which are promulgated as a binding law.
Usually judges get angry and will retaliate if you show that you are informed.
Same as in old soviet union they will use mental illness charges against you as they did against their dissidents.
Make no mistake about it people, it is an organized crime ring using you and your children as product to generate profits FOR the courts! Why do you think that there are sooooo many cases of abuse and neglect once the child is taken in to protective custody? Good foster parents are hounded and abusive ones are glorified. This is all done so that the children become traumatized and grow up to be offenders generating more income for the courts. My OWN child was picked up from school by Denise Sherman of Los Angeles County for offending Ruben Carvajal, the marijuana supplier for the Los Angeles DCFS Chatsworth office. All officers of the court in my case were in collusion to keep the truth off of the record and they all knew what was going on. This is only ONE of the many ways that I was being fraudulently used by Los Angeles County to generate income for the corrupt court system.
I’m am an athiestic, gay, wing nut liberal. No Kidding.
I agree entirely on this issue.
CPS has excess power, the psych experts who provide the rationalizations which drive their actions are not experts, but quacks. I’ve been privy to the insights of some of the best psychologists in the world and they agree that the current standards are entirely bogus.
CPS causes severe harm to children by treating them inhumanely, they would be better off on the street left to the charity of regular folks, even with the danger of some wackos, and I’m not kidding.
CPS damages people by protocol. I helped raise a teen who’d spent time in their system, and I’m privy to a number of friends and family who’ve been stolen from their parents for politically expedient hype, like over-reaction to the reality that kids some times act out sexually, being sexual animals like all human beings.
CPS is a travesty and history will have its day in retrospect.
cps stole my 2 girls 10 yrs. ago on a lie. i hate cps and america!!! go to hell cps and america!@!@#!@#$!#$!@# if you think cps is good you need to google nancy schaefer on the corrupt business of child protective services. cant wait till GOD throws all evil cps workers and family destruction court judges into the lake of fire.where they will literally burn alive 24/7 forever. and screaming and crying in pain.and will never see their loved ones or another human being ever again!!!!! so i hope destroying my family for nothing was worth your eternal DOOM YOU F`ING IDIOTS@!#$@#$%#$%#%^$&^^(*_)+
if you read this maybe you could help the families in Santa Maria ca. The judge and county attorneys were playing lets make a deal with my grand son they came at her one day and said if you give up your rights to your son we will let you keep custody of your daughter this is so inhumane these power tripping case workers are something else needless to say we fought and lost of course we are appealing it but we shall see the judicial systems sucks in america and always will.we even had a relative ready to adopt but they denied that request also
Gee Vern for all your bashing on me, WHY would your site remove the Tweaker page? HUM did you finally GET the information I have? What a fucking coward, can’t even apologize or give an explanation as to why you dropped Sarahs’ sorry ass. WOW shocked/Not.
Perhaps of Interest - https://youtu.be/EXwT_7HVmys?si=VNxBy6dDtYKr9usu
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So, good thing he was killed, you're saying?
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My definition is ... irrelevant to this discussion, counselor. (I'd look up case law if I needed one.) You're the…
Wait what is your definition of sovereign nation? And I don’t think you understand what independence is. Entering into treaties…
Vern, is this your post on the CPS corruption? There’s probably some real truth to it, maybe a lot of truth. That’s based on years of previous research and reporting into that issue.
Too bad it takes a nut like Wiley Drake to say something about it. There’s something strangely likable about him though. I once told him I thought he was one of the most entertaining preachers around, full of shit but always in top form. He laughed.
Yeah, listen to these people. Remember, a lot of people can’t express themselves very well due to lack of education or whatever. They may have their flaws too, but that doesn’t mean that what they’re saying isn’t true. Their cases may be mixture of facts or they may be totally right.
Either way, Social Services are way too powerful. Give these people a chance and be very skeptical of the SS. They are fucking crazy and power hungry in general. They have too much power, too few checks and balances, they BS a lot and people are scared shitless of them.
That doesn’t mean that everything they do is wrong, but also consider this: whose kids get take most of the time? It’s the poor, with minority poor at the top of the list. Looking at the broader picture, that provides a nice industry of power and job security for the ruling class and their minions while they pretend to help people instead of looking at the most important, broader, issue: class, poverty, corporate fascism, etc.
You know, let’s put their children into institutions where they can get beat up by other kids, maybe raped, go though emotional trauma from being separated from families and not having real family love, etc. instead of giving them and their parents jobs, etc. Yeah: comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable!
Prediction – parents who believe CPS has ruined their families by intervening in alleged child abuse or neglect situaitons that “just were not true” will speak to deride the CPS system and claim that it is driven by government money which grows with each new case. Those parents who make such accusations will be unwilling to sign a release allowing the media or anyone else to review their case file, which will include information about any previous allegations and more details than will be shared at this event (such as what the CPS worker who investigated the allegation found in their home, their background, etc.). No one who represents the juvenile justice system will be present to listen or to address those accusations.
The fact that the CPS system is a state system mandated upon the counties to operate will not be explained. It is an old, not new, story. Just for fun, ask any such parents if they or anyone in their home has a domestic violence or drug history to which their kids have been/are exposed, especially during any part of their pregnancy, and whether that played into the handling of their case.
This event is being staged on Saturday, known as a slow news day, in hopes of capturing some media attention – and it probably will.
And, consider becoming a foster parent yourself, or a CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate – http://www.casaoc.org) so you can improve the qualitiy of care for kids in foster care. Have a nice day.
Here is a case where the mom can’t sign, due to judge’s put gag orders on them! but if you are on facebook and friend request me, I know of others who only wish someone would report of these goings on and aren’t subjected to gag orders.
Also, I like to commend you on informing us of how to become a foster caregiver-it’s important we too start our part in the care of them. I would like to add that is a bit hard though when they have your own kids, they sure won’t be letting them care for anyone elses. I’m grateful to not be in that position and can partake in helping them by becoming a fostercare giver, to insure of their safety and care. thanx for the info.
We have learned over the years that some vulnerable children can be better served by remaining safe at home while their parents receive the community services and support they need to raise a family successfully
Heard iT Before. It takes NO BRAINS or effort to not listen or have an open mind. Humans want things to be so simple. I WILL SIGN a release for you to get my CPS records and see that I reported my ex for what my children were both saying about inapp. contact betweeen them and their father. CPS retaliates against me and gtives the children to him – and places a 500 ft restraining order on me. AND I have NO COntacT with my children. I spent $250,000 on fighting 2 cases based on the same absurd accusation. THAT I AM DELUSIONAL. ?! NO abuse or neglect at all. Look up alexandra SHIPula in TEXAS.
CPS is definitely a multi-billion dollar industry and is NOT protecting kids. I work with families involved with CPS daily and its a disgrace to our country that AMERICANS can allow the government to torture children they way they do.
CPS in most cases does need to be INVOLVED, but in MOST cases the children DO NOT need to be removed!!! These children go to sleep scared, alone, afraid, and miss their parents; this causes traumatic results and ongoing problems in development, starting from attachment disorder to God knows what anger issues they develop!
These parents in MOST cases will jump any hoops placed before them to have their children returned, and after all the tax dollars it cost.. these children are sold to highest bidders to adoption!!!
These parents sign over constitutional rights when entering a CPS case plan, YES there is truth to every story CPS creates but the truth is MINOR!!! These parents BEG for media involvement, though courts place gag orders on ANY parent speaking out..
WAKE UP Orange County!!! These children are being taken out of homes by the thousands every month and THESE children are the future and play with YOUR children. NO CHILD SHOULD HAVE TO GO THROUGH THIS! If you have any questions… call me!! YOU WANT TO SEE FACTS, CALL ME!! I have nothing to hide – it’s a disgrace what CPS does to children and families, all for the greed of money!!! ~ Sarah Sandy, 714-868-1492
Sarah Sandy is a friggin’ rock star from mars and I am her biggest groupie . . . . .
Facts Sarah Sandy?
Here’s facts, thanks to a great find from a commentor named Maria mm. Thank you Maria for EXPOSING this ‘rockstar’ liar mother!
Read the court documents. NOTHING about Sarahs’ story is true. Here’s your ROCKSTAR Robert James Patterson.
this was to be named a 7 act…it was worth doing due to the lies and corruption in each state….orange county wake up and to the other states wake up and realize you are wrong as well for legally kidnapping our children…i am from wilson county texas and my kids were legally kidnapped as well because of my birth mother who wants my kids and has manipulated my oldest in to her games…so on the word of my youngest daughter and about 20 more witnesses i have never hurt my kids and will never hurt my kids the way i am being accused of…so until cps dfps legal kidnappers or whatever they wanna call themselves our kids and families are at danger from being destroyed…thought this was a free country and parents have rights and we have the bible to back us up as parents…
Obviously, if Santa Ana Police Chief Walters and Mayor Pulido condone gunning down mother Susie Young Kim in front of her 18 month old daughter execution stile by SAPD13, without us impeaching both pigs, then we are all child haters.
Clearly, the cat is out of the bag on this issue of Government, State and County financially incentivized CPS orchestrated “legal kidnappings”. OC’s corrupt practices are protocol in every county of every state. I was blessed to have had the opportunity to listen to Paster Wiley Drake’s and Pastor Mark Rafter’s show aired live on Saturday, March 11, 2011 in Orange County. I did not find Wiley Drake to be “nuts”, I found him to be “well informed, fearless and sincere”.
We are confronting a multi trillion-dollar beast when we talk about defunding Title IV-D and Title V. We are beginning to address our politicians and we are making headway in our efforts to expose CPS corruption. We will hold corrupt elected officials accountable and we will name them if they are complicit with the status quo corrupt operating practices of CPS. The American people have tolerated CPS Abuse and Family Law Corruption for far too long and we as a people are outraged.
I urge any elected official, politician, law enforcement officer, attorney or county supervisor reading this comment to step in and help us achieve reform. Please follow Assemblyman Mike Feuer’s lead and advocate for open public hearings in our juvenile dependency courts. http://www.latimes.com/…/la-me-open-court-20110302,0,1718918.story –
Time to come clean Orange County. The cat is out of the bag.
If my previous link did not work, the gest of the article with Assemblyman Mike Feuer’s bill can be retrieved at http://www.cnpa.com/legal_legislativebulletin.cfm
Whether you are a politician, attorney, elected official, county supervisor, law enforcement officer, parent advocacy group, non profit parental rights organization or a victim of CPS/Family Court corruption, please feel free to add me as a Facebook Friend http://www.facebook.com/people/Janette-M-Isaacs/697100244
KENTUCKY JUDGE CATHERINE RICE-HOLDERFIELD Jails MOTHER Kimberly Harris for NO REASON – ILLEGAL – deprivation of HUMAN Rights..You can Not Shut us all up!!!!
Someone wrote a blog which gained attention. A page was started by complete strangers to the case. Many read the story and became outraged. Supporters from across the world support this mother and young man who has spoken out on his FB page. The comment below is from Christian Coffey’s FB page.
These are posts taken from Christian Coffey’s FB page. You be the judge. Christian is 16 years old.
Christian says his counselor Fane makes him sit in a certain chair
facehis father Steve and Christian can’t say the word ABUSE, BEAT,or FEAR, he has to call his beating with a belt a SPANKING GONE WRONG! Also Fane made another rule, that Chrsitian can not mention his girlfriends name in his counseling sessions because his father Steve Coffey loses control and gets very angry.
Christian said, “My own counselor does not believe my Father abused me! He won’t let me speak of it, on my terms!”
Christian said, “I don’t know how much more of this I can take…I have to sit there and answer their stupid questions…until I say what they want me to say…”or I sit there and don’t say anything and my Father say’s well until you want to tell the truth about what is really going on I guess you will rot in Foster Care!
Christian said, ” I have asked the Foster Mom, Edin, and Mike Pierce, and Fane if I can contact my lawyer…they all act like I can’t know anything about the court stuff but, I want to talk to her to tell her what they are doing!”
Christian said, ” I snuck and e-mailed her a couple of times but, since I don’t have that anymore I don’t know if she tried to contact me …also if she calls I am sure no-one will tell me”
Christian said, ” Last Wednesday when my Father visited me at the Cabinet…Edin was not supervising but some girl was..and my Father started calling me a liar and he was so angry and I was afraid the girl started crying who was suppose to be watching us, while my Father became angrier and calling me names saying he would make sure I stayed in Foster Care and not go to my Mom’s ever again…the girl left and that was terrible because I did not know what he would do! Another worker showed up and talked to my Father in private, then she came back to talk to me…to make sure I was okay….she really cared…she made my Father leave!
Christian said,
“I went to see the new Doctor about my Kidneys…and the Foster Mom lied to my Mom and said the Doctor said everything was fine…He dd not say that and she was not even there…he said he would review the tests from the other doctor and wait on blood work…and he made me another appointment…
Read the affidavit from Kimberly Harris Christians mom who is trying to protect him.
Case Number 10-D 00184-001
Place: Warren Circuit Court: CIR DIV IV FC TWO County : Warren KY
Judge Catherine Rice Holderfild
CASE NO. 01-CI-00407
In the Interest of Christian Coffey, a minor child:
COMES NOW the Petitioner, Kimberly Harris, through counsel, and after being duly sworn, states that the following information is true and accurate to the best of her knowledge and belief:
__MCE_ITEM__(1) My name is Kimberly Harris and I am the mother of Christian Coffey. I share joint custody of Christian with his father, Steven Coffey.
__MCE_ITEM__(2) On April 23, 2004, I agreed to modify custody to permit Steven Coffey to serve as the primary residential custodian of Christian. Since that Order was entered, a change has occurred in the circumstances of Steven Coffey and our son, Christian Coffey, such that a modification of custody is necessary to serve the best interests of our child.
__MCE_ITEM__(3) Specifically the changes include but are not limited to the following:
__MCE_ITEM__a) A finding by this Court that domestic violence occurred between Steven and Christian and the entry of a Domestic Violence Order that against Steven Coffey for the protection of Christian.
__MCE_ITEM__b) The Warren County Attorney’s Office has filed charges against Steven Coffey based upon the abuse perpetrated upon Christian. Specifically, the charge is Criminal Assault 4th Degree – Child Abuse and can be found in Warren District Court Case No. 10-M-02048.
__MCE_ITEM__c) In order to deal with the abuse and the after-effects, Christian has being seeing a therapist at Centerstone in Nashville, Tennessee. Christian has been diagnosed with Adjustment Disorder with Mixed Anxiety and Depressed Mood and possible Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms. The psychosocial/environmental problem cited as the root of this diagnosis is the physical abuse from the Christian’s father.
__MCE_ITEM__d) Christian’s therapist has noted some improvement in Christian’s levels of fear and anxiety since staying with me and limiting contact with his father. However, Christian is having problems sleeping, eating and dealing with feelings of depression and he is regressing due to the thought of returning home to live with his father.
__MCE_ITEM__e) Christian has told me that he lives in fear of his father because his father hits him and spanks him excessively. Christian has informed me that his father has hit him in the face and left bruises. On October 30, 2009, Christian reported to Tracie Downing at Drakes Middle School, that he had been hit in the face by his father. Tracie noted the swelling and bruising in Christian’s face and reported the incident to the Department of Protection and Permanency.
__MCE_ITEM__f) On May 14, 2010, Christian reported to Tracie Downing that he felt hopeless that he would never get out of his situation; that he feared his father; that he was not sleeping or eating because his stomach was upset; that he was having difficulty going to the bathroom; and that he was considering running away because he was living in such fear of his father. Again this incident was reported to the Department of Permanency and Protection.
__MCE_ITEM__g) On May 22, 2010, Christian was beaten with a belt during a time which Christian had urinary tract infection. The belting resulted in extremely firm contact to Christian’s lower back, buttocks and back of his legs. Since that time, Christian has reported pain in his lower back and pain during urination. This is complicated by a birth defect in Christian’s kidneys that could be impacted by a severe trauma to these areas. Christian is currently receiving medical treatment as a result of this incident.
__MCE_ITEM__h) Christian has informed me and that his father calls him an idiot, tells and tells him that he is worthless and stupid.
__MCE_ITEM__i) Christian’s father claims to have a problem with Christian and Christian’s girlfriend in that he has unsuccessfully tried to prevent them from seeing each other and talking. The basis for Steven trying to prevent contact between Christian and his girlfriend is that he claims he is trying to prevent them from engaging in sexual activities. Steven’s admitted method for dealing with this situation is belting Christian. I can handle Christian and address these issues appropriately.
__MCE_ITEM__j) During the time that Christian has been in my custody, he has consistently had panic attacks after speaking with his father on the phone.
__MCE_ITEM__(4) Christian’s response to Steven’s methods of discipline is highly unpredictable. Christian could react violently toward Steven, which could result in serious physical injury to Christian and/or Steven. Christian could also be overwhelmed by his feelings of depression and helplessness and he could cause harm to himself.
__MCE_ITEM__(5) The present environment at Steven’s home endangers seriously Christian’s physical, mental, moral, and emotional health and I firmly believe that if my son is forced to return to or remain at Steven’s home, he, Christian, may be severely injured, physically and emotionally.
__MCE_ITEM__(6) I do not believe Steven should be allowed visitation until anger management classes are completed and at that time the
visitation should begin with supervised sessions.
FURTHER the Affiant sayeth not
The Warren County Attorney’s Office has filed charges against Steven Coffey based upon the abuse perpetrated upon Christian. Specifically, the charge is Criminal Assault 4th Degree – Child Abuse and can be found in Warren District Court Case No. 10-M-02048.
Case Number
10-D 00184-001Warren Circuit Court: CIR DIV IV FC TWO County : Warren KY
Judge Catherine Rice Holderfild
Not only Children are Kidnapped in this neo-socialistic country.
Where are you socialists to help your Comrade Nativo?
FYI, I do agree with Nativo on common law defense since I am familiar with it.
March 14, 2011
Last week you received an urgent appeal alert about the arrest of Nativo Lopez, National President of the Mexican American Political Association and the Hermandad Mexicana Latinoamericana. Well, Nativo was taken into custody by Los Angeles Superior Court Judge George G. Lomeli due to his insistence that Nativo comply with a court-ordered psychiatric evaluation without any reservations or conditions. In the face of repeated threats by the judge to have him remanded into prolonged custody to the Patton State Mental Hospital (up to three years) as an involuntary detainee, Nativo declared that he was prepared to comply with the order of the court, but would do so only under threat, duress, and coercion by the court. He reiterated to the judge that he had already complied with six other such evaluations under threat, duress, and coercion over the past twenty-two months, since the case began in June, 2009, and intended on doing the same with his order. Judge Lomeli immediately ordered Nativo arrested, and he was taken into custody by two court marshals. This is the third time Nativo has been arrested by a judge in the case. Two other judges similarly denied him his freedom when they claimed that they did not understand the legal terminology he was using and qualified it as nonsense.
After Nativo’s arrest Judge Lomeli continued to make comments about the case, made additional court orders regarding the custody; that Nativo would be returned to the court after 15 days, and then again on June 8, 2011; that Nativo would be an involuntary detainee and involuntarily medicated by the hospital – “for his own good.” The assigned public defender objected to these orders, and repeatedly stated that Nativo was not a threat to himself or to another; that he was always polite and cordial to the court, never demonstrated or advocated violence or aggressive behavior that would warrant such detention and forced medication. Judge Lomeli ignored the pleas of the public defender, and proceeded to make more comments. Lopez sympathizers and supporters present were completely stunned by the arrogance of Lomeli.
Four hours later, Judge Lomeli returned Nativo to his courtroom from incarceration and apologized to him for the abrupt custody ordered and exclaimed that he had not seen a subsequent psychiatric report disclaiming a previous report to the court questioning Nativo’s mental competency, and asked him to return for another psychiatric evaluation and return to the court on April 14th; to which Nativo again affirmed his intention to resereve ALL HIS RIGHTS under the United States Constitution of America, the Uniform Commercial Code, and the corresponding rights and authority under Estate Law in reference to his personal estate – NATIVO LOPEZ, Estate. Judge Lomeli immediately acknowledged this point for the record, and Nativo bid him a good day after the handcuffs were removed.
The case of Nativo Lopez stems from allegations of voter fraud in 2006 and 2008, when it is alleged that he registered to vote and voted using his office address as a domicile for the purpose of registering to vote and voting in the corresponding election cycles in Los Angeles. For this the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office, Steve Cooley, filed eight felony charges against him and has ruthlessly pursued the prosecution of the case since June 2009. Nativo has refused all offers presented to him by the D.A.’s office to plead guilty to a lesser offense in exchange for dropping more serious charges. His position is that he is not guilty of the charges lodged at him, and therefore, there is no reason why he should fall on a one felony sword to prevent a full-blown trial.
Nativo was originally represented by reputable legal counsel, but decided after the initial months of the court process to address the criminal charges in an unorthodox manner not commonly attempted in the California judicial system. And, this is what has unnerved the judges, court marshals, court-appointed psychiatrists, county jail sheriffs, and other court officials, and even surprised many of his friends, colleagues, and political activists.
Nativo has decided to not accept an attorney to represent him in the case because by their oath of office and their affiliation with the Bar Association, attorneys are for all intents and purposes officers of the court, and ultimately, loyal first and foremost to the court before their client; and today’s attorneys are not taught about Common Law. In fact, under Common Law attorneys are not permitted. The assumption is that the common citizen can defend himself and does not require legal intervenors who are trained by the court and the legal profession.
Nativo has decided to not represent himself in the case because he declares that he is not the legal fiction – ALL CAPS NAME – created by the government and charged by the government in the court documents – THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA VS. NATIVO LOPEZ. He is a real living man, not a legal fiction. Under common law a legal fiction cannot prosecute a real living man. He has decided to use the common law, which precedes the United States Constitution, and actually precedes the establishment of the republic of the united States of America; contract law; and estate law; to have this case, being prosecuted by a public official representing the legal fiction of the Office of the District Attorney of Los Angeles County, dismissed.
Under Common Law for a crime to actually exist two things are required: one, a living man or woman complainant who has suffered damages to his/her person or property; and two, actual damages to property or person. In the case brought against Nativo Lopez, neither of these criteria exists. And, this is the case of literally millions of other men and women incarcerated for victimless crimes, and less than victimless crimes based on man-instituted statutes, ordinances, regulations, rules, and discretionary authority used and abused by the myriad of public officials who live off the sweat of the brow of the masses of working people of this state and country.
The next court hearing in the case of Nativo Lopez will be April 14, 2011 at the Los Angeles Superior Court, located at 210 W. Temple Street, Dept. 123, Los Angeles, CA 90012 at 9:00 a.m.
The JUSTICE FOR NATIVO COMMITTEE ask that you consider the following:
1. 1. Attend the next court hearing to show your support and demand that the case be dismissed;
2. 2. Send a letter to Judge George G. Lomeli and to Steve Cooley, Los Angeles District Attorney – see attached form letters;
3. 3. Ask Nativo to speak to your group, organization, church, union, or community about the case and the use of Common Law remedies in criminal prosecutions and other civil cases;
4. 4. Make a donation to the JUSTICE FOR NATIVO COMMITTEE and send to 900 N. Broadway, Suite 604, Santa Ana, CA 92701
5. 5. Send your requests and suggestions to xelha.lopez@gmail.com or call
-letters to support Nativo will be post it in the http://www.mapa.org starting Wed night-
or call 714-541-0250 to fax you a copy of mail them to you. thank you!
Join us in this prolonged campaign for driver’s licenses and visas for our families. The first step in making change is to join an organization that pursues the change we desire. We welcome you to our ranks.
Other organizations leading this movement include: Hermandad Mexicana Latinoamericana, Mexican American Political Association (MAPA), MAPA Youth Leadership, Southern California Immigration Coalition, Liberty and Justice for Immigrants Movement, National Alliance for Immigrant’s Rights, and immigrant’s rights coalitions throughout the U.S..
Nativo V. Lopez, National President of MAPA (323) 269-1575
Join the Mexican American Political Association mailing list
Mexican American Political Association
email: nativolopez@mapa-ca.org
phone: 323-269-1575
web: http://www.mapa.org
I wonder when rep-sanchez-calls-for-prevention-of-re-detention-of-courageous-dissident-nativo-lopez.
Write letter to Sanchez.
Nativio as an innocent victim of some kind of vast conspiracy by multiple judges just does not compute for me. Sorry.
Unfortunately your computation re common law is insufficient.
Do not be ignorant and inform yourself on what he is doing re common law from which we all can benefit because it was fraudulently taken away from us.
Do you know that the Bar Association is a private organization yet is acting as a government.
Do you know that your attorney is the officer of the court and not your attorney?
Do you know that Judicial immunity is unlawful?
There is ample of judicial grave irregularities which are promulgated as a binding law.
Usually judges get angry and will retaliate if you show that you are informed.
Same as in old soviet union they will use mental illness charges against you as they did against their dissidents.
Do not be stupid and study the subject!
woo hoo-go head sarah sandy!! tellem honey!!
Lynn Picciano for the Routh family, for all of your families
Make no mistake about it people, it is an organized crime ring using you and your children as product to generate profits FOR the courts! Why do you think that there are sooooo many cases of abuse and neglect once the child is taken in to protective custody? Good foster parents are hounded and abusive ones are glorified. This is all done so that the children become traumatized and grow up to be offenders generating more income for the courts. My OWN child was picked up from school by Denise Sherman of Los Angeles County for offending Ruben Carvajal, the marijuana supplier for the Los Angeles DCFS Chatsworth office. All officers of the court in my case were in collusion to keep the truth off of the record and they all knew what was going on. This is only ONE of the many ways that I was being fraudulently used by Los Angeles County to generate income for the corrupt court system.
I’m am an athiestic, gay, wing nut liberal. No Kidding.
I agree entirely on this issue.
CPS has excess power, the psych experts who provide the rationalizations which drive their actions are not experts, but quacks. I’ve been privy to the insights of some of the best psychologists in the world and they agree that the current standards are entirely bogus.
CPS causes severe harm to children by treating them inhumanely, they would be better off on the street left to the charity of regular folks, even with the danger of some wackos, and I’m not kidding.
CPS damages people by protocol. I helped raise a teen who’d spent time in their system, and I’m privy to a number of friends and family who’ve been stolen from their parents for politically expedient hype, like over-reaction to the reality that kids some times act out sexually, being sexual animals like all human beings.
CPS is a travesty and history will have its day in retrospect.
cps stole my 2 girls 10 yrs. ago on a lie. i hate cps and america!!! go to hell cps and america!@!@#!@#$!#$!@# if you think cps is good you need to google nancy schaefer on the corrupt business of child protective services. cant wait till GOD throws all evil cps workers and family destruction court judges into the lake of fire.where they will literally burn alive 24/7 forever. and screaming and crying in pain.and will never see their loved ones or another human being ever again!!!!! so i hope destroying my family for nothing was worth your eternal DOOM YOU F`ING IDIOTS@!#$@#$%#$%#%^$&^^(*_)+
if you read this maybe you could help the families in Santa Maria ca. The judge and county attorneys were playing lets make a deal with my grand son they came at her one day and said if you give up your rights to your son we will let you keep custody of your daughter this is so inhumane these power tripping case workers are something else needless to say we fought and lost of course we are appealing it but we shall see the judicial systems sucks in america and always will.we even had a relative ready to adopt but they denied that request also
Gee Vern for all your bashing on me, WHY would your site remove the Tweaker page? HUM did you finally GET the information I have? What a fucking coward, can’t even apologize or give an explanation as to why you dropped Sarahs’ sorry ass. WOW shocked/Not.
Have a good day 🙂
THe truth just isn’t clear on that Sarah Sandy story, but it became too much of a hatefest. Mostly because of YOU.