Remember a few weeks ago when some bonehead made a threat against Fullerton cops on our blog?
Well, the Friends have finally reported a crime that the cops are taking seriously.

bleep bloop bleep
According to the FPD, the guys in “hi-tech crime detail” paid a visit to our humble blog, evaluated the comment, analyzed the free speech implications of prosecuting it and ultimately decided to write up a report and send it off to the D.A.
In the blog sphere commenting section there is too many “anon” cementers these days…… why?
Although, I am for the free speech, however, I am against anonymous commenting.
I believe that if you are not willing put your name where your mouth is you should keep it shut!
I also believe that there is a difference between pseudonym (a pen name) and anonym (an anonymous person).
For purpose of the First Amendment the anonymous authors should not be published since they have no constitutional voting power (there is no anonymous ballot) and therefore, are not part of the congress by the proxy (a representative, congressman, senator, etc.) as constitutional Republic provides.
Many bloggers are ignorant on this issue.
In the history of the human race we do have probably the most powerful tool in our hands to communicate, yet we are abusing this power gravely.
As always police will take advantage of such situation to solidify its powers. No Police Chief wants to follow Carrona’s foot steps so they will shut your speech and throw you in jail or worse.
Since I have lived for 22 years in the old communist country where free speech against anyone in power was no, no, we have developed satiric expressions to avoid been prosecuted by the government. It was totally different satire than you known here – mostly perceived as an entertainment.
The people do not know how to read a satire here and you must usually bracket it and tell them that it is a satire which makes satiric speech impotent.
Although, I believe that Nativo Lopez is not worthy of any sympathy, his case can serve as an example that the USA judicial system is not different from any other oppressive judicial systems around the world. See http://www.orangejuiceblog.com/2011/03/saturday-morning-seminar-on-possible-cps-child-protective-services-corruption/?replytocom=160797#respond
Read carefully what they are doing to him rather than to believe that he is a nutcase.
The prosecution of the political dissidents based on alleged mental illness is common oppressive prosecution all over the world.
So be aware of it when YOU too are calling someone else crazy just to make your argument.
Jesus Christ, Fiala. I tried reading your thing. you obviously have more time on your hands than I do. But less than the police.
How can we prosecute everyone else for mental illness? Prosecute all the sons of bitches!
Fiala is correct, I think. Mental illness is a governmental/police construct used to enforce conformity because we live in a sheepish culture that adores sheepish culture! Nevermind, alot of other cultures are worse at that than us.
“alot of other cultures are worse at that than us.”……. Hmmm.
Maybe, but they developed strong underground societies and trust each other more and never call the police “finest” and peace officers.
In any society the COPs are absolutely corrupt because they have absolute power.