Update on redevelopment agencies MORR/CURE conference April 9th




As we await the outcome of our state budget debate, and the status of our states 400 plus redevelopment agencies, let me remind you of our next southern CA. MORR/CURE property rights conference that is being held on Saturday April 9th at the Golden Key Hotel in Glendale, CA.
In an ongoing effort to purge my redevelopment agency files I came across comments from prior featured speakers including the honorable Debra Bowen (D-Torrance) and Scott Wildman (D-Glendale) each of whom spoke at our conference that was held at the LAX Wyndham Hotel. Following are some one liners.
Scott Wildman remarks. “It was never the intent of Legislation to use RDA to support private sector development.”
“Schools are the real losers in redevelopment.”
We “need to define blight.”
Debra Bowen remarks. “Not getting good enforcement of existing law.”
“Very difficult and costly for private citizens to challenge redevelopment.”
“Need oversight for citizens to challenge RDA.”
“Need to look at who is doing the oversight.”
“Serving on both the city council and RDAs is a conflict of interest.”
“It makes sense to have a vote before bonds are issued.”
At the following southern CA conference SD councilman Bruce Henderson told the audience that elected officials are “selling out to be invited to the right cocktail parties.”
“Greed. Abuse of the process, abuse of government. Forces people to make mistakes.”
“Float bonds without voter approval.”
Do you see a theme here. Need for voter approval, oversight and a definition of blight.
Juice readers. These are but a few of the comments we have heard from elected officials at the non-partisan MORR conferences that are held in both northern and southern CA every year. Our speakers represent both major political parties and nationally known property rights attorneys as we continue to expose and look for support to shut down these abusive state agencies that continue to drain much needed funds from a broad list of valid needs.
To register for next month’s conference, or to get additional information on our Mission, simply call 714.981.8474. The conference registration fee of $45 includes a continental breakfast and lunch.

About Larry Gilbert