There really had to be a press conference on this? Really? Unfortunately more than four out of ten Republicans polled by CNN/Opinion Research Corporation expressed probable or definite doubt that President Obama was not born in the United States. Oh and Donald Trump jumped all over the non-issue to publicize his potential run for the Presidency. And at a time when there are incredibly pressing matters, he not only polled well with Republicans but took the lead! States like Arizona pushed birther bills making Governor Jan Brewer look sane in opposing the idea! (No easy task!) The press conference held by President Obama this morning was a moment of national embarrassment that will recorded by history with a collective shake of the head. But it won’t stop there. No doubt the more lunatic among the birthers will say that this document is a fabrication!
In the meantime, folks like Orange County’s own Marilyn Davenport will have to makeup new racist ‘punchlines’ to depict Obama as an ape. Orly Taitz will be one of the fringers whose birther industry must live on despite today’s news lest sudden irrelevancy set in. The facts of the non-issue didn’t matter then, why is anything new going to now?
No. The national embarrassment will continue.
Obviously, it is a forgery like everything this BO produced, Gabriel San Roman.
Remember the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (Tratado de Guadalupe Hidalgo) is also fraud.
It is not over until it is over.
Lunatic number one weighs in. Who’s next?
Like documents on weapons of mass destruction fraud? Perhaps that one is more believable since it was Bushes fraud.
Except for the Constitution and Bill of rights, never ever in the history of USA the government produced a legitimate document.
If you know about one please let me know, you unknown idiot.
“…never ever in the history of USA the government produced a legitimate document.”
I guess that would include proof of your citizenship.
As mater of law I had option to change my name so I did from Stanislav to Stanley during my naturalization process.
However, ICE have me listed as Stanislav and initiated deportation against me since they couldn’t find Stanley Fiala a citizen of the USA as shown on my naturalization certificate.
So am still Stanislav rater than Stanley as fraudulent USA document shows.
I’ll bet you’re really hairy and have a big mustache like Borat, don’t you? Our immigration laws need to focus more on keeping out euro-trash like you.
“I’ll bet you’re really hairy”……… Hmmmmm
I bet you shave your body and play lady….. Huh?
Anon, I know it’s tempting to argue with a lunatic, but as the saying goes, it’s like wrestling with a pig. You get dirty, and the pig enjoys it.
Agree wit Pisscallion!
Stop enjoying this, unknown moron mongoloid.
I should add that even USA DOLLAR printed by Obama is forgery.
At least there is prove about that.
I’m not a birther. I even voted for Obama. However, I’m glad they released this finally. I thought it was strange that they wouldn’t release it when asked. Especially considering there was some doubt about his birthplace.
McCain might have had it worse. He wasn’t born on American soil and an argument could be made that he wasn’t a naturalized citizen.
” I thought it was strange that they wouldn’t release it when asked. Especially considering there was some doubt about his birthplace.”
The PROBLEM with that argument is that Obama had ALREADY RELEASED HIS BIRTH CERTIFICATE during the campaign, it had been checked and verified by the Governor and Sec. of State of Hawaii, as well as
It was the short form, the one EVERYBODY gets, the one you need to get a passport, SS number etc., in short THE LEGAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE, but that wasn’t good enough for a BLACK man, he had some further hoops to jump through, the race baiters in the Republican party wanted the “long form” the one the states aren’t supposed to release.
Now, they want his college records,be cause it is suspect how a BLACK man got into Harvard,(never mind the fact that he was president of the Harvard Law Review, the top honor at Harvard Law,and graduated Magna cum laude).
The Republicans are race-baiting, nothing more, they NEVER would have gone after McCain.
Gone after McCain? Let me suggest you do some fact checking.
His parents were in the military when he was born. Therefore his birth location was never an issue.
Neither was Obama’s
Exactly, anonster, Larry & Gabriel: The reasons for casting doubt on McCain’s citizenship were equally weak to the reasons for casting doubt on Obama’s. But it happened to Obama and not McCain, just BECAUSE… well, I don’t know, he just SEEMED different, looked different from anyone who’d ever been President before, or could conceivably deserve to be president.
Can’t put my finger on it….
That’s probably too complicated for Larry.
Since you’ve decided to weigh-in and since you have voiced your doubts about Obama’s citizenship before, what do you think, is the long-form birth certificate proof enough?
*And speaking of “fact checking” my comment about McCain was in response to JT;
“McCain might have had it worse. He wasn’t born on American soil and an argument could be made that he wasn’t a naturalized citizen.”
Unlike you, I have NEVER been a “birther”.
If you were to drop by I will be happy to show you a magazine we purchased last summer when vacationing in Hawaii. The cover of Ron Jacobs booklet contains a photo of our president eating an orange ice cup, with the ocean in the background. It reads: Who is Barack Obama. Across the top in 1 1/2 inch caps it says OBAMALAND.
At the bottom of this autographed cover it reads: “Birthplace Of The 44th President Of the U.S. A.
The bottom half of page 24 is a copy of the short form birth certificate with a story date of Nov 1, 2007. On page 25 is a clipping from “the Sunday Advertiser” with a listing of “Births, Marriages, Deaths.” Circled in red is a family. Guess who?
I brought the magazine to church a few times since returning including last night. Look again or simply ask Vern. I do not have a full head of hair nor a reality TV show.
Vern will testify that LG is bald. How could you mix me up with that other guy?
Excuse me Brother Larry but didn’t you flirt with birtherism back in ’09 when I was in jail, and there was only anonster, anon, and Red Vixen to fight you?
Vern. Let me quote “former White house counsel Charles Ruff who used variants of “I don’t know, I don’t remember. I don’t recall or I have no specific recollection”... 12 times within the first 30 minutes of questioning before a congressional committee investigating missing White house e-mails.”
Having posted close to 1,000 Juice articles and press releases since joining the team I may have addressed the birth certificate topic but do not recall any specific position I may have taken in 2009 if in fact I said anything
Well, fine, I’m not gonna go search for it. But I would remember if I wrote something about that.
Vern. When being interviewing by Bob Woodward Charles Ruff said that he was cautious about answering certain questions.
“I’d say, ‘Gee, I just don’t remember what happened back then’ and they won’t be able to indict me for perjury and that, maybe, that’s the principal thing that i’ve learned in four years.. I just intend to rely on that failure of memory.”
I have retained copies of (most of ) my Juice posts but do not intend to spend hours digging through my archives when I can honestly say that “I don’t recall.”
Well, it’s fun to look at this old stuff. Although obviously I should be writing something new.
Larry reported on the birthers a couple times which is no great surprise as crazy Orly comes from his town, but he didn’t take a strong position one way or the other on it.
Before the inauguration:
Ah, this is where Anonster and I got the idea Larry was a birther. From September 2009:
Again, he’s reporting on Orly’s shenanigans and withholding judgment; but he included a lengthy enthusiastic passage from some San Diego teabagger, and as is often the case it’s hard to tell where Larry’s words begin and end. And so, much controversy ensued in the comments section.
I was also surprised to not find anything from Terry Crowley about the “issue.” Ok, wasted enough time today…
Vern. As you took the time to check out my prior posts let me share one of my comments:
Larry Gilbert
Posted November 17, 2008 at 5:03 PM
email from a Mission Viejo friend who is also an Obama supporter. As you can see I am not taking sides in this legal effort:
Another of the old links you provided covers Orly Taitz, the wild dentist from Mission Viejo, who made the initial court challenge. I covered her actions as she is from our city.
Truthfully the president likes the media diversion created by Donald Trump. The focus has shifted away from Obama’s war in Libya, the massive debt and budget challenges, increases in unemployment to gasoline prices in CA that are over $4.00 per gallon and rising.
Thanks for doing the OJ archive research, you summed it up nicely.
Sorry if I remembered you as a full-fledged “birther”, I can see in retrospect that you were only a partial “birther”.
“What a waste of Federal Court time and energy. Instead of providing the official document just as presidential candidates report their income tax return data THIS CLOUD over the president’s place of birth could have been lifted months ago.”
That was you in Jan. of 2009, when in fact Obama had released his official birth certificate in 2008, although I don’t blame you for not knowing that, as our corporate media has let this nonsense bounce around the news even though they ALL KNEW the facts.
According to Wikipedia, some short form birth certificates are not acceptable for passport purposes.
As far as McCain goes, I guess as long as his father was a U.S. citizen and resident of the U.S. he was probably ok. If the Natural Born Citizens Clause had never been amended, then he wouldn’t be eligible.
Ask my uncle Google for the family history of John McCain.
Not only was his father in the military, both his father and grandfather were decorated war time four star admirals in the US Navy.
I don’t think the survivors of the U.S.S. Liberty would hold McCain’s father, Adm. John S. McCain Jr. in very high esteem, in fact the word “traitor” comes to mind.
That’s when Israel attacked a United States Navy ship? I didn’t know McCain’s father was involved. That was a bizarre incident. I tend to believe the crew members on that one. I don’t believe what Israel had to say.
Please stay on the thread. The comment that I responded to related to the birthright of presidential candidate John McCain III, not his father or grandfather’s military history
YOU brought up McCain’s “family history” and the fact that his father and grandfather were “decorated”, your point being (I guess) that NO ONE would doubt McCain’s American heritage, I merely pointed out that McCain’s heritage is tainted.
Oh, and let me add that Obama personifies the American ideal FAR more than McCain, a man who got where he is by trading on his name, as opposed to Obama who has EARNED his position by himself.
Yes, president Obama has earned his wings serving as a community organizer while attending a church whose pastor detests America.
FYI. Although I am a registered Republican John McCain was not on my short list in the last presidential election
Yeah, Obama”s resume’ says it all;
Obama is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he was the president of the Harvard Law Review. He was a community organizer in Chicago before earning his law degree. He worked as a civil rights attorney in Chicago and taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004.
Obama served three terms in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2004. He was elected to the United States Senate in 2004, where he served until being elected President.
When you CHILDISHLY dismiss his accomplishments you REALLY are dismissing everyone who has ever worked hard to achieve excellence, but it is typical Republican behavior, lip service to hard work, personal responsibility and brains, in other words merit.
You might not have had McCain on your “short list” but I bet you voted for the erratic geezer and the imbecile, where’s the merit in that?
Anonster. As a 12 year publicity chairman for an international electronics conference and convention I also served as part of the peer review team reading and grading high technology presentations from professors from around the globe. We laughed that their survival is based on a well discussed fact called “publish or perish.”
There is a major difference between teaching about a topic than actually going out in the business world where you do not have the same safety net.
Not to knock teachers, as our daughter was a public school teacher, but I am not impressed with Obama’s diplomas.
Another educator/professor, MITs liberal Noam Chomsky, was probably one of the president’s hero’s.
As to Obama serving in his state Legislature, shall I give you a few names of the best and brightest elected officials in our state?
I’m surprised at you, I thought that because you’re a little older you might remember a time in this country when we respected achievement, like striving to get into the best schools, getting the top honors, giving back to one’s community and entering public service, those used to be good and honorable goals.
You, like the rest of the republicans, don’t honor ANYTHING, you and your ilk will twist yourself into little pretzels of hypocrisy before you could EVER admit anything good about Obama (or Clinton 10 years ago) and that reveals EXACTLY what kind of standards you have, NONE.
Oh, now tell me how good you are and how you help poor black folks, Larry, the sad truth is that YOU are what is wrong with this country, people who are willing to throw ALL their values overboard just to gain petty political points. If you can’t admit that Obama HAS achieved what used to be valued and respected in this country then you are just a slimy little partisan worm and all your protestations and “proofs” to the contrary won’t change the fact that you have decided to “value” the muck.
I’ve devoted more time to volunteerism than you can ever imagine. I know many people with good grades who could not get into the best schools as they couldn’t afford the tuition. And I won’t open Pandora’s box to mention affirmative action.
Giving back to the community. I’ve walked the talk across this country. Many of the people I have supported aren’t my neighbors nor do we live in the same states.
The big difference between Nov 2008 and Nov 2012 is that candidate Obama is now president Obama with his own track record rather than campaigning and making promises that he could not and did not deliver. Three or four years down the road wipes out the blame Bush excuse for the disaster we currently are facing on HIS watch.
“And I won’t open Pandora’s box to mention affirmative action.”
Oh but you did, without ANY proof that Obama got into college with the help of affirmative action, you imply it.
Now you can add RACIST to your glorious and selfless resume’.
Funny, hearing someone who prides himself on his “volunteerism” denigrate the President for his, but obviously brains, logic and consistency aren’t your strong suit.
I wouldn’t be bringing up Bush if I were you, it just reminds everyone of your poor judgement, after all YOU DID VOTE FOR THE MORON!
Affirmative action started long before I/we ever heard the name Barack Obama.
My reference was due to your comments on getting a better education. While minorities were locked out of some schools and employment opportunities, are you saying that the program did not exist?
Before shooting off perhaps you might look up “affirmative action.” I close this comment with the definition of the program. It is not only a black vs white issue nor am I a racist.
As I lived in NJ during the time I recall hearing about the following:
“Prejudice against Jews in North America became widespread. Many universities imposed quotas on Jewish students. When Harvard accepted all students on the basis of merit, the Jewish student body was about 15%. In 1941, after quotas were imposed, Princeton University had a Jewish student body of fewer than 2%. Jews were also usually barred from Protestant country clubs, restricted neighborhoods and other Protestant enclaves.”
“Affirmative action is an effort to develop a systematic approach to eliminate the current and lingering effects of prior discrimination. It is a race and sex conscious effort to achieve equal employment opportunity for all race/sex groups in a workforce. Affirmative Action has been upheld by the United States Supreme Court as a permissible method to reach the goal of fair employment and is not a quota system. Affirmative Action is voluntary and is not required by any law. What is required is that each state agency, college or university submit for approval a written Affirmative Action Plan to the South Carolina Human Affairs Commission (SHAC).
An Affirmative Action Plan sets forth employment goals for minorities and women whose representation in the workforce is less than would be reasonably expected by availability estimates of the qualified labor pool. The plan also names the positive affirmative steps the employer will take to recruit and to employ qualified minorities and women. If followed, the Affirmative Action Plan becomes the guide for a program that should result in fair employment for all race/sex groups, including white males.”
Ah Larry —
“Another educator/professor, MITs liberal Noam Chomsky, was probably one of the president’s hero’s.”
You’re off the rails with this one! Have a shred of evidence? BTW, Noam Chomsky isn’t a “Liberal.” In fact, Liberals detest him greatly. Chomsky is an anarchist or libertarian socialist…you know an actual libertarian deserving of the term unlike those ideological frauds on the right.
Did you notice the word “probably” in my remarks?
In his book titled “Understanding Power” professor Chomsky refers to Harvard and in fact labels chapter 7 “Intellectuals and Social Change.” and chapter 9 “Movement Organizing”
In chapter ten he mentions The Fairy Tale Economy.
Quoting from the book:
Woman. I’ve often heard you end talks by saying basically, “We can’t give up hope,” but do you really see any hope–for the future of Democracy, or for the United States, or for the people of the Third World?
Reading further:
Well, I’ll quote from my friend Mike Albert [co-editor of Z Magazine], who was listening to one of my gloomy disquisitions and said: “You know, what you’re describing is an organizer’s dream.”
What are the odds to see the words HOPE and ORGANIZER on the same page [399].
Start the backpeddling, our discussion has been about Obama’s resume’, your comments are referring to Obama’s background, nice try though, RACIST.
And before you stick your big white foot any further down your throat, you might want to know that Obama paid for his education through scholarships and student loans.
How convenient that you start the debate on affirmative action yet fail to acknowledge that it goes beyond the color of your skin.
As you won’t accept the truth you introduce the presidents student loans.
I’ll play your game. What does his scholarships or student loans have to do with his birth certificate?.
“What are the odds to see the words HOPE and ORGANIZER on the same page [399].”
Now you’re really off the rails!!!! hahaha
The odds are quite good. Organizers wouldn’t really organize if they didn’t have a modicum of hope in their efforts. That’s applicable to all political groups be they right or left.
Don’t forget the word “change”. While the book was written before the 2008 campaign I am not accusing el presidente of plagiarism
You can’t seriously believe that. Or can you?
Even if Obama read Chomsky, he’s still a corporate democrat in the pockets of wall street. To suggest a passage from the book is where he was inspired to create his campaign slogans boggles the mind.
What a wasted point to ponder.
Let’s get back to the birth certificate. Why? We’ve all seen it. correct.
Perhaps one of us will review where the nation is today under his leadership.
If I were a far left liberal I’d be screaming on the president’s broken promises
“How convenient that you start the debate on affirmative action yet fail to acknowledge that it goes beyond the color of your skin.”
Sigh…do you have dementia or are you just a weasel?
YOU bring up affirmative action in regards to Obama, I call you on it then you PRETEND that you were just discussing affirmative action in the abstract, I call you on it again and now you have the unmitigated gall to accuse me of starting the debate.
Larry, you’ve been caught jumping on a very RACIST bandwagon and now your trying to muddy the waters so that no one will notice the dirty little mess you made.
Ain’t gonna work, buddy.
Anyone reading your attacks on me would not label me your buddy
“Anyone reading your attacks on me would not label me your buddy”
Duly noted.
Ain’t gonna work, arch enemy.
“Now, they want his college records”……… Hmmmmm
We need to know if he is 1/4 or 1/2 human.
He got everything by way affirmative action same as Claudia Alvarez and Dr. Amalgam Lomeli.
It’s beneath President Obama to have “shown his papers” to a bunch of idiots, but he must have felt the mob getting too big. Either way, I know there’s more of you birthers out there in OC besides Stan. What’s your line of questioning now?
As I predicted Orly Taitz is going to keep her industry going. Facts be damned to these people!
*It was just wonderful to see “the Donald” gulp down his hang dog “no comment” when faced with the proof. Then, what about Obama’s school transcripts again – Donald? Can we see yours?
Someone famous and smart once said, reiterating: It ain’t over until it’s over.
My Bohemian Band’s wisdom: On who laugh last laugh best.
I should add that question is whether or not BO is eligible to be president as provided by the constitution and [not] whether or not he was born in USA, if any.
To start any real legal case we needed his birth certificate to see who are the repents at the time of their birth on the certificate.
The Conclusive Definition Of “Natural-Born Citizen” Natural-born citizens of the United States are those who are citizens of the United States from birth without having to perform any act to acquire or perfect their American citizenship. These are those whose parents are citizens of the United States at the time of their birth.
Obviously BO’s father on the certificate was [NOT] citizens of the United States at the time of their birth.
It will be interesting to argue the constitution to Mexicans, Liberals and Socialists who even cant distinguish between LEGAL and ILLEGAL immigrant.
Maybe this BO issue will shed light on illegal Mexicans too.
The Fourteenth amendment added to the constitution an explicit description of who shall be citizens, “making all persons born within the United States and subject to its jurisdiction citizens of the United States”.
It doesn’t matter one bit where one’s parents were born.
End of story.
MQ was limited due to her redundant racist rants, Stanislav adds NOTHING but gibberish and he over-posts, he’s a waste of time and boring, he’s taking up waaaay too much space.
Do it Vern!
I too believe that I am wasting my time with the idiots.
Make your cliquish blog HOA stile where you agree with each other.
There is no really any difference between Gilbert and you.
The time is on my side so I will rub it in when you end up same as Pedroza.
One day you will!
I do agree in principle, Anon, but I prefer these folks out in the open. That way we are constantly reminded what’s lurking in the shadows.
If anyone thinks that if the current President were a white man named John Miller that this would EVER have become an issue, you are delusional.
You are an idiot.
Look the history of all white presidents.
Just take Clinton.
He was tried for perjury and lost.
You leftist morons.
Schwarzenegger wanted to run but couldn’t for same reason and he is white.
I can give you tuns of examples you leftist psychopath.
The bottom line is that you leftists do not want to abide by the constitution no mater if it is immigration or presidency.
Remember when the GOP wanted a foreign born president?
Now I’m on you with this one JT! Memory is so short-term politically in America.
Yeah, talk about short sided. America shouldn’t change the United States Constitution just to let Schwarzenegger be president. I’m glad that amendment didn’t go through although I wonder what it would be like if he were president. I liked some of his environmental initiatives. Didn’t like how he tried to sell the Orange County Fairgrounds and other taxpayer assets.
Thanks to the constitution this country was saved from Schwarzenegger the “California terminator II”.
However, Obama fell though the crack by lying so he will destroy this country instead of Schwarzenegger.