President Obama Releases Long Form Birth Certificate

There really had to be a press conference on this? Really? Unfortunately more than four out of ten Republicans polled by CNN/Opinion Research Corporation expressed probable or definite doubt that President Obama was not born in the United States. Oh and Donald Trump jumped all over the non-issue to publicize his potential run for the Presidency. And at a time when there are incredibly pressing matters, he not only polled well with Republicans but took the lead! States like Arizona pushed birther bills making Governor Jan Brewer look sane in opposing the idea! (No easy task!) The press conference held by President Obama this morning was a moment of national embarrassment that will recorded by history with a collective shake of the head. But it won’t stop there. No doubt the more lunatic among the birthers will say that this document is a fabrication!

In the meantime, folks like Orange County’s own Marilyn Davenport will have to makeup new racist ‘punchlines’ to depict Obama as an ape. Orly Taitz will be one of the fringers whose birther industry must live on despite today’s news lest sudden irrelevancy set in. The facts of the non-issue didn’t matter then, why is anything new going to now?

No. The national embarrassment will continue.

About Gabriel San Roman