787 Dreamliner.
Leverage. When you are a major government subcontractor and big brother or organized labor can apply pressure that impacts private sector management decisions.
Case in point is a recent story of Boeing investing approximately $2 billion in a new manufacturing plant in South Carolina to build their new 787 Dreamliner.
Apparently some union bosses are flexing their muscles, complaining to the NLRB, to see if they can interfere with a costly private sector management decision in which non-union employees will be employed. South Carolina production of the Dreamliner is scheduled to commence this summer.
Should Boeing ignore the NLRB’s complaint to stop their manufacturing in South Carolina, one of 22 “right to work” states?
Are unions now calling the shots as to where the private sector can produce products or, in this case, risk losing federal contracts for military aircraft or any other product(s)?<
We live in a global marketplace. Boeing is not the only manufacturer of commercial airliners. i.e. They must compete with Airbus.
Do we have an Interstate Commerce regulation issue here? This is a sound management decision and not a relocation for economic reasons. I have read that Boeing had added a large number of new jobs in the state of Washington. This is not a typical “outsourcing of jobs” to some foreign country. Boeing will continue aircraft production in the state of Washington.
Who knows. This might be a precursor to Card Check legislation. We have 22 “right-to-work” states in the US.
From Wikipedia: “Right-to-work laws are statutes enforced in twenty-two U.S. states, mostly in the southern or western U.S., allowed under provisions of the Taft-Hartley Act, which prohibit agreements between labor unions and employers making membership or payment of union dues or fees a condition of employment, either before or after hiring.”
“Those “right-to-work’ states are: AL, AZ, Ark, FL, GA, ID, Iowa, KS, LA, Miss, Neb, Nev, NC, ND, OK, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA & WY.”
Gilbert note: Let me point out that we do not hold any Boeing stock.
As always your comments are welcome!
What does this have to do with Orange County?
Burped seed. We cover a multitude of topics and locations on this blog.
You are free to simply ignore my posts.
Trust me. I won’t be offended.
Make sure Gilbert that neither party doing the negotiation will not use profanity. That will help lot!
Stanley. I know it was hard to contain yourself but I do believe we can have a civil discussion where we argue points without the need to resort to profanity.
Thank you!
The liberals poisoned your mind.
Look what tactic unions use.
They use profanity, intimidate and commit crime.
That is why they will always prevail.
Long time ago you should read Prince by Niccolò Machiavelli http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niccolò_Machiavelli or get out of the kitchen.
According to wikileaks even Clinton Hillary would say to you ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Gilbert!
And you would loose again your Teacrat argument you little man but you would be civilized.
Everything you are bitching about is because you are civilized and kissing democrats ass.
FYI, last week I already commented on Boeing issue so you are late anyway.
Stanley. The only attempt to poison my mind is driven by your personal attacks.
This is just another example of why unions need to be reined in (like Costa Mesa is trying to do – how’s that for the OC connection BS?). What reason did the unions give for the complaint? The “wahhhh wahhhh” defense? Or the “nyah nyah nyah” one (complete with their thum on their nose waving their fingers)? What a ridiculous joke. Sadly, with the crazies running the NLRB, there’s a real chance this complaint will get legs at some point. Please keep the updates coming my friend. It may not be the sexiest story, but it will have nation wide implications if unions actually can prevent capitalism in right to work states.
email reply from a retired executive.
“Hi Larry
I have been watching this story develop and get angrier and angrier. Perhaps if the government can tell private corporations how to run their businesses there is some other more powerful authority that will get people to go to the movie Atlas Shrugged and then make reading the book part of the required curriculum for public schools….”
*It is always wise to take the lowest bidder in a government contract……and of course to hire aircraft mechanics for minimum wage. If you can’t do that….outsource to Libya!
It’s sad that more people aren’t aware of what’s going on with the NLRB (or maybe the lefties on here are staying away because they know there is no justification for what the NLRB is doing). Let’s be clear – the NLRB filed a complaint against Boeing SIMPLY FOR WANTING TO BUILD A PLANT IN A RIGHT TO WORK STATE. Let that sink in for a moment. Boeing is not moving jobs (in fact they are creating a lot of new jobs). They are not closing their operations in Washington. They simply want to take advantage of better labor laws and other amenities that South Carolina has to offer. How dare they says the NLRB! If this doesn’t scare the heck out of every business owner in this country, it should.