/PRNewswire/ — A prominent national Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization today welcomed the announcement of the elimination of Osama bin Laden as a threat to America and the world.
[MEDIA ADVISORY: CAIR will hold a news conference on Monday, May 2nd to offer the American Muslim community’s reaction to Osama bin Laden’s death. The news conference will take place at 11 a.m. in CAIR’s Capitol Hill headquarters, 453 New Jersey Avenue, S.E., Washington, D.C. CONTACT: CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper, 202-744-7726, E-Mail: ihooper@cair.com Other CAIR chapters may hold similar news conferences. Go to: http://www.cair.com/Chapters.aspx ]
In a statement issued following President Obama’s announcement of bin Laden’s death, the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) said:
“We join our fellow citizens in welcoming the announcement that Osama bin Laden has been eliminated as a threat to our nation and the world through the actions of American military personnel. As we have stated repeatedly since the 9/11 terror attacks, bin Laden never represented Muslims or Islam. In fact, in addition to the killing of thousands of Americans, he and Al Qaeda caused the deaths of countless Muslims worldwide. We also reiterate President Obama’s clear statement tonight that the United States is not at war with Islam.”
CAIR coordinated one of the first joint American Muslim statements condemning the 9/11 terror attacks, issued just hours after they occurred.
To read about CAIR’s anti-terror initiatives, go to:
CAIR is America’s largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.
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CONTACT: CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper, 202-744-7726, E-Mail: ihooper@cair.com; CAIR Communications Coordinator Amina Rubin, 202-488-8787, 202-341-4171, E-Mail: arubin@cair.com
Read more: http://www.bradenton.com/2011/05/02/3158018/cair-welcomes-elimination-of-osama.html#ixzz1LAhZqSm7
I recall, in my third grade (1953) we were sitting all day in the classroom listening to the live radio broadcast from Москва.
Shortly after that we were told that Stalin was actually bad person and that we should not refer to him as pa Stalin.
Based on that I have realized, in early age, that people are not afraid of the dead people.
To All:
I will be with my Marine brother Cpl. Alex Madrigal throughout the day in Downtown Santa Ana, where the 911 memorial / US Marine Jet is (near City Hall).
This is a new and great day for America – Osama bin Laden mass murderer killed. An important victory in the fight against terrorism.
Just like we came together as Americans during the tragic days of 911, we must also do so in a sustained way for the well-being of our nation!
come join us if you can!
Keep our troops who are still in harm’s way, in your thoughts and prayers.
Fallen or Standing – We will never Forget and will Overcome.
Francisco “paco” Barragan
Semper Fi!
Isn’t this the group that FibOC lawyer Todd Gallinger represents? Where is Sean Mill? He needs to call Gallinger a terrorist lawyer again.
May 2, 2011
Contact: Wes Benedict, Executive Director
E-mail: wes.benedict@lp.org
Phone: 202-333-0008 ext. 222
Libertarian Party celebrates end of bin Laden era
View this message at LP.org:
WASHINGTON – Libertarian Party Chairman Mark Hinkle issued this statement today:
“I am glad to hear of the death of Osama bin Laden, who had no qualms about slaughtering American civilians.
“Unfortunately, bin Laden leaves behind an evil legacy in the United States: the Department of Homeland Security, the TSA, the PATRIOT Act, warrantless wiretaps, the ‘state secrets’ doctrine, and other violations of Americans’ civil and economic rights.
“Just like Osama bin Laden, these programs must be terminated.
“President Obama must also end the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya. It’s time to stop being the world’s policeman. It’s time to bring all those troops home.
“Our government should also end its foreign aid programs, which create future terrorists by funding many dictators around the world.”
The Libertarian Party platform (section 3.3) states, “American foreign policy should seek an America at peace with the world. Our foreign policy should emphasize defense against attack from abroad and enhance the likelihood of peace by avoiding foreign entanglements. We would end the current U.S. government policy of foreign intervention, including military and economic aid. We recognize the right of all people to resist tyranny and defend themselves and their rights. We condemn the use of force, and especially the use of terrorism, against the innocent, regardless of whether such acts are committed by governments or by political or revolutionary groups.”
In 2008, the Libertarian National Committee adopted resolutions calling for an end to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan:
For more information, or to arrange an interview, call LP Executive Director Wes Benedict at 202-333-0008 ext. 222.
The LP is America’s third-largest political party, founded in 1971. The Libertarian Party stands for free markets, civil liberties, and peace. You can find more information on the Libertarian Party at our website:
P.S. If you have not yet become a member of the Libertarian Party and wish to do so, please use this link and join the only political party dedicated to free markets, civil liberties, and peace:
“Unfortunately, bin Laden leaves behind an evil legacy in the United States: the Department of Homeland Security, the TSA, the PATRIOT Act, warrantless wiretaps, the ‘state secrets’ doctrine, and other violations of Americans’ civil and economic rights.”…… Hmmm
Unfortunately Osama was a patsy for the above.
Therefore, these programs will not be terminated.
*Pasty…hay? Yep, you know about Lee Harvey Oswald and Sirhan Sirhan…..big time….
Mr. Harry Lime!
Yes I do!…. Lee Harvey Oswald and Sirhan Sirhan were two more Pastys.
Unless, of course Anna gave you too much summer wine and you believe in a single bullet hypotheses.
Recently FBI released documents relating to JFK demand to produce UFO files….. Read it when you are not under an influence.