Declaring celebration of Mother’s Day sexist, the California Department of Health and Human Services has proposed regulations that would criminalize the celebration. “There is simply no way around this one,” comment Marjorie Deguaratype, director of the social relations division of DHHS. “We have been closing our eyes and looking the other way for a long time, but we just can’t let this for of blatant sexism flourish and worse yet, let corporations profit.”
The five year, $456,030,000 study leading to the ban was supported by the Social Science Research Network, a group whose primary goal is to remove “offensive” material from the Internet. “The celebration of “Motherhood” is widely offensive to large population groups including those wishing to have children but no being able to, those with bad relations with their mothers, orphans and those simply against Hallmark profiting from another “day” created whole cloth to pump card purchase . . . We just could not let this travesty continue.”
California State Assemblymen Sonci Degiorno took up the cause at the Assemply level, “People need to understand that they can’t simply have a holiday that offends part of the population. I’ve seen the numbers and there is at lest 3.2% of the population that is offended by the celebration of Mothers Day.” When asked about the 96.8% of the population that supported or celebrated mothers day, Assemplyman Degiorno said “I am tired of the majority thinking that they can just stomp all over the will of the minority.”
What the ****? Is this a joke?
Yes, I think it is Geoff’s idea of a joke.
Translated: This is how stupid and petty and out of touch we liberals and other folks concerned about diversity and sensitivity are.
Here’s an actual liberal’s take on Mothers’ Day (mine, from last year)
Geoff Willis’s posts are a perfect metaphor for the republican party, they’ve got nothin’, so to distract us, they make shit up.
Instead of coming up with positive workable ideas and solutions to America’s problems, they traffic in trivial hysterics, innuendo, character assassination and out right lies.
Just ask yourself where’s the House GOP’s jobs plan?
That’s right, crickets.
So continue on Geoff, wallow in your nothingness, the adults among us can at least be amused at how it impresses your fellow knuckle draggers.
Anonster, you must be hearing the crickets coming from the Democrats and their budget plan. You know, the same dysfunctional group that couldn’t pass a budget when they owned a large majority in both houses of Congress, then simply pocketed the budget altogether when it got too close to the election because they knew the American people would laugh their proposal off the table, simply to try to stem the pending election losses (how’d that work for them?). You may disagree with Ryan’s proposal, but at least he had the guts to make it, and then go out and try to sell it. Meanwhile, the do-nothing Democrats sit back and take pot shots from the cheap seats. Try selling your lame attacks somewhere else. As if the Democrats are the most innocent, truthful, politicians out there. Workable for them simply means raise taxes and print more money. And if you really believe the Republicans have cornered the market on hysterics, innuendo, character assassination and lies, you really aren’t capable of having a rational conversation on here.
I present the PROGRESSIVE CAUCUS BUDGET, the only one on the table that balances the budget by 2021 – mostly by cutting the sacred defense budget, returning the top tax rates to Clinton era level, cutting corporate welfare, and adding the crucial PUBLIC OPTION to Obamacare to combat healthcare inflation.
I WISH that were the official Democratic budget. There is one, and it’s not as great, but at least it doesn’t dismantle Medicare and add ten trillion to the debt by bringing the top tax rates down to 1920’s levels.
Oh shit forgot to link to the Progressive Budget. You can get to it thru this Economist article…
Yeah, this is a real knee-slapper. Har. Har. Har.
It’s as funny as the Easter Eggs being renamed as spheroids story, which was reputed to be factual, but which turned out to be completely bogus.
I’d go on at length, but I have to go. Riggy needs me to join the war against Christians in Costa Mesa. Damn churchy folk are feeding the homeless again and creating a nuisance.
I recommend that everyone click on Vern’s 2010 Mother’s day post, it’s factual AND interesting.
Geoff, what is THAT about? You actually spent time making that up? Sad.
And they call ME a drug addict (lie) – what are YOU on?
I smoke weed and enjoy it quite a bit…what do they accuse you of?
San Bernardino County’s Child Protective Services accused her, in a court record she first saw on the internet last month, of having OD’d on opiates and prescription medicine while pregnant two years ago.
I’m in possession of police and hospital records disproving that. And they’ve never been able to accuse her of failing any drug test in the two years since. And she has no criminal or other history of drug abuse in her 30+ years.
But we don’t want to rock any more boats right now while she’s still fighting to get her kids back… AND under a gag order. Officially they only accuse her of a history of domestic violence, which she has dealt with. That and, making too much noise about CPS on YouTube and Facebook and embarrassing them.