Costa Mesa’s Chief Staveley…..not bad for just an interim!




Obviously, no one wants to step into the woodshed on the resignation of Costa Mesa Police Chief Steve Staveley.  Saying that Costa Mesa is going through a tough spot in the road or even their mid-life crisis would be grossly understating the problems.   God we miss Katrina Foley.  She was such a stud on the Costa Mesa Council.  Wendy Leece has recently picked up that mantle….but the boys in charge seem to  have been particularly tough on her.

Maybe Costa Mesa Policy Wonks just missed the prevailing mood of the country.  Maybe they thought that the Governor of Wisconsin was going to go out there, dump handily on Employee Unions of every stripe and move on unscathed.  Who knows?  We keep waiting for Sarah Palin and Glen Beck to show up on the steps of Costa Mesa City Hall…with the new drawings of the upgraded City Hall…..that includes no Police, Fire or General Services Staff.  Hey, they want to outsource it all to Mumbai……all that peripheral government nonsense – you know!   Who knows….maybe they do know more than the rest of us.

However, it was a huge move to see the Interim Police Chief….just step down with a flaming letter of resignation that may indeed be used as a template for future separation letters… every level of government.  Argueably, having “Balls of Brass”, Chief Staveley is leaving his post with a unique florish.  It was so bad, that Jim Righeimer had to make some comments for the local television stations.  Jimmy did his best to stay on message while blasting  Staveley with an abrupt impunity.  Jimmy may soon be talking to “60 minutes” before this dust all settles.   The dark side of government seems to be on its way to being greatly revealed in Costa Mesa.  If Costa Mesa now…..who will be next tomorrow?

Chief Stavely……not bad for just an interim Chief….speaking for your boys and maybe some others……. can’t be all bad.  Time for the Costa Mesa City Council to reload their computers with some revolutionary changes to their current policies….perhaps!

About Ron & Anna Winship

Independent News Producers/Writers and Directors for Parker-Longbow Productions. Independent Programming which includes a broad variety of Political, Entertainment and Professional Personalities. Cutting Edge - a talk the flagship of over 30 URL websites developed or under development. The Winships have been blogging for the Orange Juice since back when nickels had buffalos on them, and men wore onions attached to their belts, because it was the fashion back then.