"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.
I use to date one like that in 1978 for a year or so, common marriage, her name was Kathy about 5 years older then me, waitress, extremely attractive, divorced from a small town COP up north of LA. I meat him, nice guy he even fixed the headrest on her bed so it wouldn’t bang against the wall when she was screwing me.
You see, Kathy could come only in sting position on top of me holding on the bed headrest so during the climax the head rest would bang against the wall.
However, Kathy had the alcohol problem and eventually she got arrested for DUI and started rehab.
I tried to help but couldn’t.
There are some people who couldn’t function within the “realm of magic – time bubble” and ride a “spiral of life”, they knows that and will depart and may try later on.
There is infinite amount of attempts you can make by exiting the “realm of magic” and return back to it.
Believed or not Amy Winehouse failed and had to return to the “realm of magic.”
Obviously, she is relatively young soul and couldn’t stand the heat in the 3D so she got out of the 3D kitchen.
Is ADMIN just another name for that chicken shit blogger, Art Pedroza?
I would hope he would be BANNED from the OJ because of his censoring ways.
What kind of blogger likes to write posts smearing and libeling people who disagree with him, yet WON’T print clean rebuttals?
You are either for a free exchange of ideas or you’re not, if not, don’t blog.
Admin is me, anonster, when I don’t have much original writing and am just passing something along.
I saw the Pedroza story you were talking about – the Klan is similar to these Chivas opponents because they both use the word “rally!” I’m thinking about putting up a little minimal story about the Chivas controversy even though I have no opinion on it, just so that Santa Ana residents can get on and express their opinions, look at the pros and cons, and share information without getting censored or called racists.
Sorry Vern,
I’m just seeing daggers over Art’s censorship.
Like I’ve stated on Art’s blog, all I want are the facts.
I know nothing about this proposed deal, I do know that bringing professional sport’s teams into a city can be costly, the deal might be a good one or it might saddle SA taxpayers with huge headaches.
I also can’t figure out why they need Eddie West Field, I would think it wouldn’t be nearly large enough for their purposes.
These are conversations citizens need to have before a “big deal” goes down, in LA they’re debating a new NFL stadium, yet I’ve not heard any accusations of racism being bandied about.
Personally, I think a professional soccer team would do well in SA, but I don’t trust our city council to be aboveboard in all the negotiations.
What in the world do your comments have to do with the tragic waste of talent that was Amy Winehouse? Or do you think that you have a loyal band of followers panting along behind you following your every word Anonster?
Well, I, for one, was over at Art’s blog, amazed by the story he wrote, and enjoying watching Anonster spar with him (but not chiming in as I usually don’t on Santa Ana issues) … and then I started suspecting that some things she was writing were not being approved.
And then, where else is a censored commenter going to come but back over to the Juice, even if there’s no story on the appropriate topic? And I don’t hear Amy Winehouse complaining about it.
Well thank you, Vern, I knew I had a dedicated following.
Do really think Geoff is an Amy Winehouse fan or do you think he’s just using her death to attack me?
And speaking of me, I’ve been having an interesting e-mail battle with Art, I’m sure Geoff and my other fans would love to know what I’ve been writing, but they’ll have to wait for my autobiography which, of course, will be all about me.
Good ole Anonster! There are countless times my heart soars when reading your factual and wry comments. Heads explode when enriched with unwelcome information — especially when it’s true true true!
A Classical self destructive chick!
I use to date one like that in 1978 for a year or so, common marriage, her name was Kathy about 5 years older then me, waitress, extremely attractive, divorced from a small town COP up north of LA. I meat him, nice guy he even fixed the headrest on her bed so it wouldn’t bang against the wall when she was screwing me.
You see, Kathy could come only in sting position on top of me holding on the bed headrest so during the climax the head rest would bang against the wall.
However, Kathy had the alcohol problem and eventually she got arrested for DUI and started rehab.
I tried to help but couldn’t.
There are some people who couldn’t function within the “realm of magic – time bubble” and ride a “spiral of life”, they knows that and will depart and may try later on.
There is infinite amount of attempts you can make by exiting the “realm of magic” and return back to it.
Believed or not Amy Winehouse failed and had to return to the “realm of magic.”
Obviously, she is relatively young soul and couldn’t stand the heat in the 3D so she got out of the 3D kitchen.
All I know is something like a bird
within her sang
All I know she sang a little while
and then flew on
Tell me all that you know
I’ll show you
Snow and rain
If you hear that same sweet song again
will you know why?
Anyone who sings a tune so sweet
is passing by
Laugh in the sunshine
cry in the dark
through the night
Don’t cry now
Don’t you cry
Don’t you cry
in the stars
don’t you cry
dry your eyes
on the wind
Is ADMIN just another name for that chicken shit blogger, Art Pedroza?
I would hope he would be BANNED from the OJ because of his censoring ways.
What kind of blogger likes to write posts smearing and libeling people who disagree with him, yet WON’T print clean rebuttals?
You are either for a free exchange of ideas or you’re not, if not, don’t blog.
Admin is me, anonster, when I don’t have much original writing and am just passing something along.
I saw the Pedroza story you were talking about – the Klan is similar to these Chivas opponents because they both use the word “rally!” I’m thinking about putting up a little minimal story about the Chivas controversy even though I have no opinion on it, just so that Santa Ana residents can get on and express their opinions, look at the pros and cons, and share information without getting censored or called racists.
Sorry Vern,
I’m just seeing daggers over Art’s censorship.
Like I’ve stated on Art’s blog, all I want are the facts.
I know nothing about this proposed deal, I do know that bringing professional sport’s teams into a city can be costly, the deal might be a good one or it might saddle SA taxpayers with huge headaches.
I also can’t figure out why they need Eddie West Field, I would think it wouldn’t be nearly large enough for their purposes.
These are conversations citizens need to have before a “big deal” goes down, in LA they’re debating a new NFL stadium, yet I’ve not heard any accusations of racism being bandied about.
Personally, I think a professional soccer team would do well in SA, but I don’t trust our city council to be aboveboard in all the negotiations.
Actually Vern, after doing a little searching, I found that the Lib OC already did a pretty good story on the subject;
What in the world do your comments have to do with the tragic waste of talent that was Amy Winehouse? Or do you think that you have a loyal band of followers panting along behind you following your every word Anonster?
Yes Geoff, I do.
Well, I, for one, was over at Art’s blog, amazed by the story he wrote, and enjoying watching Anonster spar with him (but not chiming in as I usually don’t on Santa Ana issues) … and then I started suspecting that some things she was writing were not being approved.
And then, where else is a censored commenter going to come but back over to the Juice, even if there’s no story on the appropriate topic? And I don’t hear Amy Winehouse complaining about it.
Well thank you, Vern, I knew I had a dedicated following.
Do really think Geoff is an Amy Winehouse fan or do you think he’s just using her death to attack me?
And speaking of me, I’ve been having an interesting e-mail battle with Art, I’m sure Geoff and my other fans would love to know what I’ve been writing, but they’ll have to wait for my autobiography which, of course, will be all about me.
Janis Joplin, Jimmy Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Amy too……all 27….and dead from drugs. Odd.
Shouldn’t that “Teach Me Tonight” video be labeled “2005”?
[Whoops. Fix’t. Thanx. Guess I was thinking of when I was 21. – V]
Good ole Anonster! There are countless times my heart soars when reading your factual and wry comments. Heads explode when enriched with unwelcome information — especially when it’s true true true!
… in a good way.