We should write more about the heroic organization Planned Parenthood on this blog, and I intend to. After all, the national Republican jihad against this vital group sort of began in this county, with the O’Keefe-like prankster Lila Rose getting her start here (traveling the nation impersonating a pregnant 13-year-old to see if she could find a PP worker who would fail to report her “pregnancy” to law enforcement.) And it turns out that this mission of hers – which inspired our Board of Supervisors to defund PP in 2009 – was largely funded by OC attorney and GOP activist Mark Bucher – much more on Bucher soon.
Of course Planned Parenthood provides indispensable health services to tens of thousands of Orange County women, as is detailed in the press release below. Also, kudos to José Solorio, whom we often criticize, for standing up for this crucial and besieged nonprofit.
State Assembly Member Jose Solorio Honors Planned Parenthood
As Exceptional Nonprofit Serving the 69th District
ORANGE, CA – Today, Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino Counties was honored by State Assemblyman Jose Solorio with the Community Pillar Award. The accolade is given to organizations that play a vital role in the well-being of the 69th District, which includes portions of Anaheim and Garden Grove and all of Santa Ana. Past award recipients include Acacia Adult Day Services, Anaheim Family YMCA, Boys and Girls Club of Santa Ana, KidWorks, Latino Health Access, THINK Together, and Working Wardrobes.
“Planned Parenthood offers much-needed support and resources for local families and residents in Orange and San Bernardino counties,” Solorio said. “This past fiscal year 12,680 patients from the 69th Assembly District have received affordable, high-quality reproductive health care, such as life-saving cancer screenings, STD testing and treatment, and family planning services including birth control, prenatal and fertility services.”
In addition to eight health centers in Orange and San Bernardino counties, Planned Parenthood provides nutritional support and services for women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have young children, through the Women, Infant and Children (WIC) program, and accurate sexual health education through community services, such as hotlines, parent and professional workshops, teen-to-teen education programs and in-classroom education.
About Planned Parenthood Orange and San Bernardino Counties
Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino Counties provides essential reproductive health care, nutrition services, and education programs to more than 127,000 local women and men, regardless of their personal circumstances or ability to pay. The organization has been building healthy communities since 1965 with the most sophisticated instrument in medicine: accurate information that can help people make the best decisions about their health.
The organization is guided by the belief that health care is a basic human right and that prevention is the best medicine, which is why 93% of Planned Parenthood services are preventive, including life-saving cancer screenings, well-woman exams, education programs, STD prevention and treatment, family planning, WIC nutritional services, prenatal care, and more.
For more information about Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino Counties, fan us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, or visit us at www.someoneyouknow.org.
UPDATE, from Colbert last April:
The Colbert Report | Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
Pap Smears at Walgreens | ||||
And MORE the next day:
The Colbert Report | Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
Jon Kyl Tweets Not Intended to Be Factual Statements | ||||
“Planned Parenthood HONORED WITH COMMUNITY PILLAR AWARD, State Assembly Member Jose Solorio Honors Planned Parenthood As Exceptional Nonprofit Serving the 69th District”………. Hmmmm
So where are all thise Mexican children coming from if the Planned Parenthood is doing such a Exceptional work in 69th district?
Is this the same legislator pushing a bill to mandate that any contractor for janitorial services must hire the employees of the former contractor? This guy obviously suffers from short man complex, and no one should feel honored by anything he does, except that is should he resign – that would be an honor bestowed upon the public..
horray for okeef , any one who exposes crooks who take our money . not one cent of our tax money should go to this project , once again big spending libs trying to grab$$$$$$$ .. notice all the far left crap they have been saying calling conservatives terrorist , jihad , oh wait werent they ones who where saying when gifford got shot that we should stop with the name calling .. well that lasted real long . but then again some stories on here sounds like they came from mshatebc.. what a bunch hypocrits
Be aware of the Paladians a.k.a. neo-socialists.
Yeah, hooray for a group using a significant portion of its resources to kill people.
Facts for the mathematically challenged;
From the Washington Post;
Planned Parenthood’s abortion care represents 3 percent of its medical services — 332,000 terminations out of a total of 11.4 million services provided in 2009. Nearly all the care offered at Planned Parenthood health centers is preventive services and screenings, including contraception, testing for sexually transmitted infections, pap smears and breast exams.
Title X funds cannot be used for abortion care at any time, for any reason. Federal Medicaid funds can be used to reimburse a provider for an abortion when the pregnancy would endanger the life of the woman or resulted from rape or incest.
That won’t change the mind of Geoff, who firmly believes that the termination of a first-trimester pregnancy constitutes murder of a human being, and hence that 3% of resources is certainly “significant.” There’s no way to argue with people who really believe that.
I almost wrapped up this post with Colbert’s segments on John Kyl’s not-meant-to-be-factual 90% claims. Should I stick that in?
I think you’re giving Geoff too much credit, deceitful half truths and inflammatory comments are his stock-in-trade, inflating 3% to “significant” is typical.
I think that you should definitely post Colbert’s segment on John Kyle as an example of Geoff/right-wing nut style, hyperbole
Or how about attaching the piece showing how the 3% number is completely fabricated and disconnected to the dollar value of services rendered. Why would Planned Parenthood fiddle with the numbers if they didn’t have concerns that they would be branded as murderers. Much more warm and cuddly to talk about breast cancer screening and nutritional advice even if everyone knows that organization would cease to exist if they stopped murdering infants.
“murdering infants”
Thanks for making my point about your use of inflammatory hyperbole.
Obviously, you’re not quite rational when it comes to Planned Parenthood, but these are the facts;
Affiliate Medical Services Summary* Contraception — 35 percent of services in 2009
STI/STD Testing and Treatment — 35 percent of services in 2009
Cancer Screening and Prevention — 16 percent of services in 2009
Other Women’s Health Services — 10 percent of services in 2009
Abortion Services — 3 percent of services in 2009
Other Services — 1 percent of services in 2009
Thanks for the “facts” Anonster – evidently no matter how clearly I explain the Planned Parenthood deception, you will refuse to process. The “numbers” you are touting are based upon “incidents.” To pump up the non infant killing part of their services, Planned Parenthood counts it as an “incident of service” if someone comes in and takes a brochure or simply asks for a condom. The cost or time taken to deal with the incident do not figure into the equation. The numbers are quire different if evaluated in terms of the cost or time taken to provide the service. Example: Five people come and and ask for a brochure about pregnancy or health planning, six people come and for condoms, one person comes in for a breast examination. one comes in for nutritional guidance and one comes in for an abortion. Under the planned parenthood “incident” based calculation of providing services they would report that 37% were for pregnancy planning, 43% for pregnancy prevention, and 6% each for breast examinations, nutritional guidance and abortion services. However, if you apply the more rational cost of providing services or revenue from providing services the numbers would look more like 3% for pregnancy planning, 5% for pregnancy prevention, 30% for breast examinations, 25% for nutritional guidance and 37% for abortion services.
And thank God for those condoms and birth control, think how many abortions are rendered unnecessary thus.
You can compute things by whatever methodology you want, to further your agenda. Everyone does.
Have you figured out yet how Senator Kyl came up with his “well over 90%?” Is that the degree to which various PP services BUG people??
Where are you getting YOUR figures?
Planned Parenthood gets Federal funding/ state monies (medicaid) for most of its services, but NONE of that money can go towards abortions, abortions are paid for by the patients. So, yes, abortions account for 38% of the “income”, but their ENTIRE budget is mostly made up of govt. funding, private donations, fundraising and then the money they make from charging individual patients.
From FactCheck.org.;
PP’s *total health center income* (i.e. what they get for charging patients for services) is only $404M, but their entire budget with that, government funding, private donations, fundraising, etc is $1.1B according to their annual report (pages 28-29). Were the Guttmacher cost estimate given above taken at face value, that would leave abortions (which are paid for by the patients) constituting 14.1% of the budget. This 3% figure that is stated by PP, however, is not financial, but is (pretty damn obviously) the total number of patients treated (page 2 of the annual report, page 2 of the fact sheet).
Taxpayer Funding
Planned Parenthood’s 2008-2009 annual report states that it received $363.2 million in “Government Grants and Contracts.” (See page 29.) That’s about one-third of its total revenues for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009.
However, not all of that money is from the federal government. Planned Parenthood’s government funding comes from two sources: the Title X Family Planning Program and Medicaid. About $70 million is Title X funding, Planned Parenthood spokesman Tait Sye told us. The rest — about $293 million — is Medicaid funding, which includes both federal and state money.
But Planned Parenthood cannot use the money it receives from the federal government for abortions anyway. According to the Department of Health and Human Service’s website, “by law, Title X funds may not be used in programs where abortion is a method of family planning.” Medicaid funding is restricted by the Hyde Amendment to only abortion cases involving rape, incest or endangerment to the life of the mother. Some states use their own funds under Medicaid to go beyond that. Seventeen states and, until recently, the District of Columbia pay for “medically necessary” abortions, according to the Guttmacher Institute. The federal budget deal now bans Washington, D.C., from using its funds to pay for abortions.
Simple Fact – Planned Parenthood would cease to exist if it did not kill babies.
Nice try Geoff, but YOU ARE WRONG, AGAIN.
Many, many Planned Parenthood health centers DON’T PERFORM ABORTIONS.
In LA county, only 8 out of 21 clinics even offer abortion services.
“There’s no way to argue with people who really believe that.”……. Hmmmm
I do not really believe that but 22 years ago my illegal immigrant girlfriend told me that she is pregnant.
The abortion was on the table.
However, I am sovereign person by my creator my Father my God.
Since I do fully understands sovereignty I too am a God.
Therefore, today I have 22 year old Goddess.
There’s no way to argue with people who really do not believe that!
Facts for the mentally challenged – the 3% figure Planned Parenthood attempts to use is based on “incidents” treating handing someone a pamphlet or a condom on the same footing as an abortion or breast cancer screening. When you apply a dollars/services rendered, the 3 percent grows into the 30-40% range.
Margaret Sanger said,”the fit should have children the unfit should not”. And they reward that?
I agree with her totally, I must agree, though I wish we could somehow monitor people and if they are sluts, whore masters, drug addicts, losers etc… We could save having the kids ripped out by sterilizing the adults!
Much easier solution; I say target the unfit!
“I wish we could somehow monitor people and if they are sluts, whore masters, drug addicts, losers etc”…….. Hmmmm
Me too.
It would get easier for me to get laid.
FYI, I prefer marihuana addicts……. their orgasm lest much longer.
OK, no more about your sex life, Stanley. None of us want to hear it.
You are grouchily Mr. virtuoso socialist.
No one of us want to hear about your socialistic abortion crapola too….. idiot!
If that court case went the other way back in 73, California would not need to import so many people from other countries.
Summery executions of unwanted people. (Fullerton)
I don’t get it? It is OK to terminate the innocent just conceived, but not for the unwanted mental ill, who have been tossed away by their parents, also.
“I don’t get it? It is OK to terminate the innocent just conceived, but not for the unwanted mental ill, who have been tossed away by their parents, also.”…… Hmmm
Not true!
There are hundreds tossed away by their parents, mentally ill or healthy who are held on the various military bases for experimentation and killed. It is just you are lazy to do your research.
Same as Fullerton will not release facts (tapes and evidence), so will not military.
Same as they released experiments conducted on Indian children, blacks, mentally ill, etc. etc. etc. done 50 years ago they will release what is done today 50 years from now.
But it is all out there, if you are not ignorant, to see it.
Kelly is a victim of the Fullerton downtown cleansing program.
Pulido and SAPD13 use to garbed homeless, gave them one way ticked into hostile no mean’s land from where they never returned, until the court put stop them from doing it……
How many Pulido and Walters kill?…. Huh?
There are no pictures!
Do you care?…… No!
Does socialist Vern care…… No!
In fact you will call any evidence nutty and the messenger the nutcase.
I hope, I have been able to clarify your question.
You may start your research here, Cook!
The city or council has trouble understanding that the Californian and US constitution over rides them and not the other way around.
Um, GW, when does a zygote/embryo/fetus suddenly become an “infant”? This sloppy language used by the anti-choice crowd is really annoying. Just be honest and call yourselves pro birth, ebcause that’s all you really care about.
“Just be honest and call yourselves pro birth”……… Hmmmm
If you are in an opposition to WG Pisscallion, then you must be pro death of what ever the life form you are referring to.
Any living cell is a life and every cell lives base on its life support mechanism.
I wonder how long you would live if someone would cut prematurely your umbilical cord meaning your job, your finances, and ability to obtain any food and water.
I am virtually an atheist but you are a typical socialist idiot, moron mongoloid.
Historically, only socialists commit holocausts Hitler, Stalin, Mao etc. etc. etc……
“Any living cell is a life and every cell lives base on its life support mechanism.”
Anyone else want to hit this big old floater out of the park?
Here’s one: so if you have cancer, and as cancer cells are alive and part of your body, killing them is like an abortion, right?
This is too easy.
“so if you have cancer, and as cancer cells are alive and part of your body, killing them is like an abortion, right?”………. Hmmmm
Please notice that any living organism must occupy a space and consume energy other than its own!
So, as you can see every living organism, from smallest virus to complex organism, is genetically programed not to destroy itself.
In your example the cancer is doing perfect job to abort you because it must occupy your space and consume your energy because you are a moron mongoloid who allow the cancer to prevail due to your lifestyle based on your limited IQ at which point you will become week living organism subject to provide an energy to stronger malignant organism.
So if you want to survive you must abort malignant living organism which is cupping your space and is consuming your energy.
However, the humans, in addition to the above describe principle of living existence, poses an “intelligence” which if deficient will interfere with the above living principle and is capable to commit suicide which is uncommon in the nature and exists only if an organism is defective so it will self destruct.
There are many abortions called “miscarriage” which happen only if the organism cant survive for what ever reason.
So if you are capable to intentionally abort a living organism created by you in conception, you are killing your genetic material and it is your IQ which will eliminate your own offspring which is an aberration in the nature.
You must understand that if you would not posses defective IQ you would be in the harmony with your own living organism and would not interfere with it and let it to do what the organism is programed to do which is to occupy a space and consume energy other than its own and keep repeating it by carrying your genetic information which is unique in the entire universe.
Even so called identical clone is genetically different.
As you can see, I am not against abortion or homosexual marriage or other socialistic concepts which are based on defective IQ because — it eliminates defective genetic material which will destroy itself by its own inability to procreate and protect its own genetic material.
Therefore, aborting malignant living organism will safe your genetic signature in the universe, in contrast aborting your own genetic material will eliminate it for ever.
Just think of your self as a food for other more intelligent organisms to consume you because you are ultra liberal socialist idiot with a defective IQ which dictates to you to self destruct by more than one way.
That includes ability of rich people to enslave you because you are dispensable idiot who must provide the energy for them.
you tell’em stan.
Yeah Stan! That’s the finest example of gibberish I’ve heard in years! You tell ’em!
At least since last September, when I created a whole post out of a few of his censored comments….
Chances are if your parents did not have any kids (living),
You will not have any either.
“if you would not posses defective IQ you would be in the harmony with your own living organism…”
So what you are saying is that people with defective IQs and moron mongoloids will never experience the wonders of “the realm of magic”
Exactly G.F.
How could you ever experience the wonders of “the realm of magic” if you are flushing its visitors into the toilet on arrival?
That is correct comrade Vern, I am glad that you are republishing my highly intelligent presentations which will propagate via my highly protected genetic material throughout the universe and beyond.
You and rest of your ultra liberal IQ damaged socialist can flush yours into a toilet so we can restore the healthy human genetic pool again.
Eat your heart out maestro Vern, you can never create intelligence like this:
Apparently there are little to no requirements for any standards of rational commentary here. That’s fine, of course, as I dislike censorship of just about all stripes, but this stuff is pretty badly written.
“Apparently there are little to no requirements for any standards of rational commentary here.”…….. Hmmmm
Yes there is rational commentary here as you have presented fetus = cancer.
Rapscallion didn’t say “fetus = cancer”. She took on YOUR comment that killing a cell was akin to an abortion. She then asked if you thought killing a cancer cell was the same as abortion. To which you, apparently, say “yes”. Then the cuckoo bird came out.
Maybe if you read things a little more closely, it wouldn’t give rise to the gibberish you tend to spout.
So Pisscallion is she?…… or he/she? I wonder who you are anon?
“She then asked if you thought killing a cancer cell was the same as abortion.”…… why would she do that.
My statement: “Any living cell is a life and every cell lives base on its life support mechanism.” is clear and it has noting to do with an abortion.
Caveat, if you cant comprehend my posts to not read them.
This is second reply to your stupid comment because someone who was not aborted on arrival is erasing them.
Well what can you expect from damaged IQ?
Well. I’m glad I’m not the only one who is sick and tired of wading through Fiala’s boring, redundant and nonsensical rants. I know some people find him amusing, but I think he just distracts from what are generally, good back and forth discussions.
Perhaps it’s time to limit SF’s comments to three a day, that way he might want to actually use his space to communicate rational and relevant thoughts.
Editorial response
Comrade Vern Nelson is vicariously liable for the Blsheviks, idiots and moron mongoloids who post under names: ANONSTER, ANON and RAPSCALLION in the http://www.orangejuiceblog.com
As long as Nelson allows to let the above idiots to run the Orange Juice Blog the blog will suck.
FYI idiots, I am one step ahead of you because I am sovereign and have my own free speech blog since 2002.
So go ahead make my day….. time is on my side.
Hey Fiala, if you have your own blog and if you think me, anon and Rapscallion are causing the OJ to “suck”, then WHY DON’T YOU STAY AT YOUR BLOG?
You are “sovereign” over a big NOTHIN’, woo-hoo!
Don’t tell him that, anonster.
It is a fine blog, Stan. And you should be putting more work into it. I promise to check it out soon.
You’re right, Vern (as usual).
I’m sorry Stanley, I shouldn’t have dissed your blog, but you should take Vern’s advice and work really, really, really, REALLY hard on making it a big, no, HUGE suckcess.
Good luck.
What a fun stroll down memory lane, just stopped by to pick up this fact;
“Many, many Planned Parenthood health centers DON’T PERFORM ABORTIONS.
In LA county, only 8 out of 21 clinics even offer abortion services.”
Should come in handy with PP being in the news and all the right-wingers out there lyin’ their asses off.