“Orange County Fair Board members have raised the price of attending and doing business at the summer fair, although they have yet to cut back on hundreds of thousands of dollars in free concert tickets, catered meals and complimentary fair passes,” according to the O.C. Register.
This is intolerable! The unethical greedy O.C. Fair Board Members have ripped off taxpayers for years, taking concert tickets and even gourmet food at our expense.
The Register previously reported “that board members were taking the best seats in the house for concerts by Fergie, Bob Dylan and other major acts. By policy, each board member receives 26 tickets per concert, each worth $20 and $90. Board members also receive 10 passes to a VIP dinner, where meals such as steak and lobster are served.”
You can find out which O.C. politicians took the free tickets at this link. Both Scott Baugh, the OC GOP Chairman, and Frank Barbaro, the chairman of the DPOC (Democratic Party of Orange County) are on the list. Red County editor Matt “Jubal” Cunningham also admitted to taking O.C. Fair concert tickets.
Supposedly the higher ticket prices and higher fees for food vendors will pay for new construction. That might be true, but the O.C. Fair concerts have lost money for years. I won’t be happy until the O.C. Fair Board limits free tickets for board members to two each. Anything more than that is outrageous and not fair to taxpayers.
It is obvious that the current O.C. Fair Board is not going to make any drastic changes, unless the state forces them to. As consumers we are left with once choice – we must boycott the O.C. Fair this year. If enough of us boycott the Fair the financial losses will force the O.C. Fair Board to take note. We may finally see some of the current greedy Board members resign and go away.
So this year please boycott the O.C. Fair and be sure to tell your friends, neighbors and coworkers to also boycott the Fair. They don’t deserve our money. Send a message to the O.C. Fair Board and stay away, far away, from the O.C. Fair.
So how much will our Orange Juice booth cost this year? 😛
Geez Art that seems a bit “un” fair. Pigs need love too. They don’t know they are going to become hams, hamhocks, pigsfeet, or porkchops.
Those that know say pigs are smarter than dogs and how much do we love our dogs? Why make the 4 legged pigs suffer because the 2 legged pigs rip off the county. Let’s just indict the 2 legged kind instead and let our 4 legged friends enjoy their last hurrah!
If I don’t usually go can I still boycott?
Deb Carona made off with over 1,100 tickets.
I’m boycotting.
Its an attitude of corruption. Public service has gone by the wayside, and has been replaced with, “gotta get mine”. What a shameful state of a-fair-s.
Well oink, oink. I haven’t gone to the fair for many years because I didn’t enjoy it. This year, I won’t attend as a matter of principle.
I just want to see the list of people who accept free concert tickets and a list of those who line up at the trough for a free meal. Thank you, Art, for publishing the list and keeping this issue in front of the public. The best alternative to stopping the freebies is publishing the names of all the pigs.
This boycott to Orange County Fair is beyond stupid. Maybe that’s why people say “Mexican are…” How can you boycott the city of Costa Mesa and the Fair particularly while many and many of the workers there are hispanic and even illegal if I may add. Who do you intend to destroy here, “rich white supremacy” or poor low waged illegal? What a joke!!! I have yet been to the OC Fair and I do like to see the boycott to make a BIG impact, just to see many more illegals lose jobs and go back to wherever they came from.
And let me paint a little color to this article. Is the writer trying to avoid the fact the he/she promotes boycott OC Fair purely to the fact that the city passed a motion to declare Costa Mesa is a city of law and the city’s councils are supporting Arizona new immigration law. Am I speaking the truth or not?
Jesus, what’s wrong with you Patrick? This article is from two years ago. Ya dillwad.