By Joe Sipowicz
The Orange County Association of Cities is an organization of repuglicans who just can’t stand the thought of big, authoritarian government unless they are milking it for all it’s worth. So it is fitting indeed that this operation should employ former Fullerton City Councilman and State legislator, Dick Ackerman, to teach its members how you “manage” a lynch-type mob (us). Such management presumably means deception, flattery, cajoling, bamboozlement, and ultimately doing nothing.
The choice of Ackerman cannot have been accidental, for he is one of the biggest enemies of government transparency in the State. You may remember some of our posts on Dickie Boy…
Read the rest of “How To Manage A Lynch-type Mob”
“Deception, flattery, cajoling, bamboozlement, and ultimately doing nothing.”
Ain’t that the truth, and how many times have we activists seen that from officials. Tricky Dick should be quite a tutor in those fields.