Measure G wants white voters’s money but not their votes

Measure G Whiteout

The Santa Ana Unified School District’s fraudulent tax increase, Measure G, is not picking up steam as we near election day. Their campaign has become so desperate that they have whipped out the race card with their latest mailer, which is entirely in Spanish and features only Latino politicians. Gone is the picture of Mark McLoughlin, the Irish campaign co-chair. Gone is the picture of SAUSD Trustee Audrey Noji.

Instead the mailer features Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez; State Senator Lou Correa; Assemblyman Jose Solorio; Rancho Santiago Community College District Trustee Al Amezcua; and all the crooked Santa Ana Clowncil Members.

This reminds me of Santa Ana Clowncil Member Carlos “Space Commander” Bustamante’s failed supervisorial campaign. His Democratic opponent, Tom Umberg, spent a fortune mailing out hit pieces telling Santa Ana voters that Bustamante was a Bush Republican. And Bustamante responded by delivering and mailing campaign literature in Spanish that tried to make him look like just another paisano. The voters didn’t buy it. Bustamante got his a** kicked by the winner, Supervisor Janet Nguyen.

I am also reminded of Santa Ana Clowncil Member Claudia Alvarez’ campaign against Umberg for the State Assembly. She distributed campaign signs that said “She’s One of Us” in Spanish. The resulting backlash from voters who were PO’d about that sunk Alvarez’ battleship.

When will these lame politicians ever learn? Playing with racial political messages is like playing with firecrackers, sooner or later you are going to get burned.

I am also told that the Measure G campaign has been walking neighborhoods dropping fliers only on Democratic household doorsteps. The problem is that Supervisor Janet Nguyen has run a massive get out the vote campaign targeting the Republican voters that Measure G doesn’t want at the polls.

Don’t be surprised if Measure G tanks tomorrow.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.