America’s nightmare is finally over and we can close the books on the Clintons. “Hillary Rodham Clinton ended her historic campaign for the presidency on Saturday and told supporters to unite behind rival Barack Obama, closing out a race that was as grueling as it was groundbreaking,” according to the Sacramento Bee.
We can only hope and pray that Hillary WON’T be Obama’s running mate. As I have stated before, if he makes her his vice presidential running mate I will vote for Libertarian Bob Barr instead.
Hopefully the Democrats will realize what a complete disaster they avoided and bid a not too fond adios to Hillary and her pervy husband Bill. May we never have to contend with either one of them again…
Hillary just couldn’t leave it alone. She couldn’t just say: “This has been an historic campaign for Barack Obama, Blacks and Women in America and the world – as well as The Democratic Party. We now will all come together to take back the White House in November!”
But NO….Hillary had to use the “Gender Card”…”I would have won if there wasn’t a glass ceiling for women!”
The Clinton’s just never know when to leave the stage! In the meantime, Hillary in four months
has made her record in politics from 35 years to
40! Still embellishing, still making excuses!
I’ll bet Bill loves that picture.
Actually I miss Bill Clinton and felt we were better off when he was President. He really was the cure for the blues. I thought he got a raw deal right from the start.
I voted for Hillary Clinton but have since learned about Barack Obama and look forward to helping him get elected and implement his vision.
McCane is more of the same old b.s.
Hillary did not say 40 years, she said 4 decades-she is in that 4th decade. Next time, maybe she’ll explain math to you. If you did not think that sexism reared its ugly head in this race then you are sorely mistaken. Oh, I forgot, you are one of the biggest misogynist to ever blog the Internet!
Well if it’s an Obama/Clinton ticket and you vote for Bob Barr, all that does is siphon a vote away from McCain and help the supposed Obama/Clinton ticket get elected.
Don’t you ever stop to think before you write?
I am not a Republican – and I don’t believe in rewarding ineptitude. The GOP deserves to lose the White House, for more reasons than I care to list here.
That said, I will NEVER vote for any ticket that has a Clinton on it.
Well then if it’s a Obama/Clinton ticket, isn’t the more logical and meaningful move to vote for nobody? Voting for Bob Barr is simply a vote for the Obama/Clinto ticket you fear.
I’m sorry – did I miss something? As far as I know Obama has NOT selected Hillary as his running mate. I don’t expect him to either.
Hillary is DONE and so is Bill. Thank God. Clinton fatigue has set in for most of us. Now we can enjoy Obama’s race to the White House.
LOL…well if he hasn’t selected her yet (which we already knew) then why this post in the first place? And why write this;
“We can only hope and pray that Hillary WON’T be Obama’s running mate. As I have stated before, if he makes her his vice presidential running mate I will vote for Libertarian Bob Barr instead.”
NOW would you care to retract that vote for Bob Barr IF he selects her?
everyone KNOWS this woman is hoping obama loses so she can yell out I TOLD YOU SO . im not sure we have seen the last of this ego maniac . obama is a far left socialist that we cant have in white house we will all be broke if he gets in . mcain is no bargain either but is the far less of the two evils clinton/obama.
Free Bumper Sticker: Obama ’08You can get one sticker for free. Or for a donation of $5 or more, we’ll send you a pack of 10 stickers, and for a donation of $25 or more we’ll send you a pack of 100 stickers—then you can give them away to your friends to take our message even further.
Art –
I love the Clintons. Sorry, I’m a proud Clintonite. Who can honestly argue that we weren’t better off with Bill in office?
That said, I’m still glad she finally dropped out. The timing was spot-on. I too doubt Hillary will be named Obama’s running mate and I’m still holding out for Bill Richardson. Trust me, though, she’ll be back.
Art is spot on ….on this issue! But, Hillary is still keeping her “dedicated delegates” just in case Obama falters. “Suspending” her campaign allows her to keep collecting money to pay off her debts. The $20 million she needs now that she had endorsed Obama…will take plenty of time. She will probably still owe $15 million by the time of the Convention in Denver on August 28th!
We will be going with Obama unless he picks Hillary, Bloomberg or Schumer as his running mate. In that event, we will have to opt for Ralph Nader rather than Bob Barr who is an inconsistent Conservative to be sure…along with have personal problems like Bill Clinton.
*Sorry, our first post response got lost in cyber land….
R&A –
It has been reported that Obama may pay off the whole of Clinton’s debt. If she’s officially ‘suspended’ her campaign, either this was a rumor or something that fell through.
My suspicion is that it was a buyout to keep her from making noise about wanting to be VP, but if she’s declined the money, she may actually have a better shot at it than many, including myself, initially predicted. Time will tell, but I still like Richardson.
Oh come on! This whole Clinton VP thing is typical Fox News/Admin Talking Heads repeating an emotional trigger over and over. No one could seriously consider one candidate to become the other’s running mate unless they could deliver the votes needed to win and frankly she’ll deliver all the votes she can with or without the VP offer.
Besides I see Hillary more in the Justice Department, kinda like Bobby Kennedy. (Now that has to send a shiver up a few spines.)
Justice? Why? Wouldn’t she be more qualified for either the State or Defense Department?
Why the venom Art?
Richardson? Ya gotta be kidding me! Why? Sorry but I came out of the womb asking WHY?
Marselle –
Please read this:
‘Smart Money’s on Richardson’
Art. Hate to break it to you but Hillary is still a Senator and will be for the next 4 years. You don’t like Bill? He had a higher approval rating when he left office than Reagan had. They left the nation better than they found it which is more than I can say for W
Um, I hate to break it to you but Bill and Hillary have utterly pissed off most African American voters. Bill’s vaunted approval rating is now in the toilet. Although I’ll grant you that it is still higher than GW’s rating.
And yes, they did leave the nation better off, but that is why Obama is going to get elected in November, unless he makes the mistake of ruining the Dem ticket by putting Hillary on it.
As for Hillary, she will return to the Senate, but even the pundits are saying that she is now damaged goods. The campaign brought out the worst in her and it was not pretty. I do think however that she has a shot at running for Governor. Maybe Rudy G. will run too. That would be quite a battle.
Can’t help it. I was a Republican for most of my life. The Clintons brought shame on the White House. They were just awful. Think about how they left the White House. Pardoning criminals in exchange for donations to the Clinton Trailer Park Presidential Library. What a joke. I am so happy to see Hillary finished. I will be pleased to vote for Obama in November if he doesn’t put her on the ticket…
What’s up with “pervy” applied to Bill Clinton and Gavin Newsom (recently)… because they had affairs – something we may or may not approve of, but how is it “perverted?” Sounds like a remnant of your wingnut past. I mean, I only ask because you seem to hold Bob Barr in high regard and he did the exact same things. No more “pervy” from you OK!? Unless someone gets caught in bed with a kid, animal, or corpse.
Art. I am from New York. You are not. Hillary will keep her seat as long as she wants to. Perhaps you missed the whole party uniting speech she gave today followed by warm remarks from Senator Obama.
LOL! I truly doubt anything Hillary said was heartfelt. That speech was negotiated and scripted. I can only hope that Obama did not promise to make her the VP or to put her on the Supreme Court.
My guess is she will stay in New York and run for Governor. If the people of that state are stupid enough to keep voting for her, perhaps the feds ought to check what is in their drinking water?
Art –
I wasn’t aware you were a fly on the wall when Hillary met w/Barry last Friday. You constantly surprise me and that’s not such a bad thing. Nonetheless your endless trashing of Sen. Clinton does not wipe away what all pundits agree on – whoever makes it to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave needs the white woman vote; the woman who is not college educated. Obama knows he’s in trouble with this voting block and knows damn well they could easily vote for McCain. What I find utterly fascinating is that a man, as usual, is depending on a woman to help pull him up. And, Hillary will. She will rise.
Hey, but what do I know. I’ll let Maya Angelou,
one of this country’s greatest treasures say what’s on my mind and millions of those white women Mc Cain and Obama need to court.
You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I”ll rise.
This is not the first time you have seen Hillary Clinton seemingly at her wits end,
but she has always risen, always risen,
much to the dismay of her adversaries and the delight of her friends.
Hillary Clinton will not give up on you and all she asks of you is that you do not give up on her.
There is a world of difference between being a woman and being an old female. If you’re born a girl, grow up, and live long enough, you can become an old female. But, to become a woman is a serious matter. A woman takes responsibility for the time she takes up and the space she occupies. Hillary Clinton is a woman. She has been there and done that and has still risen.
She is in this race for the long haul. She intends to make a difference in our country. She is the prayer of every woman and man who long for fair play, healthy families, good schools, and a balanced economy.
She declares she wants to see more smiles in the families, more courtesies between men and women, more honesty in the marketplace.
Hillary Clinton intends to help our country to what it can become. She means to rise.
She means to help our country rise.
Don’t give up on her, ever. In fact, if you help her to rise, you will rise with her and help her make this country a wonderful, wonderful place where every man and every woman can live freely without sanctimonious piety, without crippling fear.
Rise Hillary. Rise
Oh, she will rise, again and again. Get used to it Art.
Sounds like the soccer mom vote – which Bush got back in the day before we knew what a pendejo he is.
No question though. Obama will get the “Sex and the City” vote. But yes he needs some help with the other woman voters. What he doesn’t need is Hillary to drag his ticket down.
Just watch. Hillary will not be on the ticket. In fact I am so sure she won’t be on the ticket that I will offer you a wager. If she IS on the ticket I will go ahead and vote for Obama anyway. However if she is NOT on the ticket you have to come back here and write a new poem about how done Hillary is…
While we surely hear and see Hillary Clinton in the news where is Rev Jesse Louis Jackson Sr? The silence is deafening!
You all know his name. He was a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1984 and 1988. Perhaps I have missed some of the talking heads and pundits in the past six months but he is nowhere to be found on either progressive or conservative talk radio or network and cable TV.
Hey, no negativity….don’t you people see Reverend Al Sharpton doing his commercial with Reverend Pat Robertson? Let’s hold hands and sing Kumbaya…..and snort one, have a joint, tell an old sex conquest story, retrace our steps at Woodstock, march a mile without a bra, hold a pea between our legs for 20 minutes and then vote for a Hillary and Bill “Could be” Presidential Libary and Trailer Park! YUK! Not too attractive
a future..doing much with Hillary. It is so bad,
(how bad is it?)…that Rudy G…doesn’t even have the heart to run against Hillary for Gov. As
we call all see…(Elliott Spitzer included..) anyone can be NY Governor! We want Hillary to stay in the Senate until they 2 generations from now, they think her maiden name was “Robert Byrd”!
I have one thing to say Art:
“We’re all wearing the blue dress now”.
Sure Clinton fucked up. He nailed the intern, thats the first time that happened right GW 41?
For all they’re faults the Clintons overswaw a pretty good time in Americe, If you as as old (or young) as I suspect, It is unarguably the best economic time of your life.
Unless of course you bought Unacal in August of 2000.
As for my quote, abuse af power is a terrible thing. Taking advantage of the public who elected you is imoral and unforgettable. But, this exploitation takes place on several levels, one isd F*&%ing your secratary, the other might be lying to engage in a war that kills four thousand of your countrymen, a hundred thousand from the victim country. All the while enriching others who privately support you. Remember, there were over 5,000 Amry cooks during Desert Storm. The current War engages fewer than 100. Marriot employs those, under contract of course from KBR.
Be careful who you hate, they may actually be your friend.
HRC is the best pick for VP in the sense that she shares the same ideas as BO. However, I doubt she would want the number two position. And, for that matter, I will be surprised if he chooses any powerful and outspoken person for a historically (politics as usual) under-the-radar position.
Just let go. Adios amigo.
Mary –
I agree. I sense Obama has a real struggle with strong and powerful women.
Whatever Art may feel, Hillary came out a much better politician than when she entered this contest. She’s courageous; tenacious; and the one person I would want on my side in any battle.
Many women relate to Hill because her story is not much different than most women. The media’s cry for Hillary to step aside before June 3 is all too familiar.