“The California Citizens Compensation Commission is scheduled Tuesday to consider a proposal by its chairman to cut elected officials’ salaries by 10 percent to help deal with a $15.2 billion state budget deficit.” according to the San Francisco Chronicle.
As one might expect, the legislators are opposing the pay cut, for the most part, as it won’t apply to all the legislators – only to those starting new terms.
Here’s the rub. “In most cases, those salaries are the highest in the nation for state elected officials, according to a survey prepared for the commission.”
So our overpaid state elected officials don’t want a pay cut? Too bad!
What did the Democratic Legislative leaders have to say about this?
“Speaker Karen Bass, D-Los Angeles, said the Assembly would respect whatever decision the commission makes, but added that Assembly members had already cut their own budget 10 percent.”
“But Jim Evans, a spokesman for Sen. Darrell Steinberg, the Sacramento Democrat who is scheduled to become the Senate’s top leader later this year, said a proposal to cut some legislators’ salaries but not others “would seem to violate an equal-pay-for-equal-work standard and would be seen as inherently unfair.”
(Note: Bass and Steinberg are pictured above. Photo by the Sacramento Bee).
Nice. Californians are suffering from high gas prices, high unemployment, and the crash of the real estate market, not to mention the Bush Depression, but the Democratic legislative leaders don’t want our state elected officials to take a pay cut. Remember this in November! Don’t vote for ANY incumbents! Let’s punish the lot of them and be sure to vote only for legislative challengers. Perhaps then our overpaid incumbents will get the message.
And salaries in this state are also among the highest in the nation for many, many other professions as well. That doesn’t necessarily mean that these people are “overpaid”. California is one of the most expensive states to live in, in case you hadn’t noticed. I make more money here than I would in many other states but I certainly don’t think I’m “overpaid”.
That said, a freeze in salary hikes for state elected officials certainly would be a smart step..albeit symbolic.
We do not need a full time legislature – it is a charade in order to justify a full time salary and per diem. I would favor relaxing term limits coupled with a move to part time. Probably won’t happen in my lifetime.
Hi, Jim Evans here with Sen. Steinberg. Neither Speaker Bass nor my boss made any comment on whether lawmakers should get pay cuts or not. Its the commission’s decision and everyone respects that. Sen. Steinberg will of course abide by whatever the commission decides and the Speaker said the same in the story. My comment in the story only speaks to the possibility that some lawmakers will have their pay cut while others will not. Have a nice Sunday.
Thanks for the clarification. I need to research how these commissioners get appointed, who they are and when they are up for reappointment. If they fail to reduce these salaries these commissioners need to get replace.
Thanks for reading the Orange Juice!
Nowhere do you take into consideration that California is by far the largest state and economy. The executive and legislative salaries may seem high to some and perhaps are excessive when the perquisites and benefits are figured in.
On the other hand, the payment is far less than that of thousands of business executives and lawyers (not to mention scientists, entertainers, engineers, educators and others) in our state. Perhaps a higher pay scale might attract a higher caliber of legislators and leaders and get more and better work from them. Perhaps even a truly balanced, responsible, on-time budget from the legislature someday?
Personally, I think it would make sense, as in business, to pay a few thousands more if it could provide better management by those responsible for billions of our dollars (a big if?).
This is not a recommendation, just some food for thought.
Many government and political reforms are needed and worthwhile to move us more toward the effective responsive representatives we should all want (and that only some areas are fortunate enough to have).
A more informed and involved electorate is the most important. I appreciate the OJ Blog and its writers and readers for their efforts toward that goal.
While everyone is being asked to “do more with less”, I believe it is time to consider a 10% cut in the number of assembly and senate districts. If one would consider the pay they and then add all the support costs that go along with each district I believe California could save millions! Some people may say that this will lead to less representation but when was the last time anyone felt that they were represented? In todays world, with the use of computers, fewer leader should be able to “do more with less”.
Remember-three short years ago, Jackie Spier and Co. in Sacramento voted themselves a 30% pay increase while telling the rest of Californians they needed to share the pain (of budgetary shortfalls). Vote ’em out, and let them know that the double-standard in government is over!
How about they take more than 10%?
I’m pretty sure they could live comfortably on a 30% pay cut and that would save the state a SIGNIFICANT amount of money… and while we’re at it how about their lucrative retirement?
While it’s fashionable to blame our legislators, let us not forget, WE the people are partially responsible for the fiscal mess were in! The citizens of our, primarily liberal state, vote in favor of almost EVERY bond act that crosses our path!