Embattled Chicano Activist Carlos Montes Speaks in Anaheim Tuesday Sept. 27


Brown Beret co-founder and tireless Chicano, human, and immigrant rights activists Carlos Montes will speak tonight in Anaheim starting at 7 p.m. on his experience with an FBI/SWAT raid earlier this year and the resulting charges against him at the Unitarian Universalist Church on the corner of Broadway and Harbor (sandwiched between the Library and the Police station.) The action was definitely politically motivated and supporters have steadfastly demanded that charges be dropped. Montes had been one of the 2008 RNC protest organizers and is one of 23 other anti-war activists who are facing similar legal situations. There’s been some media coverage of the ordeal, but the majority of it has left much to be desired.

Author, journalist and Truthdig columnist Chris Hedges, however, doesn’t beat around the bush nor mince words in his writings. His article and take on the scenario focused on the national implications of authorities targeting  the Chicano activist. For starters Hedges writes in his typical to-the-point tone:

On May 17 at 5 in the morning the Chicano activist Carlos Montes got a wake-up call at his home in California from Barack Obama’s security state. The Los Angeles County sheriff’s SWAT team, armed with assault rifles and wearing bulletproof vests, as well as being accompanied by FBI agents, kicked down his door, burst into his house with their weapons drawn, handcuffed him in his pajamas and hauled him off to jail

In calling the resulting felony charges against the longtime activist a cautionary tale of the security state, Hedges, whose books include The Death of the Liberal Class, pens that “There is little daylight now between raiding a home in the middle of the night in Iraq and raiding one in Alhambra, Calif.” Indeed, empires are known by history to collapse upon the bankruptcy of their formal democratic institutions when imperial repression abroad becomes commonplace domestically.

For Chicanos, undocumented immigrants, African-American and Indigenous peoples, this has always been the case, however, for they comprise the internally colonized of the nation. Recognizing that, Hedges continues, “Poor urban neighborhoods, which bear the brunt of the estimated 40,000 SWAT team assaults that take place every year, have already learned what is only dimly being understood by the rest of us—in the eyes of the state we are increasingly no longer citizens with constitutional rights but enemy combatants.”

To read the in-depth interview with Montes by Chris Hedges’ into the raid and the legal mess that has ensued check out the article on Truthdig: http://tinyurl.com/5vvuh7g

For info see on tonight’s event, visit http://www.uuchurchoc.org/ or call (949) 257 – 8501. The UUCA is located at 511 N. Harbor Blvd in Anaheim.

About Gabriel San Roman