Maybe it already has if you count the NYPD using pepper spray on unarmed protestors wondering why their hard earned money (and ours) has been stolen from the likes of J.P. Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Wells Fargo and Citigroup thanks to our own elected officials that voted for TARP in 2008 (for the record, it was signed into law by President George W. Bush). But who really gives a rat’s ass when Chaz Bono is shaking his ass on “Dancing With the Stars.” To which begs the question, where’s the real outrage? It’s all about the children, right?
Is Anonymous going about this protest and occupation in the wrong way? One could argue that Anonymous and the Wall Street protestors should do a 180 degree turn in their approach and emulate the dissent tactics of Russell Means, Dennis Banks and the American Indian Movement for the purpose of sending a more effective and powerful message to the rest of the country and world. The message being that we, the American taxpayer, will no longer lay silent while our goverment is playing the role of the anti-Robin Hood with our tax dollars. In other words, stealing from us and giving our money to the likes of Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Citigroup and JP Morgan Chase so that their CEOs can get paid their exorbiant executive bonuses.
Would an armed siege by ordinary citizens on Wall Street be the real watershed event of the 21st century that would capture the attention of the power elites in the corporate, political and media circles? One could argue that the probability of such an event happening on Wall Street in the next 20 years is inevitable.

Two real radicals: Russell Means and Dennis Banks
How so, you ask? Let’s take a look at the similarities between the Lakota Sioux and the American taxpayer. Both the Lakota Sioux and American taxpayer have had their civil liberties and freedoms stripped away from them in piecemeal over a period of time via enactment of various forms of government legislation. Whether the legislation is called the PATRIOT ACT or the Indian Removal Act, people will eventually reach their boiling point once they pushed into a corner and feel that their freedoms are being trampled on. And just like a rattlesnake, they will coil and strike at their aggressor in order to defend themselves and their loved ones from harm.
For the last several years, we have been duped by slick talking politicians from the political duopoly who claim to our best interests in mind. People who claim that they know what to do with our money and give it to feed the poor and rebuild the infrastructure of other nations. People who use our money to line the pockets of bank executives while our infrastructure crumbles and our people become unemployed and are left to die. We’ve been told to be that shining city on a hill, to read someone’s lips, to believe in a place called hope, to be a uniter not a divider and to know that this time around if you vote for me, I will bring you “change we can believe in.” And lest I forget, we are told that corporations are people too.
Yet, these same empty suits say one thing and do something that is contrary to their rhetoric. The Internet bloggers and television talking heads write up their faux outrage while sheepishly apologizing for their favored people that enable this crap to fester one vote at a time. They do this so that they don’t give the appearance that they are disloyal to the whims and wishes of the power elites that control the state. Or perhaps they do this to hide the guilt that they have for actions that they continue to enable because someone has a D or R next to their name. When will they realize that we are all mere pawns being played in the same game? In other words, there is no Left or Right paradigm.
Mahatma Gandhi once said, “(a)mong the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest.” We have already gone down that slippery slope one piece of legislation at a time as we have traded liberty and freedom for so called “security and safety.” Because our government really cares about us or “the children,” right? Or maybe we need to fit that square peg in a round hole once again because we thought it worked in the 1960s or whatever year it was that the geriatrics who want to relive their glory days and abilities to maintain erections or orgasms. And with these protests, what real change is going to occur? As Einstein once said, insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. The last 30 years of US foreign, domestic and economic policy has shown us that nothing has really changed no matter how much we “peacefully protest.”
Vern Nelson had a recent blog post titled “Fuck 9/11.” Needless to say, I share the same sentiments and am sick of being played as a pawn in the corporate duopoly’s game of maintaining an unsustainable military empire here and abroad. An unsustainable energy policy that pollutes and ravages our environment. An unsustainable monetary and economic policy that favors granting taxpayer dollars to failing multi-billion dollar corporations. An unsustainable political duopoly that says that they are for the people but goes to the highest bidder. A draconian and unsustainable drug policy that has created an oppressive police and surveillance state and a 21st century version of slave labor working in a prison industrial complex run by corporatist interests. We’ve become so unsustainable that we’re beyond “too big to fail.”
Maybe it is time to advocate the unspeakable and unthinkable on Wall Street to send a clear and authoritative message. Because the old way sure as hell isn’t waking anyone up at this juncture. Russell Means and Dennis Banks had the Federal government at their mercy in 1973 in a small town in South Dakota. Can the Wall Street protestors finish the job that they started 38 years ago?
Grab your popcorn. This could be very exciting.
One might guess that the whole 911 thing was pre-text so that any protest/revolt, armed or unarmed against Wall Street could be physically crushed by the Police State Corp. Just wait until the economy heads further south. Fun Times.
Interesting observation,
When I was saying same 2002 many were laughing that I am crazy, they still do and will till walking into the concentration camp in high desert which is ready to receive the inmates.
Some time in the morning look at the sky and see chemtrails then ask yourself why are they there.
You are right, yet so wrong GF and if you lucky the only time will tel which is which.
OccupyLA and other like-minded actions springing forth from Wall Street protests are leaderless and non-violent. And that’s how it should stay. And that’s all I’ll say.
We can do with out leaders as long as more than one in a thousand give a sh*t.
In which case the one in a thousand who gives a shit is by the definition a leader.
USA constitution provides for the government by the representation, by the people for the people, not by leadership.
It is liberal left which created this leadership bullshit.
So now the negro Obama is a leader who creates jobs.
Until then the business was creating jobs but liberal left abolished the business so we must work for the government only.
Oh, great:
You’re going to be harder to ignore than Mighty Quinn, but I’ll try.
anarchists, by definition, would not have a leader
“anarchists, by definition, would not have a leader”……. Hmmmm
Wrong!…. Junior you too are pushing limits of your IQ
anarchists, by definition, do have a leader:
an·arch (²n“ärk”) n. An adherent of anarchy or a leader practicing it. [Back-formation from anarchy.]
No, junior’s right today.
How so?
I is clear that you are both pushing limits of your IQs and are mixing anarchy with chaos.
Nelson, Mater Dei graduate.
Please look up
ANARCHY with leader ANARCH
Bot are organized institutions.
Anarchy (from Greek: ἀναρχίᾱ anarchíā, “without ruler”) may refer to any of several political states, and has been variously defined by sources. Most often, the term “anarchy” describes the simple absence of publicly recognized government or enforced political authority.[1][2] When used in this sense, anarchy may[3] or may not[4] imply political disorder or lawlessness within a society. In another sense, anarchy may not refer to a complete lack of authority or political organization, but instead refer to a social state characterized by libertarianism, or a lack of a state or ruler.[4]
Anarch 9 up, 3 down
::Anarch:: ::anarch::
Anarch is a self-given title, the analogue of a Monarch -but as a self-ruled, (“self-mastered”) individual free- will… also conferred as a description of one so self-possessed and intent to define themselves Unruled… {-Perhap not even by/for themselves, -in the Zen way: rather as mastering the enslaving aspects of all exerted intention and control; thus by ‘mediating’ rather than ‘governing’ one’s ‘Fate’. The Destiny of Free Will.} {{Personally, i highly recommend such methods as “the Eightfold Way” path of the chakra-yogas, best partially in modern dialect & jargon.}}
Also,: 1: “Master of Chaos” (ie: “, of-:2”); or 2: “an anarchic state or event, (of indulgence and decadent disorder, or-) of unrestrained revelry &-or riotous rampage”; -these usually used disparagingly.
:: A paraphrase of biblical latin in Genesis, for “In the beginning was the Word!”, rendered {by the addition of the first ‘AN’ in ‘an@rche’,} as “In the before-the-beginning was the Logos!”
= An Anarch Mantra, with permutations of meaning, some typical of semiotic Solopsists & gnomic Gnostics.
{{{Not to confuse the Anarch with the paranoid’s mock-godhead: an Anarch does not an Avatar make; a particle is not it’s wave’s envelope, only the interferrance-crossection of it’s superposition standing- (improbability) wave}}}
Will you be quiet now? You’re only proving that me and junior are right about this.
“You’re only proving that me and junior are right about this”…… Hmmmmm
So you need prove it to yourselves?
Are you having dream again or taste for beer?
As far as I can tell you both understand only community leadership.
However, you are both totally dullard about the individualism because you both believe that self governance is anarchy and chaos which is consistent with your Santa Ana liberal socialistic education.
Go get some beer Nelson.
Should add that that classical example is Vern Nelson who is Leftist Liberal Anarch.
as a proud moron mongoloid I am happy to have Fiala as my leader
Let’s make sure the F.B. I. SWAT gets Fiala first for being outstanding leader.
Fiala you should come down Friday night and you too Vern to sing some Bohemian Rhapsody with Theo Hirsch. Fiala, I already know that he is Mongoloid. Just do it anyways for your country .
You talking tomorrow night, I mean TONIGHT, double ind? At the Santorum Building? I just might do that – shoot me an e-mail ChezVern@aol.com
You also. Mongoloid San Roman. The F.B.I. can blow us all up at the same time.
You too Junior. Don’t be so bitter.
This protest is just about to get, like, about A HUNDRED TIMES BIGGER!
1. A bunch of New York unions are joining in: http://idealab.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/09/occupy-wall-street-protests-poised-to-grow-rapidly-with-union-support.php
2. On Martin Bashir’s show today I saw hip-hop mogul Russel Simmons talking about bringing a whole rap presence and helping out with his millions, once he’s sure exactly what the protesters’ demands are.
No more sweeping this thing under the rug! I’m so proud of these kids, I wish I could be there. Hey, who’s up for an Orange Juice field trip to NYC?
I’ll bring the beer Vern. You spring for the airline tickets. Get your Union buds to do a tit for tat revolution thing. Yah Boi!
O.C. Protest/ umm Mongoloid beer bash to be held at Santora/Santorum/Sanitarium building Friday Night. Vern on the Piano. F Corporate Pig Dogs! Keep Pedroza on Short Leash. He needs Discipline (or pay check).
I would give really good odds that at most a tiny fraction of these protestors pay ANY federal income tax.
“Fiala you should come down Friday night and you too Vern to sing some Bohemian Rhapsody with Theo Hirsch.”…………. Hmmmm
Cabrone Hirsch speaks Spanish….. Me no comprende!
ALSO, “Occupy Wall Street Protests Go Global.”
The Occupy Wall Street protests, which this week received a boost from pledges of support of local unions, are expanding not only in the number of participants but in geographical scope as well: Demonstrators in Boston, Denver, Chicago, Santa Fe, Lexington, Kentucky, and now three big California cities, San Francisco, San Diego and Los Angeles, have all joined or are preparing to join the movement. A website has been set up calling for Floridians to occupy cities across the state on November 5, “Guy Fawkes Day.” In total, there have been online calls to action in over 77 cities across the United States, most of them slated to occur within the first week of October.
And the call for revolution is expanding beyond well beyond the U.S. borders: On Friday, a Twitter account for Anonymous South Africa posted a call to Occupy the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. Another website has been set up for an Occupy Manchester, UK event on October 2. It already boasts the support of the Manchester University Students Union, Manchester Metropolitan University, Education Activists Network, Manchester University Staff Against Cuts and other local labor organizations.
The Occupy Wall Street Facebook page lists planned protests in another 10 cities around the globe, including in Madrid, London and Amsterdam.
Of course, it remains to be seen just how many people attend each of these events or if they continue to grow following the model of the Occupy Wall Street protests, which began on September 17 with around 3,000 people, fell back down to 200 to 300 people for several weeks, and have in recent days attracted a much larger following.
Many of the events around the globe are being coordinated and listed by the website Occupy Together, which says that its creators were inspired by the Occupy Wall Street events and wanted to create a “hub for all of the events springing up across the country in solidarity” with the movement. As they write on the website:
“This is as grassroots as it gets. It started out with two of us, sitting around, watching the news feeds and information roll out and wanting to help in some way. Since our incarnation, we have had more volunteers begin to help with the site and overall maintenance…We are just a group of volunteers trying hard to get the most accurate and up-to-date information about these actions posted as quickly as possible.”
The Facebook page for the group boasts over 19,000 “Likes” at the time of this posting. TPM Idea Lab has reached out to the creators and will update when we receive a response.
Although Facebook and Twitter and internet relay chat have played intergal roles in spreading the word of the protests, so too have a variety of other communication channels ranging across the spectrum of technological sophistication.
Livestreaming video footage of the protests taken by protesters on the ground has been running for several weeks on the Occupy Wall Street Website and on the Livestream Global Revolution channel.
The anonymous (lower case “a”), mobile phone only Twitter-like application “Vibe,” launched before the protests in August by Hazem Sayed has really taken off with the Occupy Wall Street protesters because you can anonymously share your updates with only those nearby you geographically, and control how long your post remains online, as BetaBeat points out.
Talking Points Memo on Facebook
Zayed also attended the Occupy Wall Street protests himself to see his app in action, telling The New York Daily News: “The Internet, when it started, had this promise of anonymity…That’s largely lost because almost everything is now connected to Facebook or Twitter – even magazines and newspapers and websites use that as a mechanism to sign-in in order to leave comments.”
And in a merging of technologies old and new, infamous poignant prankster duo “The Yes Men,” previously best-known for posing as representatives from such companies as ExxonMobil and government agencies including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to critique their actions, launched a project on Kickstarter to raise money to publish an Occupy Wall Street Journal newspaper.
The print-run is set for 50,000 copies for its inaugural issue. At the time of this posting, the project has already surpassed its requested $12,000 donations goal by about $5,000, and there are still nine days left to donate to the project.
With all of this activity, the movement seems to be on the verge of actually fulfilling the protesters wildest dreams of getting 20,000 people to protest in front of Wall Street and expand across the U.S. Occupy Wall Street was initiated by Canadian magazine Adbusters in July and received its first big online boost from the hacktivist group Anonymous in August.
Sad little group of spoiled brats exemplifiying everything gone wrong today. Get satisfaction out of an honest day’s work and you won’t feel the need to scream insanely into the wind.
I like it!
Same as the Arab Spring, this protest is organized by the Luminaries to solidify their global control.
*There is little doubt that the Bernie Madoff team jerseys are still being worn by numerous International Bankers, Investment Banks, Hedge Fund Managers and the like! When Republicans have nothing but praise for these folks and refuse to ask for a higher tax rate on their bonus structure, salaries and perks……well, Protest Can Happen and rightly so!
Eventually, Rick Perry, Sarah Palin and even some Democrats will finally have to say:
“Well, with present Real Estate values continuing to fall to 1995 values, little or no new construction except for “Shoval Ready Government Projects”, no new Tech jobs created in the US, no new manufacturing jobs created in the US, no new ideas on Healthcare…..maybe the Republicans…should just phone it in for 2012. Let President Obama get re-elected and suffer through another 4 years of “NO Nothing Politics”. They are all a bunch of “Whigs” without any powder to keep the bugs out!
I wish to reframe my perspectives: There is discussion now about the ‘leaderless’ mic check method of the general assemblies and how people of color, people with disabilities are heard (or better stated, not being heard).
Interestingly enough, the usage of the word “Occupy” on stolen land has also become an issue. The question “Is wounded knee coming to wall street?” then takes on a different context – read this indigenous perspective http://mzzainal-straten.blogspot.com/2011/09/open-letter-to-occupy-wall-street.html
And what’s with the Guy Fawkes masks? Is reactionary Catholicism back in style or what?
man that is some great weed you are smoking to connedct Wounded Knee to Wall Street.
As this protest continues, I thought that you might enjoy some “on the street” interviews:
Last week, Occupy Wall Street, the movement attempting to shine a light on corporate excess and greed, was joined by United Airlines pilots, Metropolitan Transit Authority workers, and Michael Moore. What do you think?
Finally, something to do in the Financial District after 6 p.m.
Paul Bowles
Systems Analyst
I assume you’re stopping me because you saw my great protest sign and now you want to ask me how I got the glitter to stay on the poster board without falling off. I’ll never tell you my secrets.
Lauren James
I don’t think the protests will accomplish much unless they have signs. Wait, do they have signs?!
David Green