By Joe Sipowicz
There’s a new filing in the Officer Rincon sexual assault case, and it’s not looking good for the city.
Federal Judge Andrew Guilford turned down the City’s request to throw out the case, and he offered his pointed thoughts on the Fullerton Police Department’s policy of ignoring officer misdeeds:
The Judge chastised the city for “tacit authorization” of Rincon’s despicable behavior.
Read the rest of “Federal Judge “Shocked” by Fullerton’s Handling of FPD Sex Assaults”
City taxes going up to pay for this?
This can only happen thanks to protection of these officers by police union.
Since there are no right wing, conservative or KKK unions you can directly blame Left liberals aka progressives aka intellectuals for all brutality in sheriff, police and correctional departments of the USA.
That is why leftist Nelson objected when I and Michelle Quinn sown what garbage the Mexicans are. So look again you leftist liberal brutalist psychopath.
Protection of the officers by the police union — or three council members and the police (and other city) management?
So how does this racial/ethnic generalization thing work, anyway? I want to know what atrocities committed by others makes you and yours “garbage.”
So Fullerton COPs and liberal leftist union posted Ramos’ 1M bail.
Now I am waiting which moron mongoloid here will claim that not all COPs are bad.
How many good COPs and good leftist liberal unions would help 2 degree murderer to get out of jail….. Huh.
Please do not gave me that crapola of being innocent until proven guilty because that does not apply to bail.
Unions are evil terrorist organizations and so are their left liberal members.
You’ve reached Mighty Quinn levels of self-refutation.
Oh, and “not all cops are bad.”
I have friends that are detectives and a friend who is a cop….Not all police officers are bad, like not all people are bad, there are just a lot of very bad people out getting away with bad deeds because the world has become more progressive liberal!
And, like I said before, “Unions are corrupt and will do anything to keep any scumbag on the payroll because of their dues”: bad cops, teachers, federal employee’s!
The police and fire unions support and back republicans in this county. It is perplexing and puzzling to say the least. One would wonder why republicans back police and fire unions as the republicans are the cut, cut, cut party. The police and fire departments consume two thirds of local budgets and are therefore the first to be cut.
Federal Judge Andrew Guilford has clearly and diligently detailed the lack of decency and diligence by the Fullerton police department and current majority of city council members. The failure to follow policies and the retention of police officers who have committed crimes will ultimately cost the citizens of Fullerton dearly in civil case judgments to victims.
The Fullerton police department needs to follow policies to protect citizens, terminate police officers for misconduct and demonstrate transparency to regain the public trust.