[from “BadLipReading.com“]
“Rick Perry WILL be our next President.”
– conservative Orange Juice blogger Geoff Willis, 9-9-11.
“Rick Perry WILL be our next President.”
– conservative Orange Juice blogger Geoff Willis, 9-9-11.
He is still slightly better looking than W, and probably not buddies with the Bin Ladins.
That is my guy! Funny!! I am working on my clueless Obama bit right now – lots of material.
Yeah actually the Perry video does link to the Obama video at the end.
Good luck to your guy. We Dems would rather run against the goofy Texan than the wily Romney.
New rumor is that Obama may not even run – that is why Bill Clinton has stepped up in the past few days to pave the road for Hilary . . . the next year will be interesting.
LOL. Chain e-mail? Or worldnetdaily?
I wish Texas would hurry up and secede and take their loony congressmen wih them.
Overhead anouncement at the last Repub. Presidential debate: “There is a turnup truck illegally parked in the red zone in front of the building. The owner must move it immediately or it will be towed. It has Texas plates —-“