June 23rd marks the third anniversary of the US Supreme Court Kelo decision

While the name Susette Kelo has become world famous for her fight to save her New London, CT. home, the US Supreme Court, by a vote of 5-4, made a disastrous ruling based on acknowledging that “her property was not blighted” as they supported that police action. Not giving up, and with huge legal support from the Institute for Justice, they came to a compromise that many may not be aware of. While the Kelo’s lost their property, and accepted some just compensation, the home itself was saved and moved to a new location. We can now report that her little pink house was protected from the wrecking ball as indicated by the following press release.

Larry Gilbert, member of the Castle Coalition, the “grass roots” partner of the IJ


June 23 marks the third anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s infamous decision in Kelo v. City of New London, which held that your home, business, church or farm can be seized just because someone else (presumably with more money and political power!) thinks they can generate more tax dollars with your land.  While this decision opened the floodgates of abuse, it also sparked an unprecedented property rights backlash that continues to resonate nationwide. 

Join Susette Kelo, her Fort Trumbull neighbors and the Institute for Justice at a ribbon-cutting ceremony at the new location of the little pink house that started it all.

Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony
Saturday, June 21
1pm – 3pm
36 Franklin Street
New London, CT

Remarks at 1:30pm by Susette, IJ Senior Attorneys Scott Bullock and Dana Berliner, and community members involved in the heroic fight to stop eminent domain abuse not only in New London, but also across the country.  Refreshments will be provided.

Please RSVP to Melanie Hildreth at mhildreth@ij.org or (703) 682-9320 ext. 222.

We hope to see you there!  Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.


Christina Walsh
Castle Coalition Coordinator
Institute for Justice
901 N. Glebe Road, Suite 900
Arlington, VA  22203
(703) 682-9320

P.S. HELP THE CASTLE COALITION GROW!  Forward this message to your friends.  They can sign-up here: http://www.castlecoalition.org/join/index.html.

About Larry Gilbert