Our little Occupy rally outside the Democratic Party of Orange County’s 2011 Truman Dinner fundraiser was pretty successful and fun! Remember, it was not officially sanctioned by Occupy Orange County who rightly insist on remaining non-political and non-partisan, but was intended by renegade Occupy members to put some steel in the spine of the Democrats when that Party purports to stand up for the 99% of us, and remind them that there is a big mass movement outside their door, that they’ll need to either ignore at their peril or embrace. From now on.
And most of the OC Democrats who drove by our rally seemed quite receptive to that message, except for a few old fuddy-duddies who looked utterly confused, and one or two who flipped us off probably thinking we were Teabaggers…
First, your Very Humble Orange Juice Bloggers who masterminded this:
OJ Editor Vern Nelson. (2008 Democratic Volunteer of the Year, and renegade Occupier.)
OJ Blogger Greg “Encino” Diamond, who was also able to afford to attend the Dinner. (Which was a sold-out, great success, I hear.)
Marselle the Choctaw Sister gets right to the point, with her Dylan Ratigan-inspired “Get Money Out” sign
A young Santa Ana artist known only as “Matt” shares his message for the Democratic Party.
For those of you who think we have no concrete suggestions, Yenny has one – directed at the California Democrats and Governor in attendance.
Santa Ana artist and musician Theo Hirsch goes with the “ghetto” look.
Cannabis activist Nicole’s sign, very appropriate for the Occupy movement, is based on a Ghandi quote – but much more effective and menacing with the Guy Fawkes pic.
Union stalwart John Grace sports signs from PDA (Progressive Democrats of America.)
Marselle exchanges peace sign with former legislator Joe Dunn.
Nice work comrade! I hear the Occupy OC peeps are looking for an experienced blogger, have you jumped on that yet?
I don’t know, I’m sure they have a hundred people who could do that as well as me … but if they ask…
Irvine is gonna be big this weekend, little sister! See you there…
Small turnout equals fail. Are you seriously hyping Theo Hirsch, the guy with a blog that has a photoshopped photo of him anally raping Jesus Christ? He is a disgrace
Not hypin’ anybody, and Theo can put whatever he wants on his blog. And this was about as big as I thought it would be given that I dreamed it up the day before. Thanks for reading, sourpuss.
Ewww. For the record, I’m not down with anal rape of any kind, including of deities. But that just goes to show the breadth of the movement: my sign and his sign managed to avoid fighting.
Camarillo is going to be so pleased that you called me “Encino.” But I guess it’s a small price to pay to hear the comments he’s going to post here….
Until we reform our political process and get the money out, we’ll never have fair elections.
Great signage and photos, Vern!!!! Yes!!! You guys are kickin’ every arse!!!!!! (eve’body listenin’?!!!!!) Keep on!!!! Love and peace and sensemaking, they’re all in the air!!!
So, how many people in this occupy group Tues. night? Looks to me like maybe 10, total?
Yeah. And?
If you need numbers to impress you, turn on your TV Saturday. Or if you’re in Irvine, look out your window.
Who is the red head…..I know! lol
No, I am quite sure you don’t know Marselle.
No and as far as I am concerened. Just trying to get a measure of things.
I don’t think Theo anally raped Jesus Christ. I think it was with consent.
I don’t want to get all hoity-toity and sniff about how that’s offensive to Christians, so I’ll just say this: fairness and taste aside, that is some of the worst political outreach that I’ve seen this year. It’s not that hard to give at least basic respect to other people’s religious beliefs, so long as those beliefs don’t involve repressing others. There’s no payoff in making the persecution complexes of the Christian Right seem justified.
As long as Theo doesn’t bring that particular photoshop to Occupy events – I had a hard time finding it on the internet myself – I don’t see why you’re so concerned about it.
Who even brought it up here? Some hater from the fringes of the Liberal OC that’s trying to discredit the movement. Let’s not help them with that.
(To refresh memories, Theo first became famous/notorious in the OC blogosphere when he loudly stuck up for Claudia Alvarez in the Hitler/Irv Chase controversy. That caused Pedroza to briefly “hype” him, which of course led Liberal OC types to search through his blogs for ways to discredit him, just because he was associated with Claudia and Art. Sure he’s done some crazy shit as an artist, but everyone is welcome in the Occupy movement.)
I can’t tell the players in the OC blogosphere without a scorecard. It’s worse when they are pseudonymous. The digging up of dirt hereabouts is especially nasty.
Nevertheless, once the dirt is dug, I think that some things call for public rejection. I’m not saying that he can’t do it or that he is barred from the movement (as if I have the ability to do that.) I just reserve my own right to publicly and personally reject it. In my opinion, that isn’t repressive.
I’d think that, as a provocative artist, he’d appreciate knowing that someone thought that his work crossed a line. Isn’t that part of the point?
Vern, don’t you have more tricks up your sleeve this week?
Yes. And remember those nice Irvine detectives, how closely they read this blog? Hi, Officer Brannon!
Theo is pretty fugly.
And Michael Moore is fat.
With big carbon footprint.
Doesn’t this sort of attack strike you as cowardly?