Politico.com has put up an interesting post about this year’s presidential race. “Historians belonging to both parties offered a litany of historical comparisons that give little hope to the Republican. Several saw Barack Obama’s prospects as the most promising for a Democrat since Roosevelt trounced Hoover in 1932,” according to Politico.com.
Wow! That does not bode well for McCain. One historian gave “McCain a score on par with Jimmy Carter’s in 1980.” Not good.
Think about it. Gasoline went up from just over a dollar to almost five dollars a gallon under Bush. Voters are going to figure that things won’t be getting any better under McCain, who looks to be the next Bush.
I think the voters are going to vote for change – and McCain just won’t cut it. This could also mean that the Democrats will make huge gains in the U.S. Congress. There are going to be a lot of Republicans out of work in D.C. by next January. Maybe they can flee to Mexico and look for work there?
still way yo early to pick who is gonna win . another obama/wright fiasco and good night now . congress maybe ??. if Mcain wants to win he should go after obama on the gas drilling . the public wants us to start drilling and produce gas here . but the democrats in congress wont let them . point that out the pelosi led party has a lower approval rating than bush .
I agree its too early to pick the winner but its never too early to bet on a winner. I’m betting on Obama.
By the way, I’m reading his book and its really good. I like his take on things. You should check it out, I’d like to hear your thoughts on his observations.
He already is I believe.
From Associated Press
June 16, 2008 4:00 PM EDT
ARLINGTON, Va. – Sen. John McCain said Monday the federal moratorium on offshore oil and gas drilling should be lifted, and individual states given the right to pursue energy exploration in waters near their own coasts.
And BTW don’t count out old guys, they get that way far a reason…
carl if he sticks to that platform he can win . obama is against that and people are sick and tired as we head towards 5 bucks a gallon ..
Oh, Great one,
The tactic of trying to blame the Dems or lack of drilling in ANWR for the gas prices is already in place as a Republican strategy (also see earlier Larry Gilbert post on this blog blaming climate change concerns for oil/gas prices and blaming that as a vast conspiracy including the Democratic party and the United Nations and the global scientific).
The talking points have been created and are already being distributed through talk radio and other media. Problems are that your party has been in charge of the entire Federal government most of the past 7 years and that the oil companies have thousands of U.S. oil leases with proven and accessible reserves that they haven’t bothered developing.
In fact, if you chart the number of domestic oil leases given to the oil companies it tracks/charts to the price of oil/gas very well. The more we tell them they can drill (give away to them) the higher the price goes. You might say cause and effect are reversed in that statement. Nevertheless, they are not developing the existing leases and have no incentive to do so. Why would the oil companies want to increase supply or refinery capacity when it would only result in lower prices and reduced profits?
You are also conflating a very low approval rating for Congress with one for the Democratic Party – not the same as much as you wish it was.
i dont trust the oil industry either . its a combo of both . we are all getting ripped off . so please if someone has a better idea . i am all ears ..
” One historian gave “McCain a score on par with Jimmy Carter’s in 1980.””
Inetersting, since voting for Obama is much like voting for Jimmy Carter’s second term.
Historians are supposed to be experts on the past not the future…I wouldn’t place bets on either party at this point, but then I am more fiscally conservative, especially since it’s my money, than either party is with our money.
Sure, we are going to believe the GOP, the Iraq war was supposed to bring down oil prices. Ha.
But four-and-a-half years ago, on the eve of the second Gulf war, officials working for the second Bush administration seemed to go much further by talking not just about stability but about economic Gain. President Bush’s own economic adviser, Larry Lindsey, told “The Washington Times” that invading Iraq and gaining access to Iraqi oil would be a huge boost. Quote, “Under every plausible scenario, the negative effect will be quite small relative to the economic benefits that would come from a successful prosecution of the war. The key issue is oil, and a regime change in Iraq would facilitate an increase in world oil.”