“GOP presidential candidate John McCain has endorsed the November ballot measure to ban same-sex marriage in California,” according to the Sacramento Bee.
While this news is not a surprise, I was shocked to find out that Barack Obama also opposes gay marriage. What’s up with that? I am dismayed by this.
Obama has not made a decision to back the anti gay marriage ballot measure. He is on the record as saying that states should decide what to do with gay marriage.
Is America ready for a president who supports gay marriage? I thought so. I guess Obama and the Democrats disagree. How very disappointing. As for McCain, this is just one more reason not to vote for him.
Will McCain’s move to support this measure help him in California? Maybe. According to an L.A. Times poll, “Overall, it was leading 54% to 35% among registered voters. But because ballot measures on controversial topics often lose support during the course of a campaign, strategists typically want to start out well above the 50% support level.”
So the poll results are inconclusive. Let’s just say that those of us who are against this measure have our work cut out for us. If these poll numbers prevail, Obama might lose some votes to McCain but I don’t see any way that McCain can win California. It just seems inconceivable.
From what I just heard on Fox Sunday Morning, Bob Barr thinks the States should decide for themselves as well.
“Is America ready for a president who supports gay marriage? ”
As a whole- No. America as a whole is not yet ready. Tolerance takes time to take root. Gays and Lesbians have shouldered bigotry for decades and the decision to stop discrimination is going to be done region by region, state by state.
Obama is wise to let the states decide. Change and tolerance comes in increments.
Wanting to ban gay marriage is the least of McCain’s woes. He’s going to get his butt handed to him in the debates. The differences between McCain and Obama are huge and they will be apparent when the two men go head to head.
Here is a Utube video in which Senator Obama states his positions on two tough issues: Abortion and gay rights:
There are nearly 600 comments left by readers. I think this one kind of sums up the intolerance and fear that is out there when it comes to these deeply personal, individual rights issues:
jdsin809 said – I pray to God that Obama doesn’t become our next president. He’s ignorant and speaks for the devil!
One more reason not to support Janet Nguyen would’nt you say Art? She is opposed to gay marriage too just like McCain.
Considering that you wished SMS a Happy Father’s Day, you’re hardly one to talk about this issue. If anything YOU need to take some GLBT sensitivity classes!
That does not address the issue that Janet does not support Gay Marriage Art. Nice try to deflect the issue. And by t6he way SMS does’nt support Gay Marriage based no her religious views. But Im willing to guess that she may take that position to stir up controversy since she is a trans gendered.
Keep digging Paul. By now the hole you have dug for yourself is halfway to China.
Janet is NOT anti gay, although like MOST Republicans she does not apparently support gay marriage. Why you expect her to differ from the vast majority of her party on these issues is beyond me.
But I will say this about Janet – she treats EVERYONE with respect. Unlike you. Besides going after SMS with regards to her gender you also went after my family in an atrocious comment that has been matched previously only by the likes of Stanley Fiala.
There you have it Paul. You have sunk so low that now you and Fiala are thinking alike. Congratulations on hitting rock bottom! Do they have something like AA for politicians who have permanently stuck their feet in their mouth?
Hey Paul –
It’s been MONTHS and you STILL don’t get my position on this? I’m for the equality of the unions of ALL people sans the CONCEPT of marriage. Seriously: what’s WRONG with you?
And Bob Barr is right. This is most certainly a state issue.
janet is not anti gay kind of like the same argument when art puts all illegals as immigrants .