Republican Adam Aleman, who was working as an Assistant Assessor in San Bernardino County, was arrested for six felonies related to conducting political work while he should have been working on county business.
Aleman was a blogger for the Flash Report. I found Aleman’s profile on the Flash Report. He was listed as “the San Bernardino County correspondent” for the Flash Report. His Flash Report profile included a brief bio regarding Aleman’s history in the San Bernardino GOP:
Adam currently serves as Assistant Assessor to San Bernardino County Assessor and former GOP Chair Bill Postmus. Formerly, Aleman served his local Party as Executive Director, a position he held for over two years. This past election cycle, Aleman took a hiatus as Executive Director to serve as Campaign Manager for San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors Chairman Bill Postmus’ successful bid for County Assessor, defeating an entrenched 12-year incumbent.
And here is a line about Aleman that Fleischman is surely regretting now:
Largely as a result of Aleman’s assistance, several San Bernardino County cities now have working Republican majorities.
I bet the San Bernardino Democratic Party is going to have a field day with this story!
This must be deja vu for Fleischman, who worked for disgraced and indicted former O.C. Sheriff Mike Carona.
Aleman also, I am told, used to blog for Red County San Bernardino. I am guessing that gig is over with too.
“The arrest stems from charges of presenting false evidence to a county Grand Jury and destroying public records. Aleman is being charged with 6 felonies in total. The Grand Jury concluding that many of the hires, including Aleman, “lacked experience or training directly associated with assessor work,” according to an online news source.
What a surprise! Unqualified Republican hacks getting political jobs. I’m sure that NEVER happens here in Orange County. Yeah right.
Aleman is only 25. And he is DONE. Will this mess bring down other machine Republicans in San Bernardino? One can only hope. Will the media try to find out if he was blogging on county time? I hope so! It would be great to drag the Flash Report and Red County into this disaster. The irony is that we all figured Fleischman was blogging on county time back when he worked for Carona. Do they never learn?
Ah, the exhuberance of youth. The recently deceased Bob Battin, County Supervisor circa 1970 who was prosecuted for using county resources on his campaign for Lt. Governor, could have taught this young zealot a thing or two. Need to keep in mind though, this person has neither pled guilty nor gone to judgement by a jury of his peers.
What a shame. He’s so cute!
newsflash = democratic blogger arrested some where in california . i bet the reps are gonna have a field day with this one . i think art we could have found one but than again you only go after republicans ..
I thought this was “theORANGEjuice” blog…not thedatejuiceblog
themethlabcenteroftheworldjuice blog
thesmogcenteroftheworld blog
themostbudweiserdrinkingwifebeaterwearingtruckdrivingchainsmokingcountyintheworld blog
Why cant we be lucky and have San Berdo burn up so we can start anew there?
This NoHypocrites guy is funny. Hey, take it easy on my pal Larry though!
Well, if we suffer a big enough earthquake the 909 will be the new “Surf City!” Then those red-faced Reeps will REALLY be intolerable!
the only earthquake we need if we get one is in S.F. THEY ARE NOT FROM CALIFORNIA . they are from another planet with their wacko leader gavin …