San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom chose a bad week to announce his run for Governor, as a story blew up about his city covering up for youthful drug dealers who are immigrants, after several of them broke out of a half-way home in San Bernardino that SF city officials had sent them to.
Newsom said that he is now going to change course and ask city officials to “start turning over juvenile illegal immigrants convicted of felonies to federal authorities for possible deportation,” according to the San Francisco Chronicle.
Here are a few more excerpts from the Chronicle:
Newsom said he hadn’t known until recently that the city was keeping the juvenile offenders from being deported as part of its sanctuary-city policy, but he added that “ignorance is no defense.”
“All I can say is, I can’t explain away the past,” Newsom said. “I take responsibility, I take it. We are moving in a different direction.”
Clearly Newsom and his city administrators blew it. Helping drug dealers is asinine. I think this pretty much tanks Team Newsom before the gubernatorial campaign even starts.
I doubt Newsom had much of a chance before this, anyhow.
I like the guy and I find it very refreshing to see a politician take responsibility for something going wrong. You gotta give him that. It is too bad, he has done some very wonderful things for the city.
Love the picture, by the way…
Love the photo… her face is up here! This scandal, like most, will be spun out of existence. I wouldn’t count Newsom out yet.
“OC Lib” (an old female friend of mine) likes this sexy pic and Sarah concurs; Marselle (another old liberal friend of mine) appreciated the “nice butt” on the girl with the pink gun the other day. Hey, I thought liberal womyn were supposed to be sexless ultrafeminist prudes. Note, rightwingers – NOT TRUE!
Yeah ya! Nice bosoms. 🙂
Hey! I typed my “comment” before I saw your’s Vern. WT? Oh well. Same difference I suppose.
Ok, this story confuses me alittle. What is the policy of the federal government in regards immigration and what is the policy of the local police in regards immigration?
One version of the story had the Honduran kids being recruited as mules, sent to the US, and if arrested the Feds send them back to Honduras rather than to prison after which the drug cartels send them back again as mules (which means the US just subsidized the return travel costs of the cartel.
This version doesnt mention that and only mentions that SF detaines juvenile offenders using private prison facilities in San Bernadino that apparently allowed a handful to escape. So that means that SF deals with juvenile detainees more strictly than the Feds, doesnt it?
Where is the outrage over this private prison allowing prisoners to escape? Its another example of contracting out our security and safety in order to line the pockets of some buisnessman who doesnt care about our security. Where is the owner of the prison appologizing to the public for doing such a lousy job? You wont see it though maybe he appologized to Gavin.
Once again the story is spun to paint SF and its Dems as somehow incompetent when its the Feds and the Reep pro-contracting-out policies that are to blame.