“The California Democratic Party has donated $250,000 to help termed out State Senator Don Perata pay off his legal bills, as the Senate Democratic leader continues to rack up expenses fending off an ongoing FBI corruption investigation,” according to the Sacramento Bee’s Capitol Alert.
The California Democratic Party’s Platform states that they “Insist upon fiscal common sense, responsibility, and accountability in California and Washington.” Really? How does that jive with forking over a quarter million to one of the dirtiest legislators in Sacramento?
“The Democratic Party is the single largest donor to Perata’s legal war chest, with a total of $450,000 in contributions.” Remember that when the blue party asks YOU for money!
Democrats also proposed today “billions in tax increases on businesses and high earners to help bridge California’s budget shortfall,” according to the Sacramento Bee.
Great. I’m sure raising taxes will do wonders for our economy. Not a great day for the California Democratic Party…
No wonder so many voters have quit both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.
Perata and Nunez: two reasons a lot of us Democrats voted against extending term limits…. wasn’t that just February?
hey vern and art dont be shocked by this . i agree with you guys on this one .. nunez , perata, are one of the 2 worst up there in sacramento , im glad they are going
the picture is Nunez (D) Perata (D) and Villines (R)