By Grover Cleveland

Heh, heh. Suckers!
I want to know why Dick Ackerman hates Fullerton so much. You may wonder at the question, but to me the fact that he does is inescapable.
The Dickster used to live in Fullerton many years ago, and sat on the city council. His claim to fame was excluding Democrat Molly McClanahan from the mayorship year after year.
Subsequently Ackerman has never seemed to want to let go of Fullerton, possibly because he saw the opportunity to ascend the political ladder on our backs. After getting elected to the State Assembly and then the State Senate, Fullerton was ever on his mind. When the Legislature redrew district boundaries in 2001, Ackerman’s 33rd Senate District shifted way south, which was convenient for Ackerman who had already moved to Irvine. And Fullerton made the trip south, too.

Dick's appendage..
Notice how Fullerton was gerrymandered into a district that extends into south county – virtually to the Pacific Ocean, connected by the thinnest of geographical tendons a few hundred feet wide. It would appear that Dick just couldn’t bear to be separated from his pals in the Fullerton Rotary and the long series of political clowns like F. “Dick” Jones that he helped to foist on us.
Ha-ha — that is truly … impressive. It rivals the map of the outgoing CD-42 that has attached Whittier to Mission Viejo and the State Senate district that goes from Brea to Big Tujunga. The Republicans wanted to keep these lines, right? Eeeesh.
GRRRR… Ackerman …. I suppose I need to do some follow-up after delivering my Hackerman brief to S-Kang. Probably went right into her circular file. Nothing ever takes care of itself…
Did you ever delivery my free legal advice on this to Bushala, Vern?
*Having been a resident back in the 50’s….we can say: Fullerton, Brea, La Habra, Buena Park and Anaheim should have all be included in the same district. But then,
that was the day when we only had whites and browns living there. Also, Fullerton
had 35,000 residents in those days.
Somehow; Orange, Placentia and Tustin never felt like they quite belonged to the FBLBA grouping.