
Used, abused, and tossed aside: "Thanks for the use of your ethnicity, doll! Your money's in the envelope."
Meet Lisa Chan — but if you follow politics — or if you watched the Super Bowl in the state of Michigan — you probably already have. Here’s a YouTube video containing what has become her most famous work as an actress:
This is one hard-hitting ad — and the hardest hit may have been the one aimed at Lisa Chan’s career.
Rep. Pete Hoekstra of Michigan, who is running for U.S. Senate against incumbent Democrat Debbie Stabenow, is (judging by his lack of apology) perfectly happy with the reception that this ad has received. He is, after all, running against a Tea Party candidate for the Republican nomination, and the more of a xenophobic know-nothing he can portray himself as being, the better off with the primary electorate he probably is. (The general public has been treating him a bit worse.)
I don’t know what information Ms. Chan had about the ad before agreeing to star in it. Actors sometimes aren’t given a whole lot of information; perhaps she had no idea of the prominence it would receive (and it is unlikely that she had an inkling of its likely notoriety.) And novice actors, starving for any role, end up doing all kinds of things. But this — well, to this adult with daughters both older and younger than Ms. Chan appears to be — this is pretty breathtaking.
Yes, she’s an adult. Yes, she made her own choices. But yes, yes, YES, whoever cast her in this role had to be aware of the likelihood that they were destroying her career — and possibly her stature within the Asian-American community itself. And they just … did … not … care. This was an abusive relationship between rich employer and poorer employee — and she was used, abused, and discarded. I’ve wondered from the first moment I saw this ad about how much shame she must now be feeling; it turns out that my suspicions were right.
All’s fair in love and war, I suppose, and politics has elements of both. I am just happy, as a parent of four Asian daughters and one son, that Ms. Chan has recaptured some of her dignity with this heartfelt apology. This isn’t just playing some racially stereotypical character in a third-rate direct-to-video chopsocky movie. This is aiming a blow at one’s own culture’s windpipe.
There are lots of rational objections to many of China’s actions in our world economy and out political system; there are lots of reasonable responses to it. “Let’s stoke more racism against my own people” is not among them.
What I hope that some arm of the Democratic Party will do this year is to make a short ad of the real Lisa Chan, as herself, giving her the opportunity to say how she felt she was abused and to call for greater racial understanding. It might be good politics, sure. It would be even better as a way to undo this wrong.
With her apology, Lisa Chan deserves to be forgiven. But even more than that, she deserves to be pissed.
greg what the hell did this lady do? theres no add to show what it is shes done to be so ashamed.
There, I fixed the video embed. But you really need to keep up with the news more, Paul. I thought you were into politics? MSNBC, CNN, or even FOX if that’s your thing now…
Wow, the embed wasn’t working? Weird, it was working for me.
I’m guessing you used the new, shorter embed code, which evaporates like morning dew with WordPress. There was nothing left when I looked at it. Make sure to choose, at YouTube, the “older,” longer code.
Nice vern. i saw this ad. Actually, barring the direct attacks on who ever the hell debby is, I thought she was spot on. China has taken all our manu=facturing jobs and is our nations loan shark.
“Whoever the hell Debbie Stabenow is?” Have you heard of the US Senate? Have you heard of the state of Illinois?
LOL Vern, Im not very concerned with other states so i dont really pay attention to their internal political battles. debby hasnt made much of a stink in the senate to garner the attention of much ress covergare to catch my eye. Im sorry Vern please dont bat me or send me to the corn field for not being as vigialnt and up to date as you are. :::shivering in fear::::
Senators make policy for the whole country. That’s where you and I live.
And what a lot of people found offensive wasn’t the attacks on Senator Stabenow, but the actress’ stereotyped broken English shtick.
So I assume you also get up in arms when African-Americans call each other “nigga”.
So the actress did a broken english shtick – grow a thicker skin and get over it. What you should be disturbed about is the accuracy of the message. China is taking US manufacturing jobs and they are bankrolling our debt. I personally think it’s insane to be paying anyone interest. That’s just bad business.
Up in arms? We just report, you decide!
Actually I agree with you and Paul on the China issue. But Republicans (like Hoekstra) got no ground to stand on blaming that on Democrats (like Stabenow.)
And it’s legions of other folks, including Asian Americans, that find the broken-English shtick offensive. I do have a thick skin but I’m not Asian so I withhold comment.
Your analogy to African-Americans doesn’t hold water. Ultimately, it isn’t this actress who’s responsible for that spot…it’s Pete Hoekstra and his campaign.
Actually, I don’t like it, but that’s primarily an issue for the Af-Am community. This is more like an actor playing the role of Willie Horton in a Republican ad and proclaiming how much he likes killing white men and raping white women. And by “more like,” I mean only that the candidate rather than the actor wrote the lines, the lines evoke ethnic stereotypes, and the impact is to excite race-based antagonism towards one’s group.
US-owned companies are moving factories to China (and elsewhere). You think that China should say no to that? Why? Would we? And “bankrolling our debt” is reason to hate the Chinese?
It’s nice to know that you’re against paying interest. You’re Muslim, I presume?